Sex, Read My Lips

Bestman200600's Avatar
Does the color of a woman's lips tell you when see is horney?????

Sex? Read My Lips

Monday, March 15, 2010
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A new lipstick has gone on sale that shows when women are in the mood for sex.
The lip product changes from clear to deep crimson as the wearer feels more and more frisky. It works by reacting with a woman’s body chemistry.
Each $18.50 tube comes with a color chart so men can figure out how aroused their partner is feeling.
The Mood SwingEmotionally Activated Lip Gloss was invented in California by Too Faced makeup brand.
"The colors change depending on your emotional state,” a spokesperson from Too Faced told The Sun.
Celebrity fans include singer Katy Perry, who is engaged to funnyman Russell Brand.
"This is the ultimate date ice-breaker,” dating expert Lorraine Adams said.
"But using it every day could get embarrassing. Would you really want the man next to you on the bus to know if you're turned on?" Adams said.
I thought hiding your arousal was why guys wore jock straps to the swimming pool. I have enough trouble when I see a nice pair of headlights on high beam let alone lipstick that "lights up".

I'm gonna file that under "Bad Ideas" that sound good until you try them.
sounds like it might be a lot of fun at a party , get togeather of friends otherwise bad idea
Bestman200600's Avatar
Maybe they should have it at the Margarita Mixer to find out who is hot, or maybe they all would have crimson colored lips.......
berkleigh's Avatar
I wear a lot of lipgloss...always have.

I love to kiss!

Mine is flavorful too!

<--------- *muah* kissy face
Cool. Here is another lipstick that can detect if a date rate drug has been slipped in your drink. http://womens-sexual-health.suite101...rs_a_red_alert