The US has been voted as the most significant threat to world peace in a survey across 68 different countries.

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The US has been voted as the most significant threat to world peace in a survey across 68 different countries. Anti-American sentiment was not only recorded in antagonistic countries, but also in many allied NATO partners like Turkey and Greece.

A global survey conducted by the Worldwide Independent Network and Gallup at the end of 2013 revealed strong animosity towards the US’s role as the world’s policeman. Citizens across over 60 nations were asked: “Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?”

The US topped the list, with 24 percent of people believing America to be the biggest danger to peace. Pakistan came second, with 8 percent of the vote and was closely followed by China with 6 percent. Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea came in joint fourth place with 5 percent of the vote.

The threat from the US was rated most highly in the Middle East and North Africa, those areas most recently affected by American military intervention. Moreover, the survey showed that even Americans regard their country as a potential threat with 13 percent of them voting the US could disrupt global status quo.

Latin America expressed mixed feelings towards its northerly neighbor, with Peru, Brazil and Argentina all flagging the US as the most dangerous country.

After its numerous threats of a strike on Iran, many countries voted Israel was the biggest threat to prosperity. Morocco, Lebanon and Iraq all chose Israel as the number one danger to world peace.

In the survey participants were also asked: “If there were no barriers to living in any country of the world, which country would you like to live in?” Despite being the perceived largest threat to world peace, the US still topped the tables by a narrow margin of 9 percent.

In general 2013 saw a drop in approval ratings for the Obama Administration. A poll conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research revealed that 50 percent of those asked thought that the political system in the US needed a “complete overhaul.”

In addition, 70 percent of Americans believe the government lacks the ability to make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014.”

The survey comes two months after the first government shutdown in 17 years in the US which cost the country an estimated $10 billion.

The American government’s credibility was dealt a blow earlier this year when President Obama made a call to strike Syria following a suspected chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government on civilians. The American public and the international community both opposed the action.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For those of you who don't believe the US is tough enough on its enemies, bends over for the smaller countries, licks the boots of dictators and Muslim theocracies, maybe you ought to take a look outside of our own little bubble.

According to a new survey conducted by BBC News, the US is considered the biggest thread to peace in the world today. Three times moreso than Pakistan, four times moreso than China and nearly five times moreso than Iran and North Korea.

BTW -- this survey was conducted by the WIN/Gallup International! I know some of you fellas have heard of them.

Here's the summary of this section of the poll:
"More bad, but not entirely surprising, news for the US. The world's sometimes eager, sometimes reluctant policeman is the subject of widespread animosity. Predictable in some areas (the Middle East and North Africa) but less so in others. Eastern Europe's 32% figure may be heavily influenced by Russia and Ukraine, but across most of Western Europe there are also lots of figures in the high teens.

"In the Americas themselves, decades of US meddling have left an awkward legacy. Its neighbours, Mexico (37%) and Canada (17%), clearly have issues. Even 13% of Americans see their own country as a danger. Pakistan's unenviable position as a (distant) second in the global threat stakes probably has a regional explanation - 15% of the world's population lives in its neighbour and arch-rival, India."
Before you start shitting all over the BBC, here's the link to the full survey on the WIN-Gallup International site.

Sample size was more than 66,000 in 65 countries worldwide.

I thought The Obama would bow his way into the worlds heart and bestow peace unto all men women and children. The world must be watching Best Korea Tv
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-02-2014, 06:10 PM
I think it is sad we have to mess around in everyone else's affairs. Live and let live!!
[QUOTE=gnadfly;1054784881]I thought

That was your problem....
This is no surprise.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-02-2014, 07:48 PM
I thought The Obama would bow his way into the worlds heart and bestow peace unto all men women and children. The world must be watching Best Korea Tv Originally Posted by gnadfly
Haven't you been saying that he was kissing every countries ass? Muslim countries especially!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is so confusing for these dim bulbs.
I thought Originally Posted by gnadfly
That was your problem.... Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Damn, you beat me to it!

Truth be known, we have been waiting for a very long time for Turdfly to actually have a coherent thought.

Thus far, it has not occurred.

Perhaps next year!

(Or the year after)
Well, fuck 'em.

Who has been there countless times to bail shit for brains country's out when they needed it?

This is a very good piece, kinda related, especially the one about the aircraft carrier.
That was your problem.... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Haven't you been saying that he was kissing every countries ass? Muslim countries especially! Originally Posted by WTF
Damn, you beat me to it! Originally Posted by bigtex
Oh looky! The Austin Reacharound Crew is racing to see who can finish first! Priceless!

Well, fuck 'em.

Who has been there countless times to bail shit for brains country's out when they needed it?
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Exactly, Jackie S. I'd rather be feared like Assup strolling down the gerbil aisle of the local pet store.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-02-2014, 08:46 PM

Exactly, Jackie S. I'd rather be feared like Assup strolling down the gerbil aisle of the local pet store. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So Obama is doing a good job scaring the shit out of other countries?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh looky! The Austin Reacharound Crew is racing to see who can finish first! Priceless!

Exactly, Jackie S. I'd rather be feared like Assup strolling down the gerbil aisle of the local pet store. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What a fool! Everybody knows the gerbils are kept on a shelf near the cash register..
And they say that Obamacare isn't working!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wasn't Obama going to improve our standing in the world?