Hobbyist who write reviews and the ones who don't

carkido45's Avatar
Is it really fair to board members who write reviews and spend there time putting in work in work contributing to ECCIE and other members can't even do one review.
Is it fair I think not. I think it's selfish.
I see a lot of guy's posting funny lil pics and posting replies but never a review and it's the same guys.
There are takers and givers which one are you?
No lame excuses put up or shut up.
I would have reviews if I had any money to go see providers, but when I do have money I will hopefully be able to write some reviews without getting flamed that bad. Some of us have been affected by the recession more than others and I personally thank those who post reviews and enable me to make a wish list for when things get better. Just sayin
I haven't seen anyone to write a review about since Black Tuesday.
Htowner's Avatar
The ones who set up this board as any other similar board understood and accepted that not all would contribute by reviews.
Some are paying for PA and if the owners didn't have that incentive, they would have probably not set this up for anyone review ,talk, clown , flame, or anything .
There is no need to label them as 'takers' . I had intervals of heavy hobbying and slowing down some. Sometimes I really wanted to say something about it and sometimes I didn't. Veriety of reasons for it. Some personal, and some otherwise.
There are different ways to contribute. No doubt without the reviews, the board would be meaningless chatter . We are getting a good bit of reviews at this time and no doubt it will get larger as the numbers grow.
Everyone of us has a long, 'short' list. Are you running out of girls?
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 01-28-2010, 10:13 PM
Well I will have to say that I have been guilty of this back on the old board, however I plan to write a review on every lady that I see now.
yngtxn's Avatar
I had 3 reviews last yr on the other board. Unfortunately i didnt copy them, now here i am with no access. I have been getting it from a special friend. But! i do need to see a new lady soon, or ATF.
Htowner's Avatar
Special friend will do. With pictures and contact info
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 01-28-2010, 10:19 PM
Hey Htown, I'm still trying to decide if I should hit 3bens for one girl, or 3bens for 3 girls and then do a review/s? Do I want to pay for a 3-hole MMA provider, or the new girl on the block? Some days I want the $1 meal, others the surf and turf.

Give it some time, some folks are having it hard on the $$ side, plus, just like in Real Estate, the true value of homes has not hit bottom or is it the other way around? The bottoms are not getting hit?

Plus if you think about it, it's like new territory or starting over for many, because their isn't the past reviews to use as a measure on a provider. It may have put a cold spell on many.
carkido45's Avatar
Without the reviews there wouldn't be anything to pay for.
Only the DH and Sofia luv affair.and a whole bunch of. Silly pics and that's not really wort much.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Back when I was really active I wrote many reviews, plus I was critical of those who didn't write any reviews. Yes, I saw them as takers. I and others would review, then get the girls some good publicity, then others would see them and not write any reviews. I saw the reviews as a win/win for everybody.

Then BT hit.

When all the stuff was going on with the closing of Wildflowers and Escape, I couldn't help but wonder if our reviews had aided LE and/or made their job easier. I mean, LE knew what was going on, however were we aiding them, also were we giving LE a figurative 'the finger' by each review we wrote.

BT gave us a giant reality check, so in this context, if a person doesn't want to write a review, that is his business, not mine.
Htowner's Avatar
Well Trnch, 3 Happy Meals will get you 18 weeks of PA as the HDH will get you 6

Seriously though , the two have to be a compliment to each other. Without reviews there is nothing to benefit from and without the paid PA there is nothing to post the reviews on.
Now there are some who don't belong to either or at least not full time and you need entertainment too.

DJ as you well know the danger has always been lurking around and will never cease. I don't know what the answer is . Some choose to take the occupational hazard and some can afford to be off the radar and we can respect both. I don't know what the solution is .
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 01-28-2010, 10:49 PM
OK, this is the way I am going to lay it out. An Ebony, a Latina, and a White Girl.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
DJ as you well know the danger has always been lurking around and will never cease. I don't know what the answer is . Some choose to take the occupational hazard and some can afford to be off the radar and we can respect both. I don't know what the solution is . Originally Posted by Htowner
There really isn't a concrete answer.

However, without reviews and hobby sites, we would be back in the days where we thought a session at The Lodge or 5806 was better then sliced bread. Without hobby boards we would be hanging out with BP girls and all the bad that goes with a lot of them.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Without the reviews there wouldn't be anything to pay for.
Only the DH and Sofia luv affair.and a whole bunch of. Silly pics and that's not really wort much. Originally Posted by carkido45
I agree in part & disagree in part. If the reviews are ALL that matter to you, then the logic holds to a point. It doesn't hold for guys that don't have the chops - or the inclination - to fantasize for society writ large. Those guys get out their wallets as it's their preferred method of participation.

But, there is an alternative view on reviews. In a nutshell, it goes a little something like this...

If you don't need them & don't read them, then don't write 'em. A discreet question asked.... or suggestion received... from a "trusted friend" carries MUCH more weight. Frankly, so does the way a lady carries herself on a board... this board or others. Both factor much more into my decisions than a fistful of reviews. The most mediocre experience I ever had in this fantasy world was with a lady who could wallpaper an in-call with fabulous reviews.

So, does that make me a "taker"? Perhaps... But I don't think so. What I do know is that in the only encounter that matters:

I give, she takes.
She gives, I take.

Don't need a review for that either. If it went well & the lady wishes, I'll vouch. If it went poorly, I won't. If it rises to the level of breaking "the code," I'm more than ready to sound the alarm. Thankfully, I've not had to do so. I'll credit part of that to good fortune & the rest to my contrarian ways.

So, to get back to your original question. What's "fair" to reviewers is the same as what's "fair" to all who journey to this happy land. Participate to whatever level is comfortable for you. Be it lurker....poster .... reviewer.... review subscriber.... or some combination thereof.
I faded off of writing reviews for many reasons.
a) For a couple of years, I was a staff member over on ASPD. Politics kinda dictated more discretion.

b) My exploring days became more infrequent, so why write review #50 on a well documented gal.

c) When I do write a review, it is because there is not much info out on a gal, I had a new experience for me, or I want to try something creative with a review.

I figure if someone is contributing something of value, then they are earning their keep. Paying for access, sharing knowledge or wisdom, writing reviews, stupidly serving on staff for free, or various posters publicly exposing their ass in their posts are all ways to provide info. Even the drama queens and WK's provide info: I learn from their posts who to avoid or minimize contact with and whose perceptions/tastes are similar to my own.

I think the lurkers are the smartest. If that day ever comes where the politicians go after the boards and their members for the sake of publicity, the lurkers are the safest.

My biggest pet peeve was "taking one for the team" and writing about it so others could avoid the same mistake and getting a bunch of "me too's" as replies! WTF! If the bad experiences had been posted, I could have avoided it in the first place!
Those are the guys that do a disservice for not "paying it back". Review boards were founded in part to alert the hobbyists of the ripoffs and the gals who gave poor service.

my 4 cents...