What constitutes as real or fake?

I was speaking with a friend about this earlier. When your with a provider do you know if she's just there to be there? Counting the minutes away, being rude, or down right nasty? As providers we are providing a service or a fantasy perhaps for the client. Being fake and rude can make or break you on here. Its always great to be as real as you can be. Being fake gets you nowhere. Does it matter to the client if the expirience is phony? Do tell? And ladies yes it goes both ways some clients can be not so polite as well. In my experiences the more you treat someone with a mutual respect you will get far. Just my two cents.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Pistolero's Avatar
Kammye, that reminds me of a story. Several years ago I was meeting with a provider for the first time. The action was quite steady and it seemed that every action of mine got a vocal reaction from the young lady. Action sped up, moans and squeals sped up. So, in a perverse Pistolero fashion, I stopped, cold. She went thru about two cycles more after I stopped. Then, I started laughing my ass off until she joined in. We have been together probably 10 or 15 times since then. Sure broke the ice. lol
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Man pistolero I had a studio girl go over the top with moans once and I will never forget how quickly that turned me off. It was pretty funny tbh...

Kammye... We all look for a balance, sure we want it to be real. If it isn't we are ok with that too as long as we can't tell
Wow! Now I love that!

Kammye, that reminds me of a story. Several years ago I was meeting with a provider for the first time. The action was quite steady and it seemed that every action of mine got a vocal reaction from the young lady. Action sped up, moans and squeals sped up. So, in a perverse Pistolero fashion, I stopped, cold. She went thru about two cycles more after I stopped. Then, I started laughing my ass off until she joined in. We have been together probably 10 or 15 times since then. Sure broke the ice. lol Originally Posted by Pistolero
Totally agree!

Man pistolero I had a studio girl go over the top with moans once and I will never forget how quickly that turned me off. It was pretty funny tbh...

Kammye... We all look for a balance, sure we want it to be real. If it isn't we are ok with that too as long as we can't tell Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
TransAm's Avatar
Man pistolero I had a studio girl go over the top with moans once and I will never forget how quickly that turned me off. It was pretty funny tbh...

Kammye... We all look for a balance, sure we want it to be real. If it isn't we are ok with that too as long as we can't tell Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
pyramider's Avatar
Well shit ... I thought this thread was about boobies. Is that real enough for you? Now about that taint ...

Well shit ... I thought this thread was about boobies. Is that real enough for you? Now about that taint ... Originally Posted by pyramider
seeker7's Avatar
Old Jewish American Princess (JAP) Joke

How do you tell when a JAP has an orgasm?

She drops her nail file! LOL
seeker7's Avatar
Was with a semi- regular lady
Moan, moan, moan, Oh, baby.
Ring. Honey, I've got to take this call.
Takes the starch out of Mr. Happy!

Advice: Leave the phone in the other room, put it on vibrate or airplane mode. Same for the lap top.

I will never see her again because of that.
wow! wat an airhead!

Was with a semi- regular lady
Moan, moan, moan, Oh, baby.
Ring. Honey, I've got to take this call.
Takes the starch out of Mr. Happy!

Advice: Leave the phone in the other room, put it on vibrate or airplane mode. Same for the lap top.

I will never see her again because of that. Originally Posted by seeker7