Does it matter to you if you're on provider

carkido45's Avatar
I'm on provider but not really worried about it I haven't really tried too see anyone here lately just not in the mood.
My ATF would see me any way but haven't really seen her again not in the mood.
I was curious though I have seen other guys put on that list that seem to be good guys you know they have never had an alert on them and have many freinds here on ECCIE
Does it hurt your hobbying?
simpleton's Avatar
you'll never hobby again. You've been blacked balled. You should announce your retirement, lay low for a few days and come back as Dear Hunter jr.
carkido45's Avatar
Naw Htowner45 would be better
ferdburf's Avatar
I got blackballed as Chris Long, but I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!

(Oops, maybe a little too soon for anyone to see the humor in that?)

How many freakin lists are there anyway? I've heard I'm on one. Theyre stupid, there's no "due process" at all, if a provider says you've transgressed, by God you've transgressed, and there's no recourse!! Isn't there someone to mediate or arbitrate these silly allegations? I hereby nominate an esteemed panel of Sofia, DearHunter and Wayward. Oh, wait, they'd all kill each other before the first hearing, never mind.
carkido45's Avatar
I got blackballed as Chris Long, but I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!

(Oops, maybe a little too soon for anyone to see the humor in that?) Originally Posted by ferdburf
No you would be chris short . Lol
Nah, it wouldn't bother me much. I've seen some of the "alertworthy" reasons hobbyists have been put on there for. Its barely a legit alert service.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Yes, it would matter to me because it meant that I somehow screwed-up. This deal isn't all that hard. You make an appointment, drop your envelope, show some respect/act like a gentleman, and hopefully, have a great time. Simple actually.

If you overstay your visit, act like a douche-munch, repeatedly push menu boundaries, frequently cancel or no-show, short the envelope, etc., then you deserve to be on there.

Now, if I was on there for some bullshit/made-up reason, it would really bother me. I've heard stories where guys get 'listed' for comments they made on a SHMB ...this is a little much and hopefully the ladies would consider the source of those types of bogus warnings.

Bottom line: don't act like an ass...or try trading perfume for appointments...or overstay your visit. Yup carkiddo, you're pretty-much fuct.

and quit looking at my dick!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I'm on provider but not really worried about it I haven't really tried too see anyone here lately just not in the mood.
My ATF would see me any way but haven't really seen her again not in the mood.
I was curious though I have seen other guys put on that list that seem to be good guys you know they have never had an alert on them and have many freinds here on ECCIE
Does it hurt your hobbying? Originally Posted by carkido45
Instead of worrying about hurting your hobbying, you might ask yourself what you are doing wrong that got you on in the first place.
carkido45's Avatar
That's a good question DJ thanks.
Um ya it matters to the providers ALOT.

Its unfortunate that you feel you were treated unfairly, my advice to you is to see if you can "fix" the problem with the provider in question.

Perhaps then she will come forward and post that you made ammends and remove you from the blacklists and if that does not work continue to be a respected hobbyist and try and gain more references maybe your atf can help with referrals.

Some women may not be so forgiving in seeing you and some may it just depends on the provider.

I am going to share a little story that happened to me and I do not care what anyone thinks because Im practically RETIRED and people either HATE me or LOVE me and in the end I dont care. I really dont I am brutally honest about this!

There was a guy that was blacklisted in fact he kinda fucked me over once...this happened 2-3 years ago.
I was furious a year went by he kept calling telling me he was sorry and wanted to make it up to me.

He begged to make it up..

Long story short we where going to do a certain kind of r*pe fantasy and he arrived the fantasy was going all wrong.
I told him if your going to play you need to play right so I told him to walk out and break in the way we discussed on the phone.

Well he left...he left allright and never came back!
Douchebag wasted a good 30 minutes of my donation either.

I was furious!

A year passes and hes calling me begging to make it up I tell him no no no fuck off.

He begged and insisted to "double" my trouble and since I am greedy and loved the power of being in control of the situation I agreed.

I told him "Ok but we get to play by my rules"

My rules where fun and there was absolutely no way he was going to get to fuck me over again...i made sure of it!

So ya I gave him another chance...and guess what?!

We had a blast.. so I went back and told some of the others he was okay and that he we made ammends that he was safe just proceed with caution.

Well the women hated on me for giving him another try..I got called every name you can imagine.

So no not all of the women are as forgiving some take this VERY seriously and even got offended that I saw him again after what he did.

80% of the women bashed me..

I agree perhaps maybe it was kinds stupid I was not desperate for $ it was a thrill to see someone like him come back and to make ammends.

Do I have any regrets ya I should have just tied him up the first time!

Its easy just be a gentleman and dont rip off, hurt, nc/ns and you can avoid being blacklisted. If you get blacklisted over difference of opinions on a forum debatem that is just stupid and any Smart provider can see that.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
He begged and insisted to "double" my trouble and since I am greedy and loved the power of being in control of the situation I agreed.

I told him "Ok but we get to play by my rules"

My rules where fun and there was absolutely no way he was going to get to fuck me over again...i made sure of it!

So ya I gave him another chance...and guess what?!

We had a blast.. so I went back and told some of the others he was okay and that he we made ammends that he was safe just proceed with caution.
Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
After you cut his balls off, did you put them in the garbage disposal or trash compactor?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I once placed a guy on provider buzz and was very detailed about what happened. A few months later a provider contacts me and says she saw my alert on provider buzz and went ahead and saw the guy and had no problems (I was thinking ... okay but why the hell are you calling me). So that just shows some ladies will still see you.
ANONONE's Avatar

How do you find out if you are on there?

How do you find out if you are on there? Originally Posted by ANONONE
Have a provider that you are friends with check for you like I did. Of course, that will only be a spot check because any provider can post what they want on those sites such as the one being discussed in this thread as well as on the National Blacklist or others like it.

The truth is not a requirement in getting yer butt on those sites.
carkido45's Avatar
Yeap I got the answers I needed.
1. The providers can lie on you
2. They will continue too see you so long as you can pay.
3 I have seen one of the providers who posted on this thread.