Honest BLM members true feelings!

Finally they admit their true feelings!

Outrageous moment BLM protesters scream 'f**k the white people' at elderly outdoor diners before downing their drinks, smashing glasses and forcing other patrons to leave the restaurant
Protests against racial inequality and police brutality continued across the country on Sunday night
Demonstrators confronted restaurant diners in Pittsburgh, downing their drinks and smashing glasses
In Rochester, New York, a man was struck by a vehicle during a demonstration over the death of Daniel Prude
In Portland 59 people were arrested overnight Saturday - setting a record for protest-related arrests so far

Black Lives Matter protesters screamed in the face of white elderly outdoor diners during protests in Pittsburgh on Saturday, disturbing new video shows.

Cellphone footage shows the crowd taking over the outdoor dining space with one person even approaching the older couple's table before drinking their beer in front of them; another smashed a glass from a table.

One protester tells the diners: 'F**k the white people that built the system.' He adds: 'F*** 12'; a reference to police. Others eating at the restaurant pick up their belonging and leave after demonstrators call them an 'embarrassment'.

HedonistForever's Avatar
I wonder how BLM knew all those diners were Trump supporters? What? "They were White and that's all that mattered"? Oh, I see. Keep up the good work BLM. Keep doing what you are doing right up to Nov. 3rd.

What I wouldn't give to hear from a White Biden supporter who was threatened with violence while trying to have a meal with family and friends.

Any White Biden supporters want to share their feelings as to what they would feel being set upon by BLM while trying to eat dinner and have one of them pick up your drink in front of your wife and chug it while you stand by sheepishly hoping they don't kick your ass in front of your wife?

I can't get the clip out of my head in another restaurant where a female BLM thug was yelling at and shaking her finger in the face of a White female while the male sat there and let his date be berated. What a miserable coward. He didn't have to pick a fight but he damn sure should have stepped in front, between his date and the thug.

This is Biden's America.

  • oeb11
  • 09-12-2020, 07:51 PM
OBLM and antifa - ust terrorist arms of teh DPST party

If Biden thinks ( an oxymoron) the DPST's will keep their terrorists under control if they win - he and harris are sadly mistaken.

if trump wins - the DPST's will orchestrate massive violent outbursts - and Trump will be forced to call in the national Guard on the West coast and NYShitty to retore the rule of law and order.

and arrest the criminal mayors and governors who aided and abetted the riots and looting, and arson.

They need long prison sentences in Dannemorra, or re-open alcatraz!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
pathetic losers

I bet half those people are collecting $500 a week from PUA. Or are too stupid to even fill out the application. Probably the former.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I wonder how BLM knew all those diners were Trump supporters? What? "They were White and that's all that mattered"? Oh, I see. Keep up the good work BLM. Keep doing what you are doing right up to Nov. 3rd.

What I wouldn't give to hear from a White Biden supporter who was threatened with violence while trying to have a meal with family and friends.

Any White Biden supporters want to share their feelings as to what they would feel being set upon by BLM while trying to eat dinner and have one of them pick up your drink in front of your wife and chug it while you stand by sheepishly hoping they don't kick your ass in front of your wife?

I can't get the clip out of my head in another restaurant where a female BLM thug was yelling at and shaking her finger in the face of a White female while the male sat there and let his date be berated. What a miserable coward. He didn't have to pick a fight but he damn sure should have stepped in front, between his date and the thug.

This is Biden's America.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NebWc4HH8yM Originally Posted by HedonistForever

it wouldn't matter. even if they were wearing a Biden 2020 shirt. this isn't about Trump or Biden it's about "hate whitey"
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's fuckin dumb. You can apply to PUA and get 500 dollars PER WEEK without employment verification. These losers can sit inside and FOLLOW THE SCIENCE and collect AT MINIMUM 500 dollars per week, but instead choose to destroy civilization and pretend as though T R U M P is causing it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
OBLM and antifa - ust terrorist arms of teh DPST party

If Biden thinks ( an oxymoron) the DPST's will keep their terrorists under control if they win - he and harris are sadly mistaken.

if trump wins - the DPST's will orchestrate massive violent outbursts - and Trump will be forced to call in the national Guard on the West coast and NYShitty to retore the rule of law and order.

and arrest the criminal mayors and governors who aided and abetted the riots and looting, and arson.

They need long prison sentences in Dannemorra, or re-open alcatraz! Originally Posted by oeb11

theres room at supermax
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
They're lucky no one was carrying.
Clear self defense.
They're lucky no one was carrying.
Clear self defense. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I agree - plus it was an active robbery!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They're lucky no one was carrying.
Clear self defense. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

someone will be. it's going to happen. and the left will howl like howler monkeys over it. let them.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Come on Fredsy! I thought yous only fucked the white people.

WSND Blackophobists.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Come on Fredsy! I thought yous only fucked the white people.

WSND Blackophobists. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Yssup Rider emerges from his Canadian bunker in Clarksville .. Nova Scotia


me thinks you are more likely to be found shining yer ass on a stool at ..

Old-School Clarksville Diner Nau’s Enfield Is Finally Open Again


Come on Fredsy! I thought yous only fucked the white people.

WSND Blackophobists. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I fuck Asian girls, Latina girls, White girls, black girls, etc.

The lucky gal needs to be in exceptionally good health though and stay off the bad carbs!

For example:

Grace Preston's Avatar
I have a friend who literally eats like a human trash compactor--- yet has perfect skin and is maybe 105 pounds soaking wet.

What you like are girls who have won the genetic lottery. Most "very petite" women I know... are there thanks to genetics as much as anything else. Now--- very fit women are another story-- but most of them load carbs as well.
I have a friend who literally eats like a human trash compactor--- yet has perfect skin and is maybe 105 pounds soaking wet.

What you like are girls who have won the genetic lottery. Most "very petite" women I know... are there thanks to genetics as much as anything else. Now--- very fit women are another story-- but most of them load carbs as well. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Mostly true about the genetic lottery for the young, but they will pay a price when they are older. If they have such good genetics they can still reach their full potential with a meticulously adhered to Mediterranean diet to become a top of the line fitness gal. Loading carbs for athletic events make sense but the type of carb is very important. I've never known a woman in her thirties who can get away with processed carbs (from bread, chips, candy, cakes, regular soda and wine/liquor) and saturated fats (from chips, buttery bread, pizzas, ice cream, fried chicken, fried anything else, sour cream etc) without cellulite as evidence.

There are a few pampered and well preserved women at my gym who even in their late forties have spectacular bodies but out of respect for their husbands I ignore them when they look my way - though I lust over them when I can steal a glance. Also, I know people there and wish to keep this part of my life anonymous. Even the working girls I fall in love with have limited information about me except for one, and I trust her completely and she has never let me down in ten years of seeing her when I can.

Processed carbs are essentially sugar with no nutritional value whereas whole grain has nutritional properties that are good for you as well as complex, slow release carbs for energy and body functions.

As for eating like a trash compactor - I can consume a massive amount of healthy vegetables & 250 grams worth of protein from lean meats everyday and still not gain fat if I work out hard. I do workout very hard because I'm continually pissed off by politics and really have no other good outlet for my frustration, other than my workouts and boxing lessons.

I had a 4 hand session last week with two Asian girls who told me I have the body of a twenty year old. (Admittedly, I tip well)

As the BLM people might say, I'm just keeping it real.