Keep the hell away from PhuckToi

Ok. I apologize we've kept this under wraps in the men's lounge for a while. We still had to work some things out, but it's time to put this out there.

This woman is a manipulative, convincing piece of work. Meeting with her starts off how a session normally would, but then she starts asking for little things. (I'm not the only one who's gotten caught up in this mess, others will add their input soon).

It starts from asking for hotel rooms and works it's way to rental cars. Somewhere in the middle are bullshit sob stories about why she needs money and Walmart money wiring. Yes, we shouldn't have started giving in the first place. I expect to get made fun of as I did in the Men's Lounge. I'm putting this out there to warn everyone else.

Keep away from her. At first I recommended if you're gonna screw her do it and be done. Now I'm saying to keep away from her at all costs. Nobody on this board is worth the amount of drama, bullshit, and money loss we've gone through. My story isn't the worst, but she's cost me well over $2k, and she's been trying to get more out of me as recent as last night.

As a note, I'm letting you all know now. This is the start in a very large war that's about to happen, so you may see more drama go down. Those of us involved are too deep in this to be able to walk away. For your own good, keep away from her.

This will be posted in all alerts across the state, and further if deemed necessary.
Joe Buck's Avatar
You are fairly new in the hobby so hear is a little tip. Don't loan money! I really do not see where this is alert worthy.
Whispers's Avatar
... Sorry... Followed an Austin link..... I have no doubt he will get the proper response locally.
DocHolyday's Avatar
What is an alert here??? If you loan this chick money, you may not get paid back? This is no alert!!! Should be moved to Other Discussions or Co-Ed Forum.
My story isn't the worst, but she's cost me well over $2k.....

....those of us involved are too deep in this to be able to walk away. For your own good, keep away from her. Originally Posted by Zenoguy
If I were you I'd say "Lesson Learned" and move on. Not sure WHAT the meaning is behind the "in too deep to be able to walk away" entails....

....but odds are you'll never see that ca$h ever again.

Loaning Money to Hooker$ has been discussed on this site numerous times. And the consensus has always been DO. NOT. DO. IT. Emphasis placed on NEVER EVER.

And yet....another story of the Same Ol' Thing rears it's head once again and all one can do is
Raccoon's Avatar
2k in the hole
The appropriate title of this thread should be "I'm Zenoguy and PhuckToi made a damn fool of me". She only did what a lot of ladies on this site would do if they found a sucker like yourself. This is not an alert, at least not on her. Charge it to the game and keep moving.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-27-2017, 11:51 AM
You cast a wide net for this self alert:

Karlie Raines's Avatar
You willingly gave your money away. You got played and although it sucks, you'll be more wise to bs of the hobby. Unfortunately, you willingly getting scammed isn't an alert.

Be smart

Safe hobbying
Just Say "No" Sometimes
don't get yourself banned over this. Because then ur message falls flat.


Stop answering the phone when she calls, don't return texts. If ur still communicating, then she sees you're still responsive on some level(ie you still care). Chalk the money up as an L. You're not getting it back. EVER. It's long gone.

Like somoene else said another time, if you lend money to them, consider it immediately as a loss, so be able to afford that loss....and if the girl pays you back then that's a bonus.

Since you're already down $2K, spend another $500 and go see 3-4 more other providers to get ur mind away from stressing over this chick.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I will post my dealings with her later. My situation starts in August, she starts her manipulation from the first session.

I got in deeper in the rabbit hole, involves a rental car, issues involving guideline 15, and manipulating other providers.
Txsunman's Avatar
How about a LINK. Oh I'm supposed to hunt for the link. Hos and RW sluts (no difference) are all looking for some fool to play.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Why should anyone believe the OP when he uses such obvious bad judgment?
Tex9401's Avatar
You are real close of this being called spam posting. Ztonk, Can I get your feedback on this matter?

You cast a wide net for this self alert:

z Originally Posted by ztonk