Just a thought going through my head...

Sarah Renee's Avatar
Why do some guys keep posting negative things about providers when they haven't even seen the provider? Isn't the point of this site to give information on the girls you have actually seen?

This is not being done to me, so I am not pointing fingers at anyone posting about me. I see it happening to other providers.

I thought bullying was a kids problem and that this was an adult website. Maybe I am wrong on that, but I really wished sometimes people wouldn't chime in just because they "THINK" they have something important to say.

Granny was a wise old woman. She always told us kids...

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, feel it in your own hands....THEN KEEP YOUR BIG TRAP SHUT!"

Man she had a way of telling us to go to hell and making us look forward to the ride. LOL

Just some food for thought. I didn't meant to offend anyone, just don't want this site to get like one of the others that feels more like romper room that a guide site.

Have a great week everyone! Play hard and stay safe!


Sarah Renee
JackJohnson's Avatar
There are several reasons... not saying they are good ones... but ....

1) They saw the girl and don't want to admit it... this has happened around here

2) They got information from another... trusted source.. maybe another provider they are in cahoots with, or one they want to impress by jumping on another provider (x doesn't like Y, so let's attack Y to impress X)

3) Most importantly....folks are going to accept things from folks they trust at face value, or believe what they want to believe in the echo chamber of the internet. It's the nature of the business you're in, things can't be discussed as openly, people hide information like identities and such, so there will ALWAYS be misinformation. Until there is an open marketplace (and ECCIE seems trying to push that model to the extent it can), then you'll have to plan for misinformation.

Usually all of this is paired with the fact that in lots of places, this is a social media site as well as an information exchange board, or a place for providers to advertise. The social media aspect takes on all the problems, to a lesser degree, found if you read the comments sections of articles posted online. There are lots of reasons for that... interpersonal distance, anonymity, lack of attachment to consequences... etc etc..

Also, there is sort of a pecking order... Some premium subscribers feel a sense that they are higher in the food chain (I saw a review where one premie said, don't share information with non-premies so we can keep this girl UTR... hilarious...meaning they wanted to limit her business). Some folks change handles to keep themselves in troll mode, ad infinitum. Some people just think they own the place, maybe they do.

Given all that... I don't think people are going to read your article and have a revelation that they are suddenly going to change their behavior, it's just as likely putting yourself under scrutiny, but probably that doesn't mean much. You're fairly neutral.

You did ask why... lol...

Now Gemma on the other hand... would've already stoked the flames of folks... LOL. Or other providers who wade into it when folks do the wrong thing She is infamous that way.

Seeing you post and interact positively is always a good way to address misinformation, creating your own image always pushes back against your rep being tarnished.

by the way... you do a great job of that already

Things here aren't at the same level as the KC co-ed section, which is much more prone to popcorn brawls, things around here are pretty tame.

Shout out to the moderators, who have a thankless job, and sometimes have to step in... maybe they should more often? Most of them I've seen are fair. Like I said... tough gig.

Those are my thoughts... yours may vary.

Happy 20th of April everyone!

WMJ4657's Avatar
Granny was a wise old woman. She always told us kids...

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, feel it in your own hands....THEN KEEP YOUR BIG TRAP SHUT!"

Man she had a way of telling us to go to hell and making us look forward to the ride. LOL


Sarah Renee[/QUOTE]

My granny always told us "If you got nothing good to say about someone keep your mouth shut" Saying nothing a lot of times will gain.you more good will than running your trap. Great post Sarah. If I am ever in your area would love to take you up on your dinner offer and maybe more!!!!!!!
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I agree with everything you just said to a point. It just floors me that someone can take something as simple as a bottle of shampoo for a providers dog and turn it into something negative toward the provider.

No one ever stopped to think, "Hey maybe she needed that after seeing one of the hobbyist." Which is the direction it could have also been taken, but thankfully it wasn't.

I am trying to set myself apart as being the girl next door that you could potentially take home to mom, but never will because you have to much fun behind closed doors.

I will be the one that doesn't intend on ever posting photos of what I have to offer online for all the world to see. I am blessed with numerous businesses outside the hobby and truly only do this because I am single with a need myself. Might as well capitalize on it. Besides, as my reviews tell...I am good at it. (At least that's what they say.) Me, I am just having fun.


Sarah Renee
Now Gemma on the other hand... would've already stoked the flames of folks... LOL. Or other providers who wade into it when folks do the wrong thing She is infamous that way.
Originally Posted by JackJohnson
I was impressed by her well mannered well gromed dog Jack. People are fucking judgmental and stupid. She is a very sexy young lady, her incall is better than many I have visited. The haters will hate and this intelligent young lady will be just fine. She is better than many providers and she is 19.
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I was impressed by her well mannered well gromed dog Jack. People are fucking judgmental and stupid. She is a very sexy young lady, her incall is better than many I have visited. The haters will hate and this intelligent young lady will be just fine. She is better than many providers and she is 19. Originally Posted by PussDr
Exactly! That is what I don't get. The one that is continually pointing out her one oops! to my knowledge has never even seen her.

I am not hating on her at all. I have personally met her and think she is a sweetheart. She has been to my house even. I am actually impressed that she rose above it and is coming out ahead.
JackJohnson's Avatar
Exactly! That is what I don't get. The one that is continually pointing out her one oops! to my knowledge has never even seen her.

I am not hating on her at all. I have personally met her and think she is a sweetheart. She has been to my house even. I am actually impressed that she rose above it and is coming out ahead. Originally Posted by Sarah Renee
Ok... well now that we keep getting specific... who are you all talking about?
Exactly! That is what I don't get. The one that is continually pointing out her one oops! to my knowledge has never even seen her.

I am not hating on her at all. I have personally met her and think she is a sweetheart. She has been to my house even. I am actually impressed that she rose above it and is coming out ahead. Originally Posted by Sarah Renee
I was not referring to you at all but all the haters on the other post on this site and other sites. Your exactly right the haters are judging her on a picture of her dog shampoo.. WTF is wrong with people? They have not even had the pleasure of meetin Piper. Their loss.
I apologize for laughing about the photo. Meant no harm towards the provider. It was just a funny photo. I bet she's super nice and fun to be with. We sometimes need to laugh at ourselves. My God, read some of my posts...
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I apologize for laughing about the photo. Meant no harm towards the provider. Originally Posted by Lamb66
Thank you for that. I am sure it will mean a lot to her as well.
Here is my advice. Don't take people here too seriously. If you do... You'll be sucked into dumb arguments and drama that you could have avoided.

The best response is no response. Simply look at the Kansas Metro forums. Whispers is having a field day.

I apologize for laughing about the photo. Meant no harm towards the provider. It was just a funny photo. I bet she's super nice and fun to be with. We sometimes need to laugh at ourselves. My God, read some of my posts... Originally Posted by Lamb66
I saw your post. Did it change my opinion about her? Fuck no. I don't know you. I don't know her. Your comments didn't stop me from fucking the crap out her.

When I saw your post, I assumed that you were fucking kidding and if not... well, it was still funny.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have no idea why people disrespect providers. I appreciate what they do. When a woman can make me feel young and sexy, she's worth every dime! It's not an easy job, especially with me! Lol!
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I have no idea why people disrespect providers. I appreciate what they do. When a woman can make me feel young and sexy, she's worth every dime! It's not an easy job, especially with me! Lol! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm always up for a new challenge so to speak. I have found there is nothing sexier than being respected. You seem to have that, so that would put you toward the top in my book!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You may be hearing from me, soon!