swinger websites and swing clubs

sue_nami's Avatar
which swinger websites to you frequent? what do you like about it. AFF, SDC, CT, SLS, Fetlife? what are some other ones you use ? also any new swing clubs in town besides friends and players? this town is ripe for a new swing club. what swing clubs did you enjoy in the past? anyone been to the new one in Dallas?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
which swinger websites to you frequent? what do you like about it. AFF, SDC, CT, SLS, Fetlife? what are some other ones you use ? also any new swing clubs in town besides friends and players? this town is ripe for a new swing club. what swing clubs did you enjoy in the past? anyone been to the new one in Dallas? Originally Posted by sue_nami
The only swinger website we belong to is SDC. It seems to have more people on it from the Central Texas area. CouplesTouch is very Houston oriented. SLS simply does not seem as popular here, although we are non-paying members there and I do check it out on occasion.

Swing clubs? We have been to Friends many times in the past and to Players a handful of times (much younger crowd). Occasionally a new swing club opens up in the Austin area but it must be difficult to gain acceptance since they close rather quickly. Haven't been to either Players or Friends in a long time. If you're ever in New Orleans, Colettes is a must. We have always enjoyed Live Oak Resort but it has gotten rather expensive and simply less fun in our opinions. A group of our friends (about 40) are at the Purple Peacock Resort this weekend. I think there is currently only 1 cabin there and since we do not have an RV and we don't camp we did not attend.

Our preference is private parties, which we attend maybe 4-6 times a year, sometimes more. So much depends on your personality as to what you prefer.
nuglet's Avatar
The days for swing clubs in Austin is slowly drawing to a close. It used to be a fun, ok, pastime, but now, with the current "we had our fun, you can't do it" attitude, things will get more uptight, not less.
Friends is closing their current location, and says they're moving to a new location, but the verdict is still out..
With the current cost of real estate, and swing clubs really only doing business 2, maybe 3 nights a week, there's no payback, thus no incentive financially.
The type club I owned for 12 yrs is now specifically outlawed by a "code change" in Austin..
It's funny, but sad, that it's easier for the city to make a "code determination" than to pass a new law, but the code IS THE LAW!!
The shame is, there's nothing happening inside a "swinger club" that is illegal by any legal interpretation of the Law, in Austin, it's just the stigma.

Downtown, on 4th or 5th would be perfect, but again, the ROI is such that no one with the deep pockets, would waste their money trying to open such a club. $40-$60 per couple, 3 nights a week, no alcohol sales income... it has to be for fun, and who wants to dig down in their pocket for the $$$$$ to open a business that is guaranteed to lose money.
Back when real estate prices were reasonable, and the lawmakers were younger, yeah, maybe so, but now, very very unlikely. I know we had one of the better clubs in the country, (people came from out of state to visit) and I wouldn't even consider doing it again with today's political, social environment...

Home swinger parties are now "against code" and if reported, will cause the party givers grief. The city can, and WILL, remove their electric meter, and turn off utilities to the property if the parties continue and are reported..

We had a broad mix of partiers, LE (on their own time supposedly) many many lawyers, and politicians, all coming due to our reputation for discretion and rules of conduct and dress. It was fun but I don't miss it, AT ALL.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The days for swing clubs in Austin is slowly drawing to a close. It used to be a fun, ok, pastime, but now, with the current "we had our fun, you can't do it" attitude, things will get more uptight, not less.
Friends is closing their current location, and says they're moving to a new location, but the verdict is still out..
With the current cost of real estate, and swing clubs really only doing business 2, maybe 3 nights a week, there's no payback, thus no incentive financially.
The type club I owned for 12 yrs is now specifically outlawed by a "code change" in Austin..
It's funny, but sad, that it's easier for the city to make a "code determination" than to pass a new law, but the code IS THE LAW!!
The shame is, there's nothing happening inside a "swinger club" that is illegal by any legal interpretation of the Law, in Austin, it's just the stigma.

Downtown, on 4th or 5th would be perfect, but again, the ROI is such that no one with the deep pockets, would waste their money trying to open such a club. $40-$60 per couple, 3 nights a week, no alcohol sales income... it has to be for fun, and who wants to dig down in their pocket for the $$$$$ to open a business that is guaranteed to lose money.
Back when real estate prices were reasonable, and the lawmakers were younger, yeah, maybe so, but now, very very unlikely. I know we had one of the better clubs in the country, (people came from out of state to visit) and I wouldn't even consider doing it again with today's political, social environment...

Home swinger parties are now "against code" and if reported, will cause the party givers grief. The city can, and WILL, remove their electric meter, and turn off utilities to the property if the parties continue and are reported..

We had a broad mix of partiers, LE (on their own time supposedly) many many lawyers, and politicians, all coming due to our reputation for discretion and rules of conduct and dress. It was fun but I don't miss it, AT ALL. Originally Posted by nuglet
Nuglet, excellent points on swing clubs. I had fun at your place.

Would you please clarify on why home swinger parties are now "against code"?
nuglet's Avatar
Nuglet, excellent points on swing clubs. I had fun at your place.

Would you please clarify on why home swinger parties are now "against code"? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ironically, I think it was due to my club. We never broke any laws and were even audited by the IRS. I spent a couple of hours one afternoon, trying to explain to one of the city code inspectors, how I ran my place. He finally acquiesced that I was legal and legit when i showed him a letter I had from the IRS clearly stating I WAS NOT running a business. (his foundation of complaint was that I was "running a sexual oriented business without a permit, in an area that that type "business" wasn't permitted .

Right after I closed, they invented and instituted a "new rule" about housing/zoning code stating, "home sex parties are not permitted and home parties of more than 4 couples on a regular basis, are not permitted".. How they would EVER enforce that is a quandary but knowing the tight-ass folks in that dept......

I used to go down to the police dept every 4-6 months and under the "FOI" Freedom of Information act, get a report of any investigations or actions at my address..
It was funny how often I could put the officers visit together with the couple that showed up.. The police and I had a few interactions over those years, but I never had trouble or got written up for anything. Ironic that they would be at my club, at taxpayer expense... But that attitude by city officials is just one of the reasons that clubs are shutting down, not opening up.. lol
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ironically, I think it was due to my club. We never broke any laws and were even audited by the IRS. I spent a couple of hours one afternoon, trying to explain to one of the city code inspectors, how I ran my place. He finally acquiesced that I was legal and legit when i showed him a letter I had from the IRS clearly stating I WAS NOT running a business. (his foundation of complaint was that I was "running a sexual oriented business without a permit, in an area that that type "business" wasn't permitted .

Right after I closed, they invented and instituted a "new rule" about housing/zoning code stating, "home sex parties are not permitted and home parties of more than 4 couples on a regular basis, are not permitted".. How they would EVER enforce that is a quandary but knowing the tight-ass folks in that dept......

I used to go down to the police dept every 4-6 months and under the "FOI" Freedom of Information act, get a report of any investigations or actions at my address..
It was funny how often I could put the officers visit together with the couple that showed up.. The police and I had a few interactions over those years, but I never had trouble or got written up for anything. Ironic that they would be at my club, at taxpayer expense... But that attitude by city officials is just one of the reasons that clubs are shutting down, not opening up.. lol Originally Posted by nuglet
Well, I see a few differences from your home parties and my home parties. Yours were pay for play. Mine are free, other than bringing a dish for pot luck. Mine cost about $500 to put on out of my own pocket. Mine are once every 6 months and yours were something like every other week or at least once a month. I think mine were much more discreet (no limos delivering people to the home). We attended a home in S.A. years ago that put on sex parties, again pay-for-play. Was eventually closed down because it disrespected other home owner in the area -- skimpily clothed women walking past homes with children. We give warnings to couples to please be discreet.

Anyway, I understand the problems you had and the continued scrutiny you were under Sorry to see your place close.
nuglet's Avatar
$ had/ and still has, nothing to do with it..Free or otherwise, it's against city code. I'd look it up for you, but you can google it easily.. fee isn't the issue, SEX is. and the fact that it's organized. once every few months won't get you caught, unless you have a nosy neighbor. That's all it takes. As you noted "Was eventually closed down because it disrespected other home owner in the area..." The is a lady of note that has had partied all over town, you may be familiar with her, that is chased away from every location she's had for the last 5 yrs. HOA's, neighbors, you name it, she's crossed all the lines..
The city code people don't care what rules you have, whether you charge or not, They are just uptight folks, doing a job they like. Watch your back.. you'll get notice before they take action though.. so you'll have one free ride before it gets to be sticky. I can list almost a dozen "home parties" that have been shut down, all using the same logic you quote.. it just doesn't make the news.
bistraight69's Avatar
Thanks for the recon of the Austin Lifestyle.
sue_nami's Avatar
yes it is pretty fucking bleak compared to the time we had 5 clubs at once. I hope we get a new club soon.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
$ had/ and still has, nothing to do with it..Free or otherwise, it's against city code. I'd look it up for you, but you can google it easily.. fee isn't the issue, SEX is. and the fact that it's organized. once every few months won't get you caught, unless you have a nosy neighbor. That's all it takes. As you noted "Was eventually closed down because it disrespected other home owner in the area..." The is a lady of note that has had partied all over town, you may be familiar with her, that is chased away from every location she's had for the last 5 yrs. HOA's, neighbors, you name it, she's crossed all the lines..
The city code people don't care what rules you have, whether you charge or not, They are just uptight folks, doing a job they like. Watch your back.. you'll get notice before they take action though.. so you'll have one free ride before it gets to be sticky. I can list almost a dozen "home parties" that have been shut down, all using the same logic you quote.. it just doesn't make the news. Originally Posted by nuglet
I googled the Austin city codes and couldn't find any section related to sexual conduct at all. I can understand there being laws against activities that happen in public, but I would think that what goes on inside one's home is private, whether it be between a couple or many couples.
nuglet's Avatar
Here ya go..Violations
Adult-Oriented Businesses

Adult-oriented businesses, like all businesses, must be located in the appropriate zone. In addition, they must not be located within 1,000 feet of a church, school, public park, public playground, licensed daycare or a lot where another adult-oriented business is located. You may not run an adult-oriented business from your home.

and unfortunately the same guys enforcing the code are the ones that make the determination of "what" is a "business", it doesn't require exchange of $$.
That last line didn't use to be in the code a few years ago..........

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here ya go..Violations
Adult-Oriented Businesses

Adult-oriented businesses, like all businesses, must be located in the appropriate zone. In addition, they must not be located within 1,000 feet of a church, school, public park, public playground, licensed daycare or a lot where another adult-oriented business is located. You may not run an adult-oriented business from your home.

and unfortunately the same guys enforcing the code are the ones that make the determination of "what" is a "business", it doesn't require exchange of $$.
That last line didn't use to be in the code a few years ago..........

http://www.austintexas.gov/page/comm...ode-violations Originally Posted by nuglet
Yes, I found that law but a swinger party held in a private home where no money is collected can't be considered a business, adult-oriented or other. There is simply no way that a private party would be found in violation of any law on the books, IMHO. The city enforcing such a "law" would be open to a lawsuit.
sue_nami's Avatar
lets test it! party at speed racers house!! count me in
nuglet's Avatar
not making a case, just passing on info based on history and experience..
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
not making a case, just passing on info based on history and experience.. Originally Posted by nuglet
I appreciate the input.