Anyone give blood

I just gave blood at Carter, and I guess its a good thing I haven't started hobbying yet. There is a question about "hobbying" that basically asks if you participate.

Does any one give blood? are you honest about the question? do they still let you give?
You could always just not give again.
Don't let that stop you from giving. Just answer no and open up that vein. The blood is screened extensively after it leaves your body, and you'll get a call if anything is amiss.
Then why do they ask? right? Its like they are trying to guilt you?
Then why do they ask? right? Its like they are trying to guilt you? Originally Posted by Kelynt
Reduces the screening and perhaps as a barrier to possible liability -- they can always say, "Well, we asked." But an abundance of caution is the most likely answer. Same questions are asked at every plasma clinic where half or more of the "donors" engage in several of the activities that they inquire about in the questionnaire. That plasma from folks who would have been excluded if they had answered honestly is doing a lot of good for a lot of people. The reality remains that the post donation screening will pick up most (and probably all) issues.

Give. I do. It's important (as you obviously know, or you wouldn't have posted this thread).
Recognize that some STDs take an extended time to show up on a test. So, Typhoid Mary may be donating right next to you on the next table...
Been donating blood and its components for years. They do screen the donations with many more tests today than was the case in years past.
akeshi's Avatar
The same reason they ask is the same reason they ask about tattoos and piercings. It's about being cautious on their part.

However, in recent years the rules about donating after tattoos and piercings have changed! Both in part to more strict regulations in tattoo and piercing shops, but also in the quality and quantity of screening they do on the blood donations.
I give blood but I'm always safe in my extracurricular activities. I'm also tested regularly. I generally give after I've been tested and no there's no issues. My advice is to do the same.

If you aren't 100% sure then don't give and if you are then do.
akeshi's Avatar
I generally give after I've been tested and no there's no issues. Originally Posted by tyrion23
An old co-worker said he would go donate instead of going to get tested. His logic was, if he never got a phone call about his blood donation, he was in the clear.

He was also an idiot... but I think one could trust blood donations these days as how far technology has advanced in the screening process.
Any report I've seen on blood donations is that they pre-screen donors because they are backed up on blood screening. If there is ever a disaster then it's very possible that blood will be used prior to them completing testing.

I try to live by a motto of "No Regrets". People who give blood should be doing so to save lives and not put lives at risk. Be 100% sure before donating. If you aren't then you are playing russian roulette with someone else and assuming your blood will be tested appropriately before it's used on someone. What's the point then?

Getting tested isn't expensive nor does it take a long time. All responsible adults, especially in the hobby, should be doing so regularly which means that you donate blood afterwards. As Eccienewbie said this is very important and should not be taken lightly or irresponsibly.

Just my 2 cents. I'll shut up now!
Torito's Avatar
I used to donate. I had to stop for several years due to a skin cancer that is a type that can get in blood. When I started back the sex questions had been added. I was in the hobby and I answered truthfully, knowing that my blood would not be used.

My logic is that some diseases, such as HIV, may not be detectable in blood tests for several months after exposure. I felt that a person needing blood does not need a disease from my playtime.

I received several inquiries in the mail and I did not answer them. After that I did not donate again.

sroach23's Avatar
i like to give blood, not mine though.
well I am 100% sure, but if you were to say you did hobby on the questionnaire do they turn you away?
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 07-23-2012, 05:26 PM
Oh sweet Jesus...

This is the blood supply we're talking about. Please don't lie on the questionnaire. Does it say, "Have you passed a STD test since you last played with hookers?" No. Who gave you the right to make your own rules on something like this?

Some things you just can't have both ways. If you do trade money for sex you don't get to put "No" in that blank. Yes, the testing is quicker, more thorough and more accurate. But ya still gotta put "Yes" in the blank or don't give blood.

Tell the truth and they will use your donation for testing. It's still a worthy cause.