Now what....

chrissy's Avatar
I am at a gas station near my incall with current date We decide to walk my puppy and get refreshments after ya know I decide to go in and grab what we wanted and I left the gent to walk my puppy..(known for that after

Well inside I run into a gent I had seen a couple times in previous months..I have even had a brief lunch with this guy...

I try to let him know I am kinda busy and instead of blurtung out I have a date with me I tell him Im with family to be please be discreet..Well he hangs around right at the entrance clearly waiting for me?????

I tell my current date(new client) I just ran into an older date and to please walk on back to the incall with my puppy I will meet him there..I looked for the older date and he was no where to be seen so I continue on to my destination....

Either gentlemen could be intimidated by seeing another and I lose 2 great clients...New client is baffled on the situation.

What do I do next???
What could I have done differently???

Why did the older date stick around? As nice as he is, he had to of known after I mentioned Im with family please be discreet(even though I was fibbing he should have handled his business and left, correct??)
Tell the older date to grow a fucking brain and get lost.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Out the stupid SOB. Any idiot knows when you see a provider out in public you might say a quick 'hi' but normally you pretend she isn't there.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Ive run into a provider in the store before. I texted her and asked her if I could say hello....she answered me and we went and got a room!

Treat them as if they are strangers....isn't that standard protocol?
Hard being discreet about apts running long n playing off, but in real world you Gotta wing it, you did right thing although id be shy to ask guy to walk dog
Boys, unless i'm with children you better say hey!
flowerflower1's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Kick the dip in the sack and run. Its always an attention getter.
tyboy1's Avatar
The older client was out of line. We all must exercise discretion.
I don't like to be talked to in public, I wouldn't know what to tell anyone I was with be it family or friends! Discreet mean on both sides. I think you did the right thing, you were caught in a strange situation. Good call!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-04-2012, 08:16 PM
A simple nod of the head is the most that should be done.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
Hard being discreet about apts running long n playing off, but in real world you Gotta wing it, you did right thing although id be shy to ask guy to walk dog
Boys, unless i'm with children you better say hey! Originally Posted by BettyWow
DarthMaul's Avatar
A simple nod of the head is the most that should be done. Originally Posted by trey
+ 1
LexusLover's Avatar
..#1: I looked for the older date and he was no where to be seen so

#2: What could I have done differently???


#3: Why did the older date stick around? Originally Posted by chrissy
#1: Why?
#2: Not #1.
#3: Because he figured you would do #1 or he was curious about "the other guy"!
The older client was out of line. We all must exercise discretion. Originally Posted by tyboy1
I agree with tyboy...I've run into clients before..recently in fact the funny thing was that I was doing something that involved my other poor guy , I thought he was going to have a heart attack...but I was discreet and so was he was scary at first though...discretion is a must..
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why o why cant people undcerstand the rules?
It really isnt that difficult.
But then again, I am making the assumption that people have at least a little common sense.
It is obvious they dont.