I'm In Love With A Stripper......

Hunter Biden's "love child" is with a stripper. I feels ya.


So Hunter had a affair with his dead brother's wife.
Divorced his wife.
Got kicked out of the military.
Got a job through his dad making $50K a month.
Carried on in the vip room with his salary.
Still banging his brother's wife.
Banging some stripper named Dallas.
Marry's some French film maker after 6 days.
GF stripper has baby and DNA test confirmed Hunter.

A real piece of work. Reading has had drug and whore problems for decades.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Reading the headline my first thought was "been there done that with a stripper" but holy hell, this guy doesn't seem to have any compass at all. Doesn't make him guilty of a crime but makes it likely in the minds of many that he certainly could have been involved in corruption at Burisma and any questioning of Hunter at all in a Senate trial will hurt Joe Biden.
And after all of that, It’s President Trump’s fault to want to get to the bottom of his and Daddy Joe’s bribery and extortion schemes in Ukraine.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And after all of that, It’s President Trump’s fault to want to get to the bottom of his and Daddy Joe’s bribery and extortion schemes in Ukraine. Originally Posted by Jackie S

well that's it, isn't it? no matter what Trump does, the left assails it as bad, even if it's actually good. which leaves them constantly contradicting themselves and inventing so-called controversies about nothing. and best of all, flat out lying when what Trump does produces undeniable good results.

like you said, Jackie, if Trump found a cure for cancer they'd claim he was discriminating against doctors.

the Bidens are chock full of the corruption and nepotism that the left is constantly bloviating about Trump and his family.
Reading the headline my first thought was "been there done that with a stripper" but holy hell, this guy doesn't seem to have any compass at all. Doesn't make him guilty of a crime but makes it likely in the minds of many that he certainly could have been involved in corruption at Burisma and any questioning of Hunter at all in a Senate trial will hurt Joe Biden. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You didn't read the article. He's involved in various crimes, it's just that daddy was able to use his influence to avoid convictions and jail time.

Yeah, the Biden family is who I want to hang my hat on to impeach a President. </sarc>
HoeHummer's Avatar
He’s no Don Junior, I’ll shout that from the highest rooftops.
  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2019, 05:24 AM
hh cannot find a rooftop in Mom's basement.

Usual DPST nothing but BS!
well that's it, isn't it? no matter what Trump does, the left assails it as bad, even if it's actually good. which leaves them constantly contradicting themselves and inventing so-called controversies about nothing. and best of all, flat out lying when what Trump does produces undeniable good results.

like you said, Jackie, if Trump found a cure for cancer they'd claim he was discriminating against doctors.

the Bidens are chock full of the corruption and nepotism that the left is constantly bloviating about Trump and his family. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Excellent points!
  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2019, 07:31 AM
Quite a character - and of character- is Hunter Biden
he would fit right in - needs to declare candidacy for POTUS as DPST.

has all the qualifications they want.

Perfect DPST POTUS candidate.
add the pink hair rollers and he is over the top with the LGBTQ plantation minority
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2019, 09:22 AM
So Trump holds up funds for Ukraine because of this?
Yep. It's going to be hilarious when Hunter takes the stand. What am I saying...it's already hilarious. Hunter is going to make Mueller look like a genius. Hunter is going to make WTF look like a genius.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So help me out here, boys. Trump abuses his power of office by holding back money from the Ukraine because he wants them to publicly announces that they are investigating the Biden family. But if Biden had dome something wrong, then it is not an abuse of power to hold back the money, which wasn’t his to gives?

Is that’s your DPST narrative, as Captain America calls it?

You’re soft as 10-ply TP, bud.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So help me out here, boys. Trump abuses his power of office by holding back money from the Ukraine because he wants them to publicly announces that they are investigating the Biden family. But if Biden had dome something wrong, then it is not an abuse of power to hold back the money, which wasn’t his to gives?

Is that’s your DPST narrative, as Captain America calls it?

You’re soft as 10-ply TP, bud. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if youz say so, bud.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Richey rich kids The elites ,,,,,
So help me out here, boys. Trump abuses his power of office by holding back money from the Ukraine because he wants them to publicly announces that they are investigating the Biden family. But if Biden had dome something wrong, then it is not an abuse of power to hold back the money, which wasn’t his to gives?

Is that’s your DPST narrative, as Captain America calls it?

You’re soft as 10-ply TP, bud. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Let me help you out. Get off my thread. The topic is Hunter and the Bidens. Stop hijacking.