Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

LexusLover's Avatar
.....the nomination following a “historic peace agreement” between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

The leader also praised Mr Trump for resolving other protracted conflicts worldwide and said he has made "tremendous efforts" in brokering peace.

“For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees,” Mr Tybring-Gjedde told Fox News.

In his nomination letter to the Nobel Committee, MrTybring-Gjedde said that the Trump administration played a significant role in the establishment of relations between Israel and the UAE.

“As it is expected other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE, this agreement could be a game changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of cooperation and prosperity."
At least the nomination is based on MERIT and CHARACTER as opposed to "IDENTITY"!
Grace Preston's Avatar
If he can get Israel and Palestine to stop attacking each other-- it will be quite the accomplishment. I hope what has been started can be completed.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I can hear heads exploding.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It is something he has wanted for a long time. The peace agreement between the UAE and Israel is certainly a postive for Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
If he can get Israel and Palestine to stop attacking each other-- it will be quite the accomplishment. I hope what has been started can be completed. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
He's only been in less than 4 years. The other guy has had 50.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is something he has wanted for a long time. The peace agreement between the UAE and Israel is certainly a postive for Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It's only a positive if it holds and expands, which it seems it will. Ironically, a terrorist state moved the needle. As the saying goes: "Necessity is the Mother of Invention." Isolating Iran in the Middle East is an effective strategy. Certainly more productive than bribery.
CG2014's Avatar
President Donald J. Trump deserves it unlike the other President who was given one in 2009 for doing nothing.
LexusLover's Avatar
President Donald J. Trump deserves it unlike the other President who was given one in 2009 for doing nothing. Originally Posted by CG2014
2009 certainly watered-down the standards .... another affirmative action promotion for his wallhangings.
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 07:01 AM
President Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (report)

President Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, according to Fox News.
Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament and chairman to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, told the cable news network that she nominated Trump for his work in brokering a deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The UAE became the first Gulf Arab state to open up diplomatic ties with Israel and only the third Arab nation to do so.
“For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees,” Tybring-Gjedde told Fox News.
According to the New York Post, Tybring-Gjedde’s letter to the Nobel Committee also said other Middle Eastern countries are expected to follow in the footsteps of the UAE, potentially turning the Middle East "into a region of cooperation and prosperity.”
The deal, announced last month, halted Israeli annexation plans on occupied land sought by Palestine for their future state. Palestinians have repeatedly urged Arab governments not to normalize relations with Israel until a peace agreement establishing an independent Palestinian state is reached.
There are 318 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2020, of which 211 are individuals and 107 are organizations. The Nobel Committee does not identify nominators nor nominees until 50 years have elapsed, though Trump said last year that he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Again - the Nobel Committees are extremely secretive of their nomination and award process.

A letter nominating Trump - although a deserved nomination IMHO- does not mean he will be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

The nomination will be ignored by the LSM
- the announcement for the Peace prize is - PEACE – Friday 9 October, 11:00 CEST
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 07:02 AM
If he can get Israel and Palestine to stop attacking each other-- it will be quite the accomplishment. I hope what has been started can be completed. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

CG2014's Avatar
2009 certainly watered-down the standards .... another affirmative action promotion for his wallhangings. Originally Posted by LexusLover
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup Middle East , of course the LSM doesn't cover , Peace for now Yea I know middle east But for now
Hates Peach's Avatar
Trump can't stop winning!
Hates Peach's Avatar
If he can get Israel and Palestine to stop attacking each other-- it will be quite the accomplishment. I hope what has been started can be completed. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I think the solution to that would be to let them kill each other.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think the solution to that would be to let them kill each other. Originally Posted by Hates Peach
In the mid-later 60's I lived among some Iraqis and trained them to drive a car (none had ever driven one and most hadn't even ridden in one). We discussed Israel and Israelis.

I had in that time seen Israel AF training film of ground support running full tilt across the desert firing at large targets set up for the training. They (the Iraqis) were huffing and puffing about the Arabs were about to kick the Israeli asses. I was tasked with teaching them how to drive a car, but the Israelis already knew how to drive their tanks!

The 1967 war is history. The Israeli tanks carried an extra crew on the back and dropped them off to drive the abandoned "Arab" tanks against the Arabs while they fled across the dwindling battlefield. I don't know what happened to those guys and their families .... many were nomadic, so I assume they disappeared into the desert from where they came.

I imagine their driving lessons were not helpful at that time.

The Israelis have had the gloves on for a long time in difference to the string of U.S. Presidents who have marginally supported them with regard to any aggression against the Arabs. Trump is the first in decades. All the Arabs and the Persians KNOW THAT! The Israeli GLOVES are off.

The Israelis have the capacity to cripple Iran at the knees in a matter of days with impunity .... the Arabs want to be on the right side of that event.