As a citizen of the United States . . .

you must read the column in today's AAS by Thomas Friedman. If you don't know who TF is, he is a long time columnist for the NY Times who is very knowledgeable about world affairs, especially the Middle East. He has lived for years in Israel from his teen years and has written extensively about the problems in the Middle East.

His column today brings home what kind of man D. Trump really is re: his (DT's) recent remarks regarding the second amendment people.
you must read the column in today's AAS by Thomas Friedman. If you don't know who TF is, he is a long time columnist for the NY Times who is very knowledgeable about world affairs, especially the Middle East. He has lived for years in Israel from his teen years and has written extensively about the problems in the Middle East.

His column today brings home what kind of man D. Trump really is re: his (DT's) recent remarks regarding the second amendment people. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
It took me a few minutes to find it, so here is a link to help other readers easily find the NYTimes Friedman Article on Trump.

I had previously known about this history, but until reading Friedman, didn't link the Trump language to the potential actions that have happened before. Should not happen again.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
sue_nami's Avatar
thanks shining a light on the voice of reason. these are frightening times and the fear mongering has been out of control. words have meaning and the escalation of the threatening hate filled rhetoric is frightening to me and all folks who believe in peace. I hope everyone reads this and thinks about the future of our country.
" But Trump knows what he is doing, and it is so dangerous in today’s world. In the last year we have seen a spate of lone-wolf acts of terrorism in America and Europe by men and women living on the fringes of society, some with petty criminal records, often with psychological problems, often described as “loners,” and almost always deeply immersed in fringe jihadist social networks that heat them up. They hear the signal in the noise. They hear the inspiration and the permission to do God’s work. They are not cooled by unfinished sentences."
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
So, whut Ah'm a-hearin' yew say is thet tha ol' sayin', "Sticks an' stones may break mah bones but werds will ne'er hurt meh," is a gottdamm LIE?!?!?!?

Yer a-callin' mah momma an' mah granmomma gottdamm liars?!?!?

Why yew, Ah oughta ...
Don't care for Hillary but Trump is incompetent so I guess Hillary it is.
Excellent. Thank-you posting this. There are many Travis Bickle types (Taxi Driver) around. A little encouragement from a so called leader like Trump could easily incite one of them to violence. We can disagree vehemently with each other about politics but we settle our differences at the ballot box.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-14-2016, 11:46 PM
As a citizen of the United States . . . I'm somewhat embarrassed that these two candidates are the best the country has to offer.

But I will accept part of the blame for the situation. I'm one of millions who have allowed the political aristocracy to grow. Unless you're part of the political machines most don't give two shits about it until the day of the elections. Then they treat it like the Super Bowl hoping to get bragging rights about picking the winner, without much regard for who actually might be best for the job.

The published article is a prime example of "Feelings are not Facts". When JFK ran for office many said that if he were elected that he'd be taking orders from the Pope. THAT didn't happen! Some even rumored, when Reagan ran, that he'd be appointing John Wayne as Sec. of Defense. THAT didn't happen either.

As I see it this guy probably hopes that something actually DOES happen to Clinton so he can prove his "theory".

The only FACT that I can put forth is that even if Hillary serves only one term, her and Bill will be pulling down over 3 million per year in retirement benefits. Which BTW Obama is seeking to increase.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-14-2016, 11:47 PM
As a citizen of the United States . . . I'm somewhat embarrassed that these two candidates are the best the country has to offer.

But I will accept part of the blame for the situation. I'm one of millions who have allowed the political aristocracy to grow. Unless you're part of the political machines most don't give two shits about it until the day of the elections. Then they treat it like the Super Bowl hoping to get bragging rights about picking the winner, without much regard for who actually might be best for the job.

The published article is a prime example of "Feelings are not Facts". When JFK ran for office many said that if he were elected that he'd be taking orders from the Pope. THAT didn't happen! Some even rumored, when Reagan ran, that he'd be appointing John Wayne as Sec. of Defense. THAT didn't happen either.

As I see it this guy probably hopes that something actually DOES happen to Clinton so he can prove his "theory".

The only FACT that I can put forth is that even if Hillary serves only one term, her and Bill will be pulling down over 3 million per year in retirement benefits. Which BTW Obama is seeking to increase.
As a citizen of the United States . . . I'm somewhat embarrassed that these two candidates are the best the country has to offer.

But I will accept part of the blame for the situation. I'm one of millions who have allowed the political aristocracy to grow. Unless you're part of the political machines most don't give two shits about it until the day of the elections. Then they treat it like the Super Bowl hoping to get bragging rights about picking the winner, without much regard for who actually might be best for the job.

The published article is a prime example of "Feelings are not Facts". When JFK ran for office many said that if he were elected that he'd be taking orders from the Pope. THAT didn't happen! Some even rumored, when Reagan ran, that he'd be appointing John Wayne as Sec. of Defense. THAT didn't happen either.

As I see it this guy probably hopes that something actually DOES happen to Clinton so he can prove his "theory".

The only FACT that I can put forth is that even if Hillary serves only one term, her and Bill will be pulling down over 3 million per year in retirement benefits. Which BTW Obama is seeking to increase. Originally Posted by Loxly
What political aristocracy are you talking about? America has none. None. I just finished watching The War Room again after twenty years, and among other things, it really made me remember how viable political upstarts can be in this country. The Clintons were the dark horse twenty years ago. Nobody thought they had a chance in hell of winning against Bush. It's hard to remember just how revolutionary they seemed after 12 years of republican rule. let's not get into the fact that once in office, Clinton really was more of a republican than the populist principles he ran on, but it felt good at the time. But, the fact remains, they came from nothing. The Clintons were the absolute underdogs with dangerous ideas and the political astuteness to bring them to the table. Whatever their strengths or weaknesses, the democratic party owes their energy a great deal.

And then, we elected President Obama, who owes his very electability to the Clinton effect on the party, a black man, also from nothing, and not only that a black man whose name sounded like the man we wanted to hunt down and kill. These people were and are not political aristocracy by any means. I completely reject the idea that we have a political caste.

I'm sorry, but your case against the American political aristocracy is just another Trump apologetic. Uhh, but we're fighting this machine with his refusal to be politically correct. bullshit. You're fighting the same godamn thing the republican party has been fighting for 60 years now, modernity.