Providers-Clit sensitivity to Daty

  • hd
  • 03-16-2010, 01:14 PM
Have been noticing in some reviews, and this has happened to me, when daty on providers, just on a few occasions, she will say she is sensitive. I have no problem with that and will lighten up my intensity or stop if she is uncomfortable.
My thoughts are the provider has seen a few clients prior to me so are probably sore? And the ones I've seen with this "sensitivity" has been later in the evening. The next time I visit the same lady and am the first or earlier in the day, there is no problem with it and I go to town with my tongue.
Daty later in the evening is no problem for me as long as she has cleaned herself properly just as I shower prior to our appoint.

Is my assumption pretty much on target?
Truthful replies ought to have this thread ranking in the top 5 posts of all time for number of responses in short order!

Everyone and everytime, is different.

So no, your not on target.
  • hd
  • 03-16-2010, 02:21 PM
Little Stevie,that was in my thoughts about this when I posted.
I assumed that.
That is why I answered correctly.
Hmmm...TOO sensitive? I am not sure that has EVER happened to me! LOL! This is one of the reasons that I like to stay low volume, to make sure it DOESN'T happen! It just gets better and better!

I have often wondered if a person could die from multiple O's or would one just pass out eventually? Anyone know?

I have to admit that (having lost a lot of weight recently) I have noticed that my smaller, tighter jeans make me a little "uncomfortable". I have had to resort to wearing panties under my jeans because of the constant rubbing action! WOOHOO!
Jasser's Avatar
The wife is super sensitive down there so I always start off with a "soft tongue" and start on the outside of the lips and slowly work my win in to the sweet spot. I've found that most ladies don't enjoy the hard tongue, with fast flicking, lol, but they are all different. For instance, a old fuck buddy liked it hard and fast, but that's not the majority, in my experience.
m5552009's Avatar
I have found that after 5 or 6 rounds of DATY to climax they almost all get sensitive. Some even start to giggle when touched after multiple "O's". I don't think the time of day contributes to the level of sensitivity, however logic would indicate that having had many "O's" during the day may lead a lady to quick sensitivity later in the day.....don't have proof of this so maybe others can share their experience.
ANONONE's Avatar
Try mixing it up for her. After all, nobody likes a tongue lashing!

Make sure you aren't learning all your DATY moves from porn. They show all those rapid clit strokes because it is visually pleasing to the camera, not necessarily because it is pleasing to the woman.

In reality, ladies feel free to weigh in here, but really good pussy eating would make for boring camera views because you gently suck most of the vulva into your mouth and internally suck, swirl, and flick everything in your very wet mouth. All you would see is the back of the guy's head plastered into her lap. That won't sell much porn.

Obviously, all women are different and need different touches and maneuvers, but I am pretty sure none of them like your tongue bashing them like you are whitewashing a picket fence.

The lady the OP mentions might have a condition (or--gulp--may have seen too many guys before him), but it might have also been her way to politely nudge him to try something else because whatever the guy was doing may not have been quite working?

Remember this is all fantasy, and their job is to make us feel like a God BCD. If you really want honest feedback, you should probably give the lady permission to do that and assure her that it is a service you are requesting as part of the session. That is the easiest way to pick up pointers, if you are a gent that genuinely cares if his DATY is effective.
I am very naturally sensitive and love a man with a soft, sensual approach. If it starts off rough or hard, I cannot get aroused no matter how good his daty may be. This has nothing to do with the amount of people I see (I am 1 appointment per day) I think communication is key and most ladies will gladly tell you how what to do to get the desired results
aRandyOne's Avatar
Are we talking about sensivity BEFORE or after DATY?
JohnJohn's Avatar
I ask the lady ahead of time and if she's honest, we'll both have fun.
It's been my experience that you work your way towards a woman's clit after having your fun first with the back of her knees, then a slow trailing series of licks and kisses up her thighs, followed by slow strokes of the outside of her lips..then the inside, perhaps a few darts of the tongue in and out before pulling her folds apart and revealing her clit for that first light lick. I've always encountered the sensitivty after she cums and I simply focus on her lips and opening as she's coming down from the orgasm.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Some of us are just naturally sensitive...especially just after orgasm...whoa...I need a sec to breathe, please. My O's are pretty intense, so my body and convulsing muscles need time to relax once again before continued play.

Start easy and let your intensity build. Ya can't just jump in and start munching. We're not porn stars who utilize fluffers to get us ready for the Big Scene with you when you arrive. LOL

i would think that when a woman has a hard time coming and is less sensitive is probably when she has been having more sex.
I am a very sensitive person down there. I like things very slow and soft. And after having a orgasm I am even more sensitive. It doesn't mean because I have seen several men and worn out and tired. It just means my body is liking what is being done to it and needs a break after having a O.