Anonymous debit card for international pharmacy (all day chemist)

cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 09-23-2015, 09:21 AM
I'm trying to place an order on alldaychemist for some performance enhancers.

I picked up a Vanilla prepaid card and loaded cash on it. It got rejected by ADC, said the card wasn't authorized for international transactions.

Is there a way to use an anonymous card to place this international order?


dynamitekid's Avatar
Vanilla Visa cards won't ever work for foreign transactions. They are for domestic use only.
From my experiences with online gambling sites: the 're-loadable' cards are more reliable.
But you should double-check the back of the packaging when you buy one...there should be some mention about being good for international use.
pre paid visa or mastercard work for me
berryberry's Avatar
AAA Visa Travelmoney card works with ADC - it is reloadable
Big Stig's Avatar
NetSpend cards work.
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 09-23-2015, 12:29 PM

Thanks, but I kind of figured that out- that's the reason I created this thread.

It seems like any AAA card will require your membership number, right? So that isn't really anonymous at all.

Stig, does NetSpend require a SSN to activate? It says online that they require a name, address, DOB, etc to identify you. Is this true, or is there no verification process?

Thanks all-I'm looking for complete anonymity