PM spam

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I awoke this morning to find a spam PM awaiting me. Since I figured out what it was immediately, I didn't bother to read very much of it, but it said something about 12 and 1/2 million dollars and Bahrain. Is anybody else receive something similar, and how do you report this? Can I divulge the username in an open forum?
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
rtm it. We will handle the Spammer
pmdelites's Avatar
bahranian princes are registered on eccie?!?!?!

like giggle said, rtm the pvtmsg. (not easy to do using the mobile eccie, tho)

wrt “ddddd”,
sure, as long as you’re not divulging personal info (“outing”) or posting the actual text, i’d think that’s okay. that way, others can be on the look out or post their experience.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
By the time I got AG's message, the user had already been banned.
Hey, I'm in Bahrain! I'll share the wealth with you! Ha!
Bahrain Rocks
mrredcat43's Avatar
Souper's burner acct was banned
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-08-2019, 03:13 PM
Does soliciting P count as spam? I just tell them I expect anal and CP finish and they stop responding after that. Weird
'TUNACAN''s Avatar
I don't get spam. I get unsolicited mail when business is slow from Providers I have no interest in what so ever offering the whole enchilada for pennies on the dollar..