Oh Wow...the Coronavirud Stimulus Proposal from GOP was blocked🙁

So the Senate Democrats are being ..totally fucked up.

I'm so excited 😝 to see what's in store should Sleepyjoe get nominated which we all know he will not.

It's not possible..


I hope all of you understand the importance in Voting for TRUMP.

More hobby $ and all the other goodies spoiled fucking brats deserve...jk😂😀
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So the Senate Democrats are being ..totally fucked up.

I'm so excited 😝 to see what's in store should Sleepyjoe get nominated which we all know he will not.

It's not possible..


I hope all of you understand the importance in Voting for TRUMP.

More hobby $ and all the other goodies spoiled fucking brats deserve...jk😂😀 Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA

he's already been nominated. now as to whether he'll get elected .. his odds are the same as Trump's. 50/50. 12 years ago i wouldn't have had a real problem overall if Biden had been elected. not that i would have voted for him but he was not a radical far leftist today he's an absolute danger to the US. he is the danger, not Trump. Biden has had to align himself with far left radical socialism and i'm not sure he has enough marbles left in his noggin to even realize it.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The blocked proposal didn't include any form of stimulus payment--- there was no way it would have been anything other than DOA. They knew that going in.
lustylad's Avatar
The blocked proposal didn't include any form of stimulus payment--- there was no way it would have been anything other than DOA. They knew that going in. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Really? No stimulus payments? What do you call $258 billion in PPP loans to small businesses, $300/week in extra jobless benefits to individuals, $105 bn for schools and $16 bn for covid testing? Plus repurposing of $146 bn in unspent funds from the Cares Act passed in March.

Sure looks like stimulus to me.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Don't be daft.. I'm talking about the direct stimulus payments. The thing that the Republicans were supposedly "for" a month ago. Mitch knew full well that without that in the bill-- it would automatically fail. And that... was the intent.

I have a small business. Can't get a PPP loan because my business is too new. Couldn't get an EIDL loan because I broke even last year. Those loans benefit larger businesses that fit the loopholes more than they actually benefit true small business.
lustylad's Avatar
Don't be daft.. I'm talking about the direct stimulus payments. The thing that the Republicans were supposedly "for" a month ago. Mitch knew full well that without that in the bill-- it would automatically fail. And that... was the intent.

I have a small business. Can't get a PPP loan because my business is too new. Couldn't get an EIDL loan because I broke even last year. Those loans benefit larger businesses that fit the loopholes more than they actually benefit true small business. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
If you mean another round of $1200 checks for everyone, the GOP bill didn't include that. According to today's WSJ, it isn't clear that the economy even needs more stimulus at this point:

"The Atlanta Fed's GDP-Now estimate has the economy growing in the third quarter by nearly 31% on an annual basis. There is no evidence the economy will fall off a cliff in October."

The PPP loan program was rushed out hurriedly by the SBA (Small Business Administration) last March. The rules have since been changed. Some of the funds that went to larger and/or arguably less deserving businesses were clawed back. Sorry if you didn't qualify, but plenty of small businesses were helped.
Grace Preston's Avatar
If you mean another round of $1200 checks for everyone, the GOP bill didn't include that. According to today's WSJ, it isn't clear that the economy even needs more stimulus at this point:

"The Atlanta Fed's GDP-Now estimate has the economy growing in the third quarter by nearly 31% on an annual basis. There is no evidence the economy will fall off a cliff in October."

The PPP loan program was rushed out hurriedly by the SBA (Small Business Administration) last March. The rules have since been changed. Some of the funds that went to larger and/or arguably less deserving businesses were clawed back. Sorry if you didn't qualify, but plenty of small businesses were helped. Originally Posted by lustylad

And plenty were not. Mine is one of thousands. My business certainly won't recover this year-- and will probably remain shuttered until at least the middle of next year-- assuming I'm able to reopen it at all. I can point to a ton of other folks in the same boat that I'm in. And that doesn't even take into account all the adult oriented businesses (legal ones) who were left out because the SBA cannot loan to them at all, in any capacity.

I frankly don't care about the direct checks-- I'm fine without it. However-- given the fact that before recess-- both sides were in agreement on that line item.. but worlds apart on other things-- it seems funny that they would leave that part out and then act surprised when it got batted down. Hence why I said-- that's intentional. They're honestly trying to avoid passing any further legislation on this before November.. and both sides are trying to find the best angle to blame the other side-- Republicans are gambling that keeping a bill from passing is going to hurt the Dems way more than passing a bill would help the Republicans. And honestly-- its a pretty safe bet that they're right.
lustylad's Avatar
They're honestly trying to avoid passing any further legislation on this before November.. and both sides are trying to find the best angle to blame the other side-- Republicans are gambling that keeping a bill from passing is going to hurt the Dems way more than passing a bill would help the Republicans. And honestly-- its a pretty safe bet that they're right. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
How do you know that? You're not a mind reader. It could be the Republicans honestly think the economy doesn't need as much stimulus as they thought, and the virus is being contained enough to reopen again without it. I don't know but I imagine there are a host of reasons why they changed their minds on the next round of $1200 checks, which IMO would have sweetened their chances in November.

I don't have a problem with the rest of the GOP bill. The fucking dems need to consider each proposal on its individual merit, instead of holding everything hostage to their outrageous and unreasonable demands which include wasting trillions on items wholly unrelated to covid relief.

If you really want an example of not wanting to do anything because you would rather run on an issue and blame the other side than fix the problem, just look at how the fucking dems refused to work with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina to craft legislation on police reform.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There’s help wanted signs everywhere you look. Best thing for the economy is to do nothing. Too many slobs wanting to kick back and live off others with unemployment and bonus checks. Being broke AF is a great motivator.
Gotyour6's Avatar
There’s help wanted signs everywhere you look. Best thing for the economy is to do nothing. Too many slobs wanting to kick back and live off others with unemployment and bonus checks. Being broke AF is a great motivator. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

If you dont feed a stray cat, they will hunt.

Lots of jobs out there but Uncle Sugar is paying the bills so the cats are all inside licking themselves
How do you know that? You're not a mind reader. It could be the Republicans honestly think the economy doesn't need as much stimulus as they thought, and the virus is being contained enough to reopen again without it. I don't know but I imagine there are a host of reasons why they changed their minds on the next round of $1200 checks, which IMO would have sweetened their chances in November.

I don't have a problem with the rest of the GOP bill. The fucking dems need to consider each proposal on its individual merit, instead of holding everything hostage to their outrageous and unreasonable demands which include wasting trillions on items wholly unrelated to covid relief.

If you really want an example of not wanting to do anything because you would rather run on an issue and blame the other side than fix the problem, just look at how the fucking dems refused to work with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina to craft legislation on police reform. Originally Posted by lustylad
You do realize the house passed bills months ago on both issues. The Dems did their job. It’s the Republicans that can’t get stuff passed.
  • oeb11
  • 09-12-2020, 11:49 AM
Supporter of Louis Farrakhan and the Hatred narrative - Seek some help

Life can be better without hatred!
Isn't there still $1.5 Trillion unspent from the last two bills? How about another bill to grant the executive (POTUS and the agencies in his admin) more powers to distribute those funds as seen fit, as they were not used under the original programs.
You do realize the house passed bills months ago on both issues. The Dems did their job. It’s the Republicans that can’t get stuff passed. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
And you do realize they passed totally unrealistic bloated Trillion+ dollar bills that were sheer political instead of providing actual needed relief.

Isn't there still $1.5 Trillion unspent from the last two bills? How about another bill to grant the executive (POTUS and the agencies in his admin) more powers to distribute those funds as seen fit, as they were not used under the original programs. Originally Posted by SecretE
And I'm not sure of the exact number, but yes, this last GOP bill the Dems scuttled had provisions to repurpose previous CARES act money to better distribution.

The Dems are playing pure politics yet again.