If I own eccie.

If I own eccie.

This fucking post will lead this thread for a year.

Nobody can post about Dallas Korean AMP and agency on this website. I had to take this drastic action because fucking pimps and owners were creating hundreds of fake accounts in order to post Penthouse Letter style fake reviews. It wasn't caprecious, it was after my employees and members trying for fucking years to get them to stop and they just fucking refused.

Fucking Korean girls had sooooo many fake members balls in their pockets and had them posting such bullshit reports (probably in exchange for sessions or monetary) that these sections had gotten unusable and unsafe.

I'm not even going to bother with moderation anymore, I'm just going to fucking ban your ass. And any of you guys who think you can be cute and make up some fake names so you can still post about them guaran-fucking-teed I will fucking ban you for that. First time, you do it, you are fucking gone.

Is this simple enough for all of you to understand? I'm going to make this post lead this thread for a year so there is no "I didn't fucking know" bullshit.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
"I didn't fucking know"

...that Lionel had another new handle, since the banishment of AsianP. But now I know.
TheTopG655's Avatar
The bumping rules are a good concept for reviews tbh. No more “she’s so good” or other comments that don’t add value to the review post. That one dude who posted janako had a 6.5 face is good insight as a comment.
This little shit thinks he knows everything. To this fucker, everyone is Asianp. Just because you do shit like that doesn’t mean others do. Now you are insulting Asian people. No Asian (especially Korean) want to be associated with fat white trash.
I bet that you in the video. Toward the end of video. Fat White Boy in plastic ties.

But, you don’t own Eccie. So, I’m going to keep bare banging Korean chicks and posting about it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Cupoftea is a multi-handle, which makes him a Fraud.

You're way late to the post limit idea. I proposed that a long time ago, which was kill all review threads after 10 responses. Moderators did not accept it.

Also, yes, there are many operating multi-handles, some are current banned handles (likely your setting). Moderators have tools to weed you guys out, but they need to use them. They also should respond more quickly to obvious re-appearing Troll handles (like yourself), and ban them, rather than allowing them to create chaos for weeks.

In short, you as an ECCIE Owner have the situation you asked for and fostered. But you can change it.
@Chung Tran
Is it?
You would know because you are the resident of eccie and the pimp, 24/7.
Before it was ASIANP lived in your mind and now Asianp, aJohnDough, SpringFest, txcasper, bigdickbigmoney, AMPS4EVER4ME and myself reside your mind. You may revoke my residency. It’s too crowd in you small fat white trash brain.
So is it true that you’re hiding in Oklahoma from DPD and fed after the raid and you were mentioned in Dallas court document as the one made a spa well known?
You do know that you may qualify for Dallas city paid vacation and can be resident of the facility.
CaptainZman's Avatar
I’m confused. Is it always like this around here?
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
I’m confused. Is it always like this around here? Originally Posted by CaptainZman
Only when Lionel returns with a new handle...

The rant against one person, the rant against "pimp", the very recognizable poor sentence structure (which is just like a fingerprint)...this continues until his handle is Banned. After that, it's wash, rinse, & repeat.

Current forecast regarding posts from cupoftea is...it will get worse, before it gets better. (And by "better", I mean Banned.)

And now,...a message from our sponsors.
CaptainZman's Avatar
Only when Lionel returns with a new handle...

The rant against one person, the rant against "pimp", the very recognizable poor sentence structure (which is just like a fingerprint)...this continues until his handle is Banned. After that, it's wash, rinse, & repeat.

Current forecast regarding posts from cupoftea is...it will get worse, before it gets better. (And by "better", I mean Banned.)

And now,...a message from our sponsors. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
Thanks for the explanation. Just reading through some of these posts and reviews seems like a lot of inside bickering and name calling. I’d still be married if I wanted that.
I’m confused. Is it always like this around here? Originally Posted by CaptainZman
CZ - I've noticed (and still learning) that this is a tight knit group of people (OGs) and every new handle is treated with skepticism.

Here are some issues that I've learned:
- People don't trust new handles if they immediately write a glowing review OR
- Ask reviews about new girls who are just starting out (speaking from experience, my post got reported and banned)
- Any other comment you make that's going against what others are saying, your new handle and registered date might make you seem sketch

So in-short, hang out for a year and then maybe people might believe you're a real person 🤣

Just my observations and YMMV
eerie similarity on posters and how they jump on this post that shouldn’t effect average mongers. I can only see two average mongers.
It must be the “fat white trash” comment but that was targeted at one person. So all of you are fat, white and trash. Funny shit.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
You really expected to create this shitshow of a thread without getting the retribution of the AMPTards and StudioTards to come at you?

Staff is watching and ready to hand out enough points until there aren’t anymore Drama Tards to post.

Keep the comments civil.

When it comes to bumping reviews, it’s bumping if the last post was over 30 days.

There’s a fine line between being subjective and objective on what’s a shameless bump and a legitimate bump depending on the person who posts, their history or lack thereof.

My question is why don’t you people go to OH2 to post all this drama?

All the same players and handles and reviews are copied there too.

Only warning.
For the record, I am only here for the party. I am not a promoter. I despise the promotors. They do all a great disservice.