Bob Woodward new book "Rage"

smokedog01's Avatar
He is going to be on 60 minutes this weekend talking about his new book with audio excerpts from the 9 hours of tapes he has from the 18 interviews with Trump from December 2019 - July 2020.

Here's Trump admitting that he played down the threat of Covid after all.

His own words. No anonymous sources.
Hates Peach's Avatar
Covid 19 is a hoax
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
to be credible, woodward needs to find the new deep throat and investigate obamagate
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump Admits Playing Down Coronavirus' Severity, According To New Woodward Book

President Trump acknowledged the deadliness of the coronavirus in early February and admitted in March to playing down the virus' severity, according to recorded interviews included in a new book by legendary reporter Bob Woodward.

"This is deadly stuff," the president told Woodward in a Feb. 7 conversation, according to the book, which is called Rage.

Later that month, Trump tweeted that the virus was "very much under control in the USA." He has also said that the virus would "disappear."

The coronavirus has been blamed for nearly 190,000 deaths in America.

190k dead.

And more than a year to go.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He is going to be on 60 minutes this weekend talking about his new book with audio excerpts from the 9 hours of tapes he has from the 18 interviews with Trump from December 2019 - July 2020.

Here's Trump admitting that he played down the threat of Covid after all.

His own words. No anonymous sources. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Trump Admits Playing Down Coronavirus' Severity, According To New Woodward Book

190k dead.

And more than a year to go. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

so when is Woodward going to write a bombshell book about Fauci?

Government health agency official: Coronavirus 'isn't something the American public need to worry about'

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said Sunday the American public shouldn’t worry about the coronavirus outbreak in China.

“It’s a very, very low risk to the United States,” Fauci said during an interview with radio show host John Catsimatidis.

“But it’s something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously... It isn’t something the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about. Because we have ways of preparing and screening of people coming in [from China]. And we have ways of responding - like we did with this one case in Seattle, Washington, who had traveled to China and brought back the infection.”
sportfisherman's Avatar
Fauci is not president.Fauci is not running for president.

Trump has Free Will to make choices and to act or not act on things.Like all of us do.

Despite whatever China did or said,despite whatever Fauci did or said,despite whatever the WHO did or said ; Trump made his assessment and did what he did ; slow,halting,inadequate.Over 200,000 deaths.

Now all this stuff in Woodward's book is not good for Trump.Cohen's book too is bad for Trump.

Trump's done.He's on the ropes getting battered.He will pull his base and that's it.Nobody in the middle is going to vote for him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fauci is not president.Fauci is not running for president.

Trump has Free Will to make choices and to act or not act on things.Like all of us do.

Despite whatever China did or said,despite whatever Fauci did or said,despite whatever the WHO did or said ; Trump made his assessment and did what he did ; slow,halting,inadequate.Over 200,000 deaths.

Now all this stuff in Woodward's book is not good for Trump.Cohen's book too is bad for Trump.

Trump's done.He's on the ropes getting battered.He will pull his base and that's it.Nobody in the middle is going to vote for him. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Fauci is a so-called expert. he downplayed it and Trump publicly downplayed it. what would you prefer Trump did? come out and say we'll all gonna die and cause a panic? you jabber incessantly about Trump's so-called lack of leadership.

would you call inciting mass hysteria over a threat that was unknown at the time leadership? you would if Clinton had, she's good at playing that "Sky is falling" thing.

Trump's going to wipe the floor with Biden when they debate. we'll see what the "middle" thinks then.
smokedog01's Avatar
You know the Trumpers have no defense when they bring up Hillary.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You know the Trumpers have no defense when they bring up Hillary. Originally Posted by smokedog01

if yous say so, Bob.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Bob Woodward - My struggle to stay relevant.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The fact of the matter is H E was not forthcoming, and lied. Biden and Fauci continually lie, as well. That doesn't make H I S lie any better.

There's no way I'm voting for a freakazoid like Biden, though. Literally anyone but Biden. I will choose not to vote if not for T R U M P. Biden is too much of a freak for me. He makes my skin crawl, no joke. Dude looks like one of the aliens from the Fire in the Sky abduction scene. Him and Harris are about as freaky as you can get. T R U M P is just a dumb fuck.
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 02:54 PM
So Sad - the racist, marxists DPST's have to bring up lies and any mis-quote they can invent to try to discredit Trump

all the while they make the election personality contest between Biden (senile - no personality except racism and drooling), and Trump.

And Hide, ignore. Obfuscate, deny the rality of the socialist disaster tht is the DPST platform for legislative enacting - soylent green new Deal, Open borders, free everything for all illegals, Abortion on demand up to crowning, Tax and spend, tax and spend, Higher taxes, confiscation of assets and wealth from american, re-distribution to DPST voters of wealth, rioting and looting by OBLM and anti-Fa, and a complete destruction of the constitution and reprsentative democracy.

DPST's will set the debate on their terms if allowed - It must not be allowed
Conservatives must bring to the forefront the socialist, marxist racist DPST Plans for 'Amerika'..

The election is about issues. . something the DPST's want to Hide!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Vote for me I'm Joe Biden

Talk about freakazoid
smokedog01's Avatar
Bob Woodward - My struggle to stay relevant.

*yawn* Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Trump thought he was relevant enough to sit down with him for eighteen one-on-one interviews. Over nine hours worth. All after the release of Woodward's 2018 book about Trump "Fear". He is the preeminent living writer on US Presidents. He certainly has no struggles with respect or relevance. At least among people that actually read.

So Sad - the racist, marxists DPST's have to bring up lies and any mis-quote they can invent to try to discredit Trump! Originally Posted by oeb11

It is all on tape, idiot.