Reputable provider stood me up

Had been texting/pm for over 2.5 weeks to see what appeared to be a reputable provider here in Houston. Knew her screening process from her site and complied with all requests, even contacted previous providers to be able to give out phone numbers and provided screen shots of white lists referrals and list of reviews from other sites and p411 members. Wasted a lot of time. Bottom line is she waited til 830 the night of to just stop communicating and stood me up after almost 3 weeks of setup.

For you providers out there a simple NO would be appreciated, don't just stop communicating and leave a client wondering.

Understand a lot of LE action going on in Houston lately but a simple "not happening" text would be nice.
Houston whores have a tough time setting up and closing appointments because of scatterbrain issues (Houston air and water are toxic) and some simply don't give a shit. BTW, LE is right now mostly focused on the flooding and road closure problems in Houston.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Provider name usually helps in these cases
StopShort's Avatar
It won't get any traction unless you name her.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....stood me up after almost 3 weeks of setup. ..... Originally Posted by Justfuntoo
You made an appointment 3 weeks out?

Did you by chance contact her the day before .... or a couple of days before to remind her of the plans you all made? And then follow it up with another contact the "morning of" the date?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
LL, I think he worked on setting up the appointment for two and a half weeks and then made the date.
Told here when where and what time I wanted to meet to include the hotel 2.5 weeks out. Only thing missing was room number and I didn't have that. I could name her but what's the gain when she has over 50+ positive great reviews. She is highly and well reviewed so I don't really know what good naming her will do.
Only thing missing was verification and room number.
I can't verify myself...can only provide info requested. IMO She waited til day of to start verifying when I had sent her refs two weeks prior
Fancyinheels's Avatar
There should always be ongoing communication, and if a lady decides she can't or won't see a fellow, she doesn't particularly owe him a reason, but yes, at least a notification in advance if a time, date, and place have been discussed, or an apology afterward if something unexpected came up. It's just common courtesy, especially since you two had been chatting for 3 weeks! Never a good feeling, being left dangling and wondering why.

s LL asked, you DID talk to her again the day before (or of) the appointment, got a definitive "I'll be there" response? I'm still a wee bit unclear on when you two last touched base, but from what I gather, it was 8:30 the night of your risque rendezvous? That IS bad if she just dropped off the face of the earth.

I appreciate you for trying to be a gentleman, JFT, but not sure how much good nebulous threads do to prevent future occurrences of the same nature, alas.

I don't understand why a provider would wait so long to screen when she had all the info, and then cease contact, UNLESS she was in an accident, or perhaps was a victim of the hurricane and still restoring her life after disaster? That twit Harvey certainly tossed a soggy wench into many plans, and left a brain-rattling impact. Her actions, aggravating and impolite, might be understandable and perhaps forgivable under such circumstances. When was your session scheduled? If just last night and the worst happened, maybe she hasn't had time to get back to you yet?
This is his point....addressed to all providers.

No need to name her....except for the entertainment value and her "priors"

For you providers out there a simple NO would be appreciated, don't just stop communicating and leave a client wondering.

Understand a lot of LE action going on in Houston lately but a simple "not happening" text would be nice. Originally Posted by Justfuntoo
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Post her handle so the rest of us don't waste our time. If she is that reputable then she should give her side of the story.
I'm not going to name her that wasn't my point. My point was common courtesy as someone stated above. She offers Greek...that will narrow it down....if the same thing happens to you remember this thread and pm me with your story and I will confirm the name in a PM if it happens to you. I'll then chime in and jump on the public bashing. Maybe she had a legit reason but I got $300 days she doesn't. I have a good rep here on TER and Avenue-x (check for yourself...same handle)with the ladies I've visited and I'm not looking for drama with a provider. Just common courtesy.
300 says
TryWeakly's Avatar
Dont be a chickenshit, name the greek lovin "lady" .....