billyhunter09 See at your own risk

billyhunter09 on ECCIE/billyazzhunter on P411

Has several OK's P411/ a few reviews on Eccie/VH Clear/ He has seen several "well-known" providers.

I spent an hour and 35 minutes with this man and he obviously "forgot" to compensate me for my time. Numerous attempts to allow him to take care of this matter over the past week have been unsuccessful.

AA Male/ mid 30's age/drives a newer Light Blue sedan (I DO HAVE THE TAG INFO).

Phone number (google) 214-843-13** (Edited. Please do not post such specific phone information in the future - Staff)

I'm sure I will get this question.....

I don't, nor will I ever ask a client to pay upfront. I still do not believe this is a reason to not pay.
He is a ass for not keeping his end of the deal, but sweetie ALWAYS pay before play. If you put yourself in the position to be screwed, then eventually you will be. Most hobbiest are not out to scam or short anyone, then you have those that are on the lookout for the ones that give them the opportunity to. ALWAYS think smart and look out for you first. If they don't want to pay before they play then they don't want to play with you.
Just my $0.02
The only thought I can come up with for a guy not paying up front is if he is visitng a complete unknown. BP girls for example. No reviews, no intel of any kind. Of course, if hes willing to take the risk of a complete unknown he should be ready to loose his money going in.

I can think of no reason to not pay an established provider up front. Gets it out of the way so not even a thought even more. One less distraction. Get your money up front.

I did forget to pay up front one time. But, in my defense, she did attack me and ripped my clothes off when I walked in the door. Thank goodness I did not have to pee!

Sorry you had a bad experience.

Oh, if you booked through P411, be sure to let Gina know. She can at least close his account if he does not make good.
lda523287's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you. It's that type of behavior that make us hobbyist look bad.
Lunytunz's Avatar
Alaine is a very classy, honest, reliable courtesan that provides excellent service. She does not deserve to treated as anything less. Gentlemen do not "forget" to provide donations. This is a case of thievery and should be dealt with as such. Hopefully external pressure will be applied to encourage this fella to make things right. Alaine, sorry this occurred and I hope you are remunerated quickly.
ManSlut's Avatar
billyhunter09 on ECCIE/billyazzhunter on P411

I don't, nor will I ever ask a client to pay upfront. I still do not believe this is a reason to not pay. Originally Posted by alaine
alaine, on behalf of the Gentlemen that numerous providers put their trust in and conduct the business side of the Hobby the way you did with 'Mr. Hustler', I am sorry this has happened to you. I have seen several providers on first visits where the 'Gifts' were not given till the end of the session and it has always been a very welcomed touch of trust and professionalism. Seeing a new provider for the first time can be tense due to LE concerns (if providers don't think we have them, think again) and when a provider doesn't bring up fees or 'show me the gifts' before the BCD fun begins, well, it earns major points with me !

You have given 'Mr. Hustler' a few days to make it right. He hasn't and deserves to be called out for taking advantage of you. I hope the good Gentlemen on this board will recognize the good you did, will call you up, and you make many times the amount you lost from 'Mr. Hustler'.

Keep being you alaine, I have always appreciated your type of professionalism, but never expect it from a lady in your position. I am so sorry a 'douchebag' violated your trust...Every dog has his day and his is just around the corner!

The Passionate ManSlut

P.S. This should be, in my opinion, a textbook example of calling out a 'douchebag'. No vindictive, drama, misspelled laiden rant.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Our policy is that it's the provider responsibility to get paid in full up front. Confusion and miscommunication is all too common.


Providers story: "I know he booked an hour, but I got there and then we talked about him for an hour, and then we played for an hour..... so now he owes me for TWO hours!!!"

Clients story: "I booked an hour, but she yammered my ear off about her problems for an hour and then we played for an hour, and now she expects to be pay for TWO hours??? wtf???"

The above is simply an example, and not indicative of what happened in this case. I haven't heard both sides of the story yet, but in this case the client was on a 6 month trial membership and has been revoked (at least for now) because we have zero tolerance with trial memberships.

With a regular membership, any disputes of this nature that arise will be noted and carefully looked at, but chances are slim that we will get involved if the provider didn't do her own due diligence in making sure she got paid, in full, up front.We weren't there, we don't know what happened, and we don't get in the middle of something that could have been easily prevented had the provider bothered to get paid up front.

pmdelites's Avatar
gina, thx for clarifying your position on matters such as this!!

just wish i could have dropped by and visited w/ you and the staff when i was in toronto recently :^) i did wave to all points when i was at the pier downtown.
billyhunter09 on ECCIE/billyazzhunter on P411

Pay up. No excuses

Alane, I do sympathize with you and hope you work it out

(note to self, Alane writes down plate numbers to get RLI)
Thank you for letting us know.
Alane, I do sympathize with you and hope you work it out

(note to self, Alane writes down plate numbers to get RLI) Originally Posted by yourself
+1...expedited track to the DNS list. Didn't another girl recently mention that she does this as well? I hope this isn't common.