For your consideration: Death penalities for massive data theft cases

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You cannot deny that the stealing of use of information for say, 12 people is a crime. You can ruin their credit rating and along with it their lives. They can't buy houses, cars, college tuition payments, vacations, or any other reasonably high value items. We have heard about the millions (now maybe 100 million) intrusions through Nieman Marcus and Target. This ranks pretty close to economic terrorism. Our people in Congress seem to have a problem even recognizing that there is a problem. No carefully crafted laws or fixes that anyone is talking about. There is a bill being put forward by the GOP in the house that requires any discovered hacking of Obamacare be made public within 48 hours but it is guaranteed to die in the Senate.

Still, considering how much damage can be done both domestically and internationally such large scale intrusions should warrant the death penality in some cases.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I'll take this thread in the death penalty direction, suggesting it also include insider trading and securities fraud, similar offenses. I'll even dare suggest those who claimed fraudulent post-911 disability are worse than the actual terrorists. At least the terrorists believed in something bigger than their own greed. You'll saying killing 3k persons is worse than stealing $100 mill, but in a certain light that $100 mill may have saved more lives. But it probably would have just gone into Michelle Obama's vain lifestyle.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-12-2014, 03:59 PM
You cannot deny that the stealing of use of information for say, 12 people is a crime. You can ruin their credit rating and along with it their lives. They can't buy houses, cars, college tuition payments, vacations, or any other reasonably high value items. We have heard about the millions (now maybe 100 million) intrusions through Nieman Marcus and Target. This ranks pretty close to economic terrorism. Our people in Congress seem to have a problem even recognizing that there is a problem. No carefully crafted laws or fixes that anyone is talking about. There is a bill being put forward by the GOP in the house that requires any discovered hacking of Obamacare be made public within 48 hours but it is guaranteed to die in the Senate.

Still, considering how much damage can be done both domestically and internationally such large scale intrusions should warrant the death penality in some cases. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Theft of a horse was once a hanging offense in Texas, and widely abused. Just lock them up one year for each identity stolen.
Maybe we ought to just chop their hands off.

Stealing credit card numbers is terrorism that merits the death penalty? Do you have some sort of progressive neurological condition that causes your brain cells to dissolve as the days roll by?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Death may be harsh but the penalties for theft should be much harsher than the are. It seems as if the current logic is, Stealing a million will get me a $250k fine so let's get started.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Chop their hands off? What kind of sick bastard are you Timmie? They become wards without hands.

The reasoning behind hanging horse thieves was a man might own only one horse. That horse brought him into town for supplies, plowed his field, and pulled a wagon. It might also be the most expensive thing that he owned. If someone stole his horse they might deprive him of his livelihood, his way to get around, and his way to survive in the west. (this was a western thing) Losing your horse was serious. So it made sense to punish someone severely for the offense. It makes just as much sense when you destroy someone's credit rating and/or steal the money. You have made it very hard to get by in this world when you do that and multiple that by a 1,000 or 10,000 or 1,000,000. I think a death penalty should "BE ON THE TABLE" for egregious offenders. We could modify what my FAUX BRO said and bring back slavery for identity thieves. The people that they offend against would own them for a year and then they go to the next person and so on.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2014, 11:09 AM
I'm actually down with stiffer penalties for massive fraud. In fact JD should shot if he teach like he posts!
JCM800's Avatar
what if the identity theft is a case of mistaken identity?

then who do you kill?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess I have to speak slowly for those in the back of the class; the death penalty will be an option (the meaning of "on the table") and not automatic. It depends on the breadth and width of the crime. Of course (why do I have to say this?) there will be an investigation, a police investigation.

Now do you get it?
I guess I have to speak slowly for those in the back of the class; the death penalty will be an option (the meaning of "on the table") and not automatic. It depends on the breadth and width of the crime. Of course (why do I have to say this?) there will be an investigation, a police investigation.

Now do you get it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh, I got it the first time Admiral. You want to expand the death penalty to people who steal credit card information.

Your descent into madness continues unchecked. Seek professional help.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Chop their hands off? What kind of sick bastard are you Timmie? They become wards without hands.

The reasoning behind hanging horse thieves was a man might own only one horse. That horse brought him into town for supplies, plowed his field, and pulled a wagon. It might also be the most expensive thing that he owned. If someone stole his horse they might deprive him of his livelihood, his way to get around, and his way to survive in the west. (this was a western thing) Losing your horse was serious. So it made sense to punish someone severely for the offense. It makes just as much sense when you destroy someone's credit rating and/or steal the money. You have made it very hard to get by in this world when you do that and multiple that by a 1,000 or 10,000 or 1,000,000. I think a death penalty should "BE ON THE TABLE" for egregious offenders. We could modify what my FAUX BRO said and bring back slavery for identity thieves. The people that they offend against would own them for a year and then they go to the next person and so on. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Good point that actually dissuades me. I completely understand needing a horse, thousands or hundreds of years ago, or even today. But two hundred years from today I hope it sounds ridiculous that a person couldn't function without a high rating derived by computers under the control of financial 'experts' of highly questionable integrity themselves. So maybe that's the problem.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another moronic discussion by JDIdiot.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh, I got it the first time Admiral. You want to expand the death penalty to people who steal credit card information.

Your descent into madness continues unchecked. Seek professional help. Originally Posted by timpage
One more time with little words;

The....death.....punishment... ....possibility....for .....really.... bad ....crimes.

Sorry, couldn't break down punishment and possibility anymore.
LexusLover's Avatar
Death may be harsh but the penalties for theft should be much harsher than the are. It seems as if the current logic is, Stealing a million will get me a $250k fine so let's get started. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
You forgot something ... "restitution" .... it takes the "profit" out of stealing.
LexusLover's Avatar
...should warrant the death penality in some cases. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn