Justice Thomas and conflict of interest

Politico news

ABC News

Edit: Adding another news article that speaks more at length on this:

Clarence Thomas' dangerous conceit


The Supreme Court justice argues that criticism of him is an attack on the court itself. But a single justice doesn't define the institution.

March 06, 2011|By Jonathan Turley
Louis XIV of France was infamous for his view that there was no distinction between himself and the state, allegedly proclaiming "L'État, c'est moi" ("I am the State"). That notorious merging of personality with an institution was again on display in a February speech by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas before the conservative Federalist Society.
Thomas used the friendly audience to finally address a chorus of criticism over his alleged conflicts of interest and violation of federal disclosure rules concerning his wife's income. Rather than answer these questions, however, Thomas denounced his critics as "undermining" the court and endangering the country by weakening core institutions.

In January, Common Cause released documents showing that Thomas had attended events funded by conservative billionaires David and Charles Koch. Thomas was even featured in Koch promotional material — along with Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others — for events that sought financial and political support for conservative political causes.
Worse yet, Common Cause discovered that Thomas had failed to disclose a source of income for 13 years on required federal forms. Thomas stated that his wife, Virginia, had no income, when in truth she had hundreds of thousands of dollars of income from conservative organizations, including roughly $700,000 from the Heritage Foundation between 2003 and 2007. Thomas reported "none" in answering specific questions about "spousal non-investment income" on annual forms — answers expressly made "subject to civil and criminal sanctions."
In the interests of full disclosure, I was consulted by Common Cause before the release of the Thomas documents. I found the violations regarding Virginia Thomas' income particularly alarming.
Virginia Thomas was receiving money from groups that had expressed direct interest in the outcome of cases that came before her husband, including Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, in which the court in 2010 struck down limitations on corporate contributions to elections.
A justice is expressly required by federal law to recuse himself from any case "in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned." This law specifically requires recusal when he knows that "his spouse … has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding."
The financial disclosure forms are meant to assist the public in determining conflicts of interest. Though Thomas clearly could argue that his wife's ties to these organizations were not grounds for recusal, he denied the court and the public the ability to fully evaluate those conflicts at the time. Instead, Thomas misled the public for years on the considerable wealth he and his wife were accumulating from ideological groups.
After Common Cause detailed the violations, Thomas simply wrote a brief letter to the court saying that the information was "inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions."
It is unclear how Thomas will rule in the next case in which an individual is accused of a failure to disclose on tax or other government forms. Thomas is viewed as one of the least sympathetic justices to such defenses. Indeed, last year, he joined a decision in Jerman vs. Carlisle that rejected a defense from debt collectors that their violations were due to misunderstandings of the requirements of federal law and just "bona fide errors." In rejecting the claim that such errors were not intentional, the court reminded the defendants that "we have long recognized the common maxim, familiar to all minds, that ignorance of the law will not excuse any person, either civilly or criminally."
You got to love his excuse that he misunderstood the filing instructions. C'mon he is a judge with a legal background and his job is to read and properly interpret the written word as it applies to law!
He is a Justice on the United States Supreme Court. He does not have to answer any questions, to anyone. He answers to no one.

In fact, he has no obligation to answer any questions from either the President or Congress. He is a member of the third, and equal, branch of the Government.

Except. Congress has the option of bringing charges of impeachment. Upon conviction, he would be removed from office. Other than that, he can tell them to kiss his ass.

With the Republicans in controle of the House, this is not going to happen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then you must support Justice Kagan recusing herself from the Obamacare cases, since she defended them as Solicitor General.
He is a Justice on the United States Supreme Court. He does not have to answer any questions, to anyone. He answers to no one.

In fact, he has no obligation to answer any questions from either the President or Congress. He is a member of the third, and equal, branch of the Government.

Except. Congress has the option of bringing charges of impeachment. Upon conviction, he would be removed from office. Other than that, he can tell them to kiss his ass.

With the Republicans in controle of the House, this is not going to happen. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well I disagree and he does have to answer to this. The public will demand it. Now I certainly agree with you that the majority lead (republican) congress will most likely stop anything in the way of such. That doesn't mean down the road this doesn't bite him in the ass later. Right now it is being seen as Dem's trying to attack him so as to get him to recuse himself and not give his decision on the obama health care issue. Fair enough. But later, and you bet later on once the presidential elections are over (who knows maybe before) this bugger will come up again. I feel it needs closer scrutiny and I do feel in fact it is a conflict of interest. But that is solely my opinion only. You can clearly see this is more than just his proposed decision on the health care issue. It shows conflict of interest on other cases as well.
I think all of this "recuse" stuff is a bunch of bull. A Justice does not have to recuse him, or herself, of anything. They can vote on anything, anyway they choose.

In truth, the only authority they have to answer to is Impeachment.

For years Thurgood Marshal would not even show up for cases that came before the Court that involved Capitol Punishment. He stated that it made no difference what the case was, his vote was always to vote against any form of Capitol Punishment.

Not very objective, but he had to answer to no one for his actions. Except impeachment. He had no fear of that.
anaximander's Avatar
With the former speaker of the House
as well as Senators from California, Massachusetts,
Illinois, and the Maj Ldr from Nevada all
implicated in insider trading info that earned
them collectively millions of dollars. As well
as payola legislation that raked billions.

Given that most of sheik hussein's cabinet
had tax issues including the evil money elf
geithner. This complaint rings very hollow.

Thomas and Scalia are breaking down the
Unconstitutional legacy of the Warren Court
doorjamb by doorjamb, lintel by lintel.
God willing the nation our Framers founded
will shake off the flea baggers and parasites
afflicting her at present. Let Justice flow
like water.

One of these things doesn't belong here
One of these things is not like the others
...remember the Sesame Street jingle
All of the Amendments have the commonality
of restricting, limiting, and defining the
reach and authority of the cent govt.
Except two.
IRS and Senatorial selection.
The XVI is anethemic to the very essence of the
very document itself.
The Senatorial grab just took advantage of most
people's ignorance of how to keep a cent govt
reigned in. In exchange for choosing their Senator.
Their state lost organized representation in the
Senate. It became a rubberstamp for the House.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Senatorial grab just took advantage of most
people's ignorance of how to keep a cent govt
reigned in. In exchange for choosing their Senator.
Their state lost organized representation in the
Senate. It became a rubberstamp for the House. Originally Posted by anaximander
yes, House-lite.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes, Maxi. The 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution, along with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. 1913, the year freedom died.
TexTushHog's Avatar

This is just as egregious, if not more so!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
TTH, what the hell does that have to do with Justice Thomas? Didn't your servant bring you your meds on time tonight?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Wrong link pasted. I'll find it later.
TexTushHog's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I find it interesting that the supreme Justices are exempt from the code of conduct that applies to other justices across the nation.

how did this come about?