Rates, Regulars & NCNS Discussion

Most of you will notice My rates have increased. Allow me to explain...

I tried to keep my rates reasonable and affordable for the hard working man. However, I find myself wanting to raise them to avoid the ignorance and headaches of ncns and negotiations. I'm still trying to decide on what my rates will be. Regulars have, of course, been grandfathered in... But regular means I've seen you more than 3 times in a 3-6 month period. Here's how my rates, regulars and ncns all ties into one discussion.

Ive come to realize that most of the guys who ncns are ones who are always looking for a better deal. I have a client who always tries to negotiate with me on my phone, never sets dates, then asks how much time does ____ amount of money buy him! Etc etc etc.. The only time he didn't attempt to negotiate with me was our first and only meeting. Since then he's ncns' me twice. And texted asking for discounts so I knew he was searching for cheaper.

I feel my rates were low enough that they still drew the attention of negotiators...or, perhaps my rates were around the same as some of the bp girls who DO negotiate and sell their ass for $60-80. That's definitely not me. I won't be offering discounts anymore as it seems the ones I offered were not appreciated. Just because you've seen me before doesn't make you a regular. Just because you seen me when I was offering a discount doesn't mean that's your forever rate. I made the mistake of giving a person who'd seen me twice the established clientele rates, now, he too, tries to negotiate with me. Maybe I'm too lenient, in fact, I'm sure I am. Im not a clock watcher and I'm pretty laid back. But, I still have to produce income.

I apologize, but I have to stick to my guns and be more firm about my rates and time. If you ncns me, don't contact me again. I won't even mess with cancellation rates--just don't call me. If you are a regular and feel your rate isn't low enough--then please call another girl with a lower rate. Variety is the spice of life! But don't attempt to negotiate with me or our relationship ends there.

Again, I'm sorry for the rate change and for sounding like a hard ass but this is my business and my time...I need to make these necessary changes to better my business and avoid the bs and time-waters.

I don't see any issues with your new rates. Good for you. Sorry to see NCNS. Maybe ECCIE should have a "provider only" thread for reviews on us.
JackJohnson's Avatar
I don't know why you would apologize for a business decision. Because of the intimate nature of services... well ok... time... provided, people seem to confuse this as some sort of situation where you want to play around, and just HAPPEN to get paid. Advertising notwithstanding, it's a business transaction. Money for time. Just like any other job, and as an independent contractor you can set your rates. Anything else is just an illusion really

The explanation is cool, but people who are shopping for price won't care what the explanation is, and those who don't care about price it won't matter either. To me, it seems a solution that doesn't really address the issue, just quit talking to people when they try to negotiate, that would seem a better way to address it, and more direct.

This would seem more of a move to deter new clients, or people wanting the standard $200/hr Wichita market norm, which might be the point too. It makes you more money to be sure, and that's always a good thing. However, time will tell!

As in all things, the market will determine if that's a good move or not...

Good luck!
Maybe ECCIE should have a "provider only" thread for reviews on us. Originally Posted by UnderdogIct
There is, you just can't see them!
satan666's Avatar
Gemma I think what your doing is great. its business 101 and you have to do whats right for your business! personally I don't understand the whole being cheap and trying to barter down a ladies advertised rate. if you want a cheap hooker find one on bp or cl. personally the guys who try to talk down the rate imo are just looking for a wet hole to get off in! if you want an experience to go along with your fantasy then you want a hdh. these guys are not looking for the experience at least I don't think they are!
Thank you for your comments so far. Makes me feel better about upping my rates! And if it works for me, great! If not, I can always go back down.
Same boat, would you like to share the ore's Gemma?
JackJohnson's Avatar
You all just need to hire professional negotiators LOL
All said all good im just glad we have some lovely providers doing their part to keep us working poor happy, we know who they are and we love them. I know no matter the donation I have had cancellations from I forgot it is my dog grooming day to im out of gas or oh I forgot. I could really go on but that's ok im not here to complain about that im just happy you lovely providers are here. Have fun and be careful out there
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All said all good im just glad we have some lovely providers doing their part to keep us working poor happy, we know who they are and we love them. I know no matter the donation I have had cancellations from I forgot it is my dog grooming day to im out of gas or oh I forgot. I could really go on but that's ok im not here to complain about that im just happy you lovely providers are here. Have fun and be careful out there Originally Posted by badboy45tfm
Sell that sweet pussy however you see fit.

Adjust as necessary. No one should ever dictate how you wish to prostitute yourself.