Please bring the Condoms

Well I hobby about 12 times a year.

I was surprised the last 2 times with oh pass by an pick up some condoms.

I am usually early anyway, no big deal but is this the new norm?
CG2014's Avatar
Please bring the Condoms is the new game by some of these ladies.
RufusXavier's Avatar
I don’t think it’s the new normal. About one-fourth of the time I’m asked to bring them when I’m on the way. I usually bring some anyway, so it’s no big deal. But I’m guessing some ladies are tired of keeping a full inventory that makes everyone happy, or just run out.
CG2014's Avatar
Most of the time they tell you at the last minute when you are already on the way so you will make a stop en route, show up late, and your session is cut short.

See where I am going with this?
ManSlut's Avatar
Please bring the Condoms is the new game by some of these ladies. Originally Posted by CG2014
It’s actually always been around imho...My guess is 95% of the time if it’s an incall session to her then she is with another client and she’s buying some time to get finished or get cleaned up...Rule of thumb- always, always have them with you already, then see what she says or comes up with or how long she makes you wait when you get there...This is why I don’t stop to pickup her some smokes or get her something specific to drink either, which is usually what follows.

Edit: She can also be running late to get to her incall and if you beat her there you may see she has a pimp/driver.
CG2014's Avatar
I always have several on me and if I don't use them, I throw them out every month and replace them with new ones.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
If she requires guys to bring condoms that tells me she more about "quantity over quality"
Sweet Dreamy Holly's Avatar
[QUOTE=ManSlut;1060727108]This is why I don’t stop to pickup her some smokes or get her something specific to drink either, which is usually what follows.

I actually require all new clients to do this, smokes for example, for a legit and very legal reason. One which I will not openly discuss on this forum. I always let it be known that I will explain why I require this in person but never over the phone. But my rule is if you can't do this to appease me I can not see you. **If anyone wants to know why I do this I'll discuss it privately**

However to the whole grab condoms thing. I believe as a provider we should be prepared. I have never, EVER asked one of my guys to stop and grab condoms. But that's just me.
CG2014's Avatar

I actually require all new clients to do this, smokes for example, for a legit and very legal reason. One which I will not openly discuss on this forum. Originally Posted by Sweet Dreamy Holly
You like to enslave men and make them subservient to you?

Is this a feminist thing?

Would you like them to bring you tampons and panty shields too?

Do you reimburse them in cash for the smokes and drinks they bring you or do you deduct it from the roses for the session or do you extend them extra time in the session?

If you don't reimburse them in any way shape or form, do you do it just because you like to take advantage of them while at the same time get something for free because you know the guys not going to be the first to say "You owe me X dollars for the smokes or the drinks"?
DallasRain's Avatar
a good provider is like a good boy scout....always prepared!
I have all my toys in a cute decorated basket along with condoms by the bed
Sweet Dreamy Holly's Avatar
No Sir I'm not one to be in the business of screwing people over. I do it for safety reasons. I sent you a PM to explain this further. But your rudeness is not necessary. Thank you.
Sweet Dreamy Holly's Avatar
a good provider is like a good boy scout....always prepared!
I have all my toys in a cute decorated basket along with condoms by the bed Originally Posted by DallasRain
Yaassss Dallas Exactly!!! Always be prepared!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
lol when I travel I carry a manilla envelope with condoms packed full for spare...I order them on amazon in large bulks
Sweet Dreamy Holly's Avatar
lol when I travel I carry a manilla envelope with condoms packed full for spare...I order them on amazon in large bulks Originally Posted by DallasRain
But Dallas that's not as fun as going to Walmart and buying a 30 pk of regular size ones, and the largest box of magnums and a bottle of lube. Then taking them to the register and their eyes getting big AF as they silently ring them up. I look at them and say hey, it's gonna be a long night, wink, pay and leave while laughing my ass off.
I think that of you have a particular size or brand.. U should bring them. ESPECIALLY since your the one wearing it. Lol. Of course ladies should have them but nothing wrong with supplying your own.