No gun Japan

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those japs are whacky! lol

Gun-Related Crime In “No-Guns” Japan

Posted at 6:00 pm on September 9, 2020 by Tom Knighton

Japan has among the strictest gun control laws in the world. They also have a very odd culture from a western standpoint. Fascinating in many ways, but odd.

That culture, however, actually seems to contribute a great deal to their relatively low crime rates. However, that doesn’t mean there’s no crime.

It also seems that Japanese criminals have odd ways around the lack of firearms in the country.
On a Monday morning, an incident occurred near the US Kadena Air Base in central Okinawa City that highlights something of a trend – the result of Japan gun laws, considered some of the strictest in the world.

A man, brandishing what appeared to be a gun, broke into the Lucky Exchange Center. The man thrust the apparent weapon at a shop employee, ordering she hand over cash. His reported demands – which were surprisingly polite – included “5 million yen, please.”

Yet before he could receive any of his desired spoils, the Lucky Exchange employee reached for a phone to call the 110, and the man fled the scene. Shortly thereafter, the Okinawa Police were dispatched on emergency deployment, fanning out in search of the attempted robber.

By 3PM on the same day, a suspect – a Japanese man in his 50s – was in custody. Aided by security camera footage from the surrounding area, the police ascertained the make of the man’s getaway car. This led them to the suspect, living in the village of Kitanakagusuku, around half an hour away from the scene of the crime. The police arrested the suspect on suspicion of failed robbery and breaking-and-entering. Police told reporters that “there was no doubt” that this was the failed robber in question.

As for the man’s weapon? In the end, it turned out to be nothing but a model gun. While this might raise eyebrows in countries like the USA, the situation in Japan is a bit different; the idea that someone would try to rob a store with a plastic toy is, if anything, almost par for the course. After all – how would they get a real gun in the first place?
Well, it doesn’t actually raise eyebrows here because I’ve seen numerous cases of people using toy guns to commit robberies. It ain’t unique to Japan.

As for how would someone get a real gun in the first place, you’re deluded if you think none of the criminals of Japan don’t have firearms. They’re just less likely to use them than our idiotic criminals. Some of that might be because of the laws there, sure, but only an idiot would assume that they don’t have them.

However, what I do notice that fails to be mentioned in this particular crime is that the employee was in no position to fight back.

See, this is apparently a store, the kind of place that could easily face a robbery here in the U.S. Because of Japanese gun laws, no one had any means to fight back. They had to gamble it wasn’t a real gun. What if it had been? Well, they’d be dead.

For some, this is somehow preferable, but how is being a victim better? I don’t care if it’s a model gun or a very real one, having a barrel shoved in your face by someone demanding money is the problem and turns people into victims. Being able to protect yourself–something the law-abiding of Japan cannot do–is the only real way to prevent such a thing.

Meanwhile, this crime likely won’t be counted as a “gun crime” since it wasn’t a real weapon, thus allowing the country to pretend they don’t have any issues.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 05:57 AM
The Yakusa have guns.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Very few of the YakuZa have guns. Reason being-- even being caught with a gun, not doing anything else other than being in possession-- is a 7 year prison sentence. Much like every other criminal in Japan.. the lower level Yakuza will typically use toy guns to rob establishments. I'm sure some of the higher ups may have guns-- and it wouldn't surprise me if one or two still have a hunting rifle.. as those are still allowed with very strict conditions and checks.
Black lives matter should file an international racist complaint against the Japanese. As far as I can tell, they have never elected a black man to any significant legislative position, nor have they ever allowed a black person to head a large Japanese multinational corporation.

Every person I have ever seen working at Toyota in Japan had very light colored skin.

Using the theory of statistical evidence of bias, they are some kind of racist motherfuckers!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I know your comment was tongue in cheek-- but there is actually a great deal of racism towards people of mixed Black/Japanese heritage in Japan.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 10:09 AM
Agreed - Japan is one of the most racist societies in the world
They are of Chinese/Korean peninsula origin - genetic studies show they emigrated to the island 2000 years ago

(Relations between Korea and Japan go back at least two millennia. After the 3rd century BC, people from the Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla) and Gaya in the Korean Peninsula, started to move southwards into the Kyushu region of Japan.)

And japanese do not like at all being told of their korean origin. They have looked down on the koreans for millennia from their closed society island nation.

'Very few of the YakuZa have guns'.
Grace - as far as guns in japan - a prison sentence is no deterrence to the yakuza - for many reasons.

i think that statement is disingenuous.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Agreed - Japan is one of the most racist societies in the world
They are of Chinese/Korean peninsula origin - genetic studies show they emigrated to the island 2000 years ago

(Relations between Korea and Japan go back at least two millennia. After the 3rd century BC, people from the Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla) and Gaya in the Korean Peninsula, started to move southwards into the Kyushu region of Japan.)

And japanese do not like at all being told of their korean origin. They have looked down on the koreans for millennia from their closed society island nation.

'Very few of the YakuZa have guns'.
Grace - as far as guns in japan - a prison sentence is no deterrence to the yakuza - for many reasons.

i think that statement is disingenuous. Originally Posted by oeb11

didn't know japanese were of Korean extract. no wonder they had so many wars with korea.

wouldn't be surprised if this particular "jap/korean" tribe had their asses kicked in several wars in korea and moved to the island to get away from them. just a theory mind you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Agreed - Japan is one of the most racist societies in the world
They are of Chinese/Korean peninsula origin - genetic studies show they emigrated to the island 2000 years ago

(Relations between Korea and Japan go back at least two millennia. After the 3rd century BC, people from the Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla) and Gaya in the Korean Peninsula, started to move southwards into the Kyushu region of Japan.)

And japanese do not like at all being told of their korean origin. They have looked down on the koreans for millennia from their closed society island nation.

'Very few of the YakuZa have guns'.
Grace - as far as guns in japan - a prison sentence is no deterrence to the yakuza - for many reasons.

i think that statement is disingenuous. Originally Posted by oeb11

japan has very few murders. at least 1 or 2 per year and may have zero for many years.

theres very little friction in japanese society as its pretty much homogenus.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I know your comment was tongue in cheek-- but there is actually a great deal of racism towards people of mixed Black/Japanese heritage in Japan. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

naomi osaka, black-japanese top ranked tennis player, is one of the blm supporters.
japan has very few murders. at least 1 or 2 per year and may have zero for many years.

theres very little friction in japanese society as its pretty much homogenus. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I guess they do not believe diversity is a strength!
I know your comment was tongue in cheek-- but there is actually a great deal of racism towards people of mixed Black/Japanese heritage in Japan. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well, that was certainly an interesting article. It appears I stumbled upon the truth!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I lived in Japan for a couple years. Its really a fascinating culture.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I know your comment was tongue in cheek-- but there is actually a great deal of racism towards people of mixed Black/Japanese heritage in Japan. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

east asians are very racist. its not just blacks. is any ethnic group that has their "ire".

vietnam don't like chinese
koreas don't like japanese
singapore don't like chinese
Maylasia don't like singapore (they used to part of maylasia, singapore caused a stench that they got kicked out)
most of them don't like Japanese (WWII hatred)
hawaii natives hate americans.
not sure about thailand, cambodia, laos, Indonesia and philipines.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:54 PM
I lived in Japan for a couple years. Its really a fascinating culture. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Read JamesCclavell's Shogun, and his Asian saga.

intensely researched.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Read JamesCclavell's Shogun, and his Asian saga.

intensely researched. Originally Posted by oeb11

I'm not into fiction, even if its well researched. But thanks.