is america as bad as Donnie say it is?

This post is not to support or bash Donnie, Obama or Hillary. It is to see want people think. Simply do you think our country is as bad as the GOP wants us to believe very. Compared to the rest of the world I feel we have it pretty damn good. Are there things wrong, yes. But they will pass. Remember the 60's , Vietnam and others. We survived. My opinion we are a good place to live and proud to be an amazing American. What this think?
skinNmembrain's Avatar
Zero economic growth in real terms. Lowest rate of home ownership in a generation. Higher education unaffordable. Middle class shrinking. Poverty rate way up and food stamp rolls up 400 percent. More people in jail than any country on earth. Debt now exceeds GDP and climbing. Wages flat for thirty years and median income down 10% since 2007 with no recovery.

You must be the one percent.

Both parties in rebellion. On the Republican side the insurgent won. On the oh-so-democratic "Wall Street Controlled Democratic" side the insurgent would have won if it wasn't fixed.

The revolution is coming so you one percenters get your passports and offshore bank accounts in order. The revolution's coming.
Not to mention the growth of ISIS. These people are crazy and we need a strong leader like Trump to deal with them. Not a pussy like pun intended.

Zero economic growth in real terms. Lowest rate of home ownership in a generation. Higher education unaffordable. Middle class shrinking. Poverty rate way up and food stamp rolls up 400 percent. More people in jail than any country on earth. Debt now exceeds GDP and climbing. Wages flat for thirty years and median income down 10% since 2007 with no recovery.

You must be the one percent.

Both parties in rebellion. On the Republican side the insurgent won. On the oh-so-democratic "Wall Street Controlled Democratic" side the insurgent would have won if it wasn't fixed.

The revolution is coming so you one percenters get your passports and offshore bank accounts in order. The revolution's coming. Originally Posted by skinNmembrain
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The U.S. is the greatest country in the world. How many of you travel outside the U.S.?

I have visited SE Asia, Dubai, Turkey, and Greece recently. Heading to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco in September. Many trips to England, Germany, France and Italy among others. There is no country that has the freedoms we do in the U.S. and if you think our country is in trouble economically, you simply are unaware of conditions in other countries and the conditions under which the average person lives. Name a country that you would rather live in than the U.S. Certainly we have problems. But when compared to other countries in the world, ours are minor.

Ellen, you complain about ISIS. How many incidents have we had in this country by people associated with ISIS? The killings of police officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas were done by citizens born in the U.S. Of the approximate 8,500 homicides in this country each year, how many of them are done by ISIS members from other countries?
This country is safe compared to other countries.
No I am not part of the 1% . only a proud American
I agree that the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. I have traveled the world - specifically the European countries. And I have relatives who live there. Germany is in bad shape right now not to mention France. Lots of discontent and fear due to ISIS. Today in France they killed a priest in a church. As far as ISIS over here, I am from Ft. Hood/Killeen. My mom was on base when that nut,Hasan, shot 13 people and wounded 30 others. It's the ideology - he has requested -from death row-to join the Islamic state. So yea, it's here. And it is going to get worse. They are just waiting to strike whenever they can. We can't stick our heads in the sand and hope it blows over-that's not gonna happen. ISIS is a real threat to the United States. I think it's how you view the world. My world view aligns with Mr. Trump. And that's why I am voting for him.

The U.S. is the greatest country in the world. How many of you travel outside the U.S.?

I have visited SE Asia, Dubai, Turkey, and Greece recently. Heading to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco in September. Many trips to England, Germany, France and Italy among others. There is no country that has the freedoms we do in the U.S. and if you think our country is in trouble economically, you simply are unaware of conditions in other countries and the conditions under which the average person lives. Name a country that you would rather live in than the U.S. Certainly we have problems. But when compared to other countries in the world, ours are minor.

Ellen, you complain about ISIS. How many incidents have we had in this country by people associated with ISIS? The killings of police officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas were done by citizens born in the U.S. Of the approximate 8,500 homicides in this country each year, how many of them are done by ISIS members from other countries?
This country is safe compared to other countries. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 07-26-2016, 11:38 PM
Maybe it's not a case of "how bad it is" but rather "not as good as it was" or could be.

True, we probably throw out enough food to feed a small nation. We have become spoiled in our excesses. But we've worked for them. And it has become harder to maintain even a simple lifestyle. The middle class is being squeezed to fund both the 1 percenters and the zero percenters.

I'm probably not the only one here that heard, "Eat that! Some kid in (insert country) would kill for that."

I knew enough not to respond and find myself at the other end of the room. Yet neither of my parents started a war, killed thousands of their own people or pissed on our flag.

America has greatness left within it's just been backsliding.
Sexy Snake's Avatar
Not to mention the growth of ISIS. These people are crazy and we need a strong leader like Trump to deal with them. Not a pussy like pun intended. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I agree that the U.S. is the greatest country in the world. I have traveled the world - specifically the European countries. And I have relatives who live there. Germany is in bad shape right now not to mention France. Lots of discontent and fear due to ISIS. Today in France they killed a priest in a church. As far as ISIS over here, I am from Ft. Hood/Killeen. My mom was on base when that nut,Hasan, shot 13 people and wounded 30 others. It's the ideology - he has requested -from death row-to join the Islamic state. So yea, it's here. And it is going to get worse. They are just waiting to strike whenever they can. We can't stick our heads in the sand and hope it blows over-that's not gonna happen. ISIS is a real threat to the United States. I think it's how you view the world. My world view aligns with Mr. Trump. And that's why I am voting for him. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Major Hasan was born in the good old U.S.A. No immigration laws could have protected anyone from him. There was absolutely no way to predict that he would have done what he did. What would Trump have done to stop him? He broke no laws and was not considered to be a radical Muslim by anyone. Yes, we must try to eradicate ISIS, but not every crime committed by a Muslim is also committed by a member ISIS.

BTW. I want to add that I am not trying to convince you or anyone else to vote for or against a specific candidate.
Actually, I think most people have made up their minds on who they are going to vote for in this election. It's interesting to listen to other people's perspective about how they view the world.

Regarding Major Hassan - it's the ideology that has to be eradicated. He has requested to join the Islamic state from death row. He already had that mindset to kill the "western devils" Now where do you think he got that from?

ISIS has grown unchecked under Obama - he called them a JV team. It's unreal.

I want to be clear here - I am talking about radical Islam and I know not every Muslim has that mindset.

Now I don't have the answers to this problem but someone has to start the ball rolling to finding ways to protect our citizens from all that hate that ISIS has for us.

Peace and love from this die-hard Trump fan.

Major Hasan was born in the good old U.S.A. No immigration laws could have protected anyone from him. There was absolutely no way to predict that he would have done what he did. What would Trump have done to stop him? He broke no laws and was not considered to be a radical Muslim by anyone. Yes, we must try to eradicate ISIS, but not every crime committed by a Muslim is also committed by a member ISIS.

BTW. I want to add that I am not trying to convince you or anyone else to vote for or against a specific candidate. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Actually, I think most people have made up their minds on who they are going to vote for in this election. It's interesting to listen to other people's perspective about how they view the world.

Regarding Major Hassan - it's the ideology that has to be eradicated. He has requested to join the Islamic state from death row. He already had that mindset to kill the "western devils" Now where do you think he got that from?

ISIS has grown unchecked under Obama - he called them a JV team. It's unreal.

I want to be clear here - I am talking about radical Islam and I know not every Muslim has that mindset.

Now I don't have the answers to this problem but someone has to start the ball rolling to finding ways to protect our citizens from all that hate that ISIS has for us.

Peace and love from this die-hard Trump fan. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I've said this before -- the POTUS acts with the best interests of the citizens of the U.S. in mind with every thing he does. I don't care if he is Republican or Democrat. You and I may not understand why a specific major action is taken, but I can guarantee you that the action has been discussed and thought out in its entirety before the action takes place. If you don't think Obama is concerned about ISIS and is taking action in this country, and around the world, to counteract the terrorism, you are crazy. We had absolutely no knowledge of the details of the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, and other similar terrorists, until one day he was dead. Fallujah, Iraq has been recaptured and other gains have been made there against ISIS. The following link contains an article on how the war against ISIS is going:

We have many freedoms in the U.S. such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion and freedom to own guns. We allow people like Major Hasan to follow the religion of his choice, speak against U.S. policies, and own guns. Most of the time these rights are not abused but in rare instances they are. Until a law is broken we have few options.

Like I asked before, what actions would Trump have taken to stop U.S. citizens such as Hasan, Omar Mateen in Dallas, and Gavin Long in Baton Rouge? My guess would be that Trump could have done nothing to have stopped the killings.

Here is a link to an article with a map showing mass killings in 2015 by Muslims and others. If you take the time to look at it, you will realize how few are tied to Muslims.
The solution is always asymmetric response to threats. You kill 10 people, we level a small village. You kill 3000 people, we level a country. You nuke a city, mecca is gonna disappear.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Our biggest problem is that liberals can't do math. Best example: divide 17.8 trillion by 321 million. The result is your personal portion of the debt. With a gross domestic product of $18 trillion this borrow and spend gravy train is about to crash into armeggedon.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
My analysis suggests the best personal commodity you should invest in is iron.
Well, I just have a different world view than you. Do I think that the current POTUS acts in the best interests of our citizens? The answer is - no,no I do not.

By the way - Bin Laden was not ISIS.. He was Al Qaeda.
And what happened to Obama bringing back our boys? Now he's sending them back. I can tell you that coming from a military family and background-Obama is not popular at all.
And I don't think Trump would of been able to stop the killings. But I do believe he can help prevent future incidents. Like I said - someone has to get the ball rolling. And for me - my choice is Trump. Everybody has a choice - you have your and I have mine.

I've said this before -- the POTUS acts with the best interests of the citizens of the U.S. in mind with every thing he does. I don't care if he is Republican or Democrat. You and I may not understand why a specific major action is taken, but I can guarantee you that the action has been discussed and thought out in its entirety before the action takes place. If you don't think Obama is concerned about ISIS and is taking action in this country, and around the world, to counteract the terrorism, you are crazy. We had absolutely no knowledge of the details of the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, and other similar terrorists, until one day he was dead. Fallujah, Iraq has been recaptured and other gains have been made there against ISIS. The following link contains an article on how the war against ISIS is going:

We have many freedoms in the U.S. such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion and freedom to own guns. We allow people like Major Hasan to follow the religion of his choice, speak against U.S. policies, and own guns. Most of the time these rights are not abused but in rare instances they are. Until a law is broken we have few options.

Like I asked before, what actions would Trump have taken to stop U.S. citizens such as Hasan, Omar Mateen in Dallas, and Gavin Long in Baton Rouge? My guess would be that Trump could have done nothing to have stopped the killings.

Here is a link to an article with a map showing mass killings in 2015 by Muslims and others. If you take the time to look at it, you will realize how few are tied to Muslims. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX