Question For The Gentlemen

What is your opinion on women who have sex with many men for money verses women who has sex with many man just for the pleasure ??
Me personally I feel neither is wrong because I get to enjoy both sides of it with the pleasure along with the business side of providing.
i think it really helps to know if a provider is actually enjoying her work as opposed to 'punching the timeclock' and i for one will always seek out people who reflect that ideal as best as possible. RGX
What is your opinion on women who have sex with many men for money verses women who has sex with many man just for the pleasure ??
Me personally I feel neither is wrong because I get to enjoy both sides of it with the pleasure along with the business side of providing. Originally Posted by sxyveronica
For me personally if the woman is not enjoying herself with sex, then I don't find it as enjoyable.
Well, if it's just for money and it's patently obvious, I doubt I'd be the first one here to write a review with a "No" recommendation.

I think you're going to find that all of us clients want providers who are either having fun or are damned good actresses.
busternutzs's Avatar
There are a good many of young girls 19 to 23 or so that they flatback strickly for the cash. As a means to put groceries on the table and pay bills.
I've been told several times by different BPers they don't enjoy the sex at least with the clients they see but they try to fake the illusion of passion so the client thinks she actually enjoys what she is doing.