Question re: statistics

Chevalier's Avatar
This is really just out of idle curiosity because it obviously doesn't affect me in any significant way, but . . .

How exactly does one get credit for a "referral"?

I assumed it counts those who joined ECCIE as a result of one's use of the "Invite a Friend" screen. I send out an automated invitation; they respond to the invitation and join (as opposed to registrating without using the invitation); the system sees that it was an invitation from me; it ups my referral count by one.

But I don't recall ever doing that -- opinionated curmudgeons usually don't have friends -- yet my profile shows 7 referrals.

I see that the registration screen allows one to designate if an existing member referred him or her, so perhaps some people put usernames down when they register. (Which is fine as long as it is not interpreted as the designated person vouching for the registrant.) Is that included in the referral count?

Is there anywhere one can see a list of whom you "referred"? Not that I have a burning desire to know; just curious about the functionality.

They can also type in your handle when they register and you get credit for the referral. Get 100 and you get a candy ring and a glow in the dark bracelet... But you can get those anytime you spend a Day in the Park....

Does not count toward them getting any status or referenced or vouched. Just a nice thing.

Do not know of a place to check who you referred, I will go look...

Chevalier's Avatar
But you can get those anytime you spend a Day in the Park.... Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
Although I haven't been able to do that for, what has it been, almost three years now.

Do miss my Days in the Park.....

What great carnival rides there...