Men's Hygiene

As a man when we you to spend time with a lady you expect her to look nice and smell nice and have fresh breath. If she looked bad and had body odor and bad breath you would be upset and probably turn around and leave. The same should be expected of you. There isn't any reason not to go see the lady freshly showered and smelling good with fresh breath. You know plenty of time in advance when your time is. In case something comes up at the last minute. As soon as the lady let's you in you should excuse yourself to go take a shower. You should.take pride in the way you look. Your experience with the lady will be alot better.
Providers seem to hate dingleberries.
dbflyer's Avatar
Well, I'm glad we cleared that up
Providers seem to hate dingleberries. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If the dinggle berry is big enough... and if you're savy enough, you may just convince her that you have three balls. Some girls go for that freaky shit. Who knows... You may just get lucky.