Providers – Opinions on sponsoring your tour

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Give me your thoughts on my sponsoring a lady’s tour to my area. It seems my schedule often doesn’t match up to providers visits. I’m also not sure my entertainment budget would justify a lady’s trip out to Midland/Odessa just to see me over a weekend. I don’t want to pimp her, promote her or be exclusive, but I would like the arrangement to include an appropriate amount of time for me to spend with her while she’s here.

Give me your thoughts. You can PM me if you prefer.

Maybe this will inspire others to assist in bringing a lady to their area.
I think it's great when guys sponsor. It's been done for me and the arrangement worked out well.

mikahranae's Avatar
I am actually going to Vegas on a sponsored trip. I agreed to spend a few hours with him on a Sunday evening. He is paying for my airfare, rental car, room and room service charges. He has alot of travel miles so it works out better for his pockets. I think you may have several ladies that would take you up on it!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Never done it, but have considered it. I think if you alert other hobbyists that she's coming, pay airfare, hotel and a reasonable per diem she, in turn, should spiff you to a commensurate amount of BCD time, then schedule the rest of her time with others. But I'd guess it depends on the provider. My guess is that some will be reasonable and business-like in their approach to the situation and others will want something for nothing. But you won't know until you try.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Meg, I can see why guys do it with you uuhhm, sponsoring, too. lol. I guess it depends on expectations from each person. Was that an issue?

Mikah, he's a lucky guy. The arrangement has to be successful for both of you.

So, I guess it's worth a try as Gonzo said.

I've never done this, so I really need some advice and direction.