LE question for the providers...?

Would you still see a guy that was known LE?

Reason I'm asking is because I had my first interview today with the local PD, talked about doing some ride alongs and when I would have time for the academy, etc...

Would I run into trouble when trying to book an appt.?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Well, this could be an interesting discussion. I'm looking forward to the responses.

lol i would still see you over state line
fejac_lovr's Avatar
Good answer B, ur 1 smart cookie! Lol
IF i were a provider i would see you,then i would hit 911 on my cellphone,and when the police arrived i would say you raped me.I did not know you had to go to the academy to learn how to eat donuts
fejac_lovr's Avatar
& I guess another factor would be how long would you continue booking with prov's until you gained their confidence THEN you start making appts. while on duty and making arrests...something to think about ladies. To protect & serve? Of course, THEMSELVES!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
I have seen gentleman and later found out they were LE and then i would stop seeing them and would not give them a reference check either but i would also let the other ladies know what i knew about them and it would be up to them if they wanted to gamble on it.You wanted a honest answer you got one from me.I do not trust LE period cause they will cover there own ass no matter what!!!!!
fejac_lovr's Avatar
Right, and how could he justify shakin me down for something he does himself...that's BS!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

It was a legitimate question from a fellow who's about to be in a difficult situation when it comes to the hobby. So, be nice.

fejac_lovr's Avatar
Oops, I think I jus got my 1st tounge lashing. Lol
lol thats cool.. i asked for it...

i dont hobby a whole lot.. but when i do i wanna have fun.

right now i'm a state employee teaching school, the school is shutting down and I'm looking at other options as far as state jobs go. I don't have too much longer till retirement. (about 9 years)
wildcat4fun's Avatar
sweetheart im not being mean or anything just being honest about what was being asked.
Bradly. Being that close to retirement can you even get on the force? They usually have an age restriction for new recruits. If you do get in, you may not want to mention your LE when you see a lady. But I agree with Wildcat, no one would trust you to keep it quiet if you get in a jam, you'd save yourself first.
i'm only 33, lol. But honesty is always a good thing. Wheather it's what I want to hear or not. And I would probably go ahead and tell a provider up front just to get it out of the way.

btw... If I do loose my teaching job and take this one, would that mean I would be banned from this site?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
& I guess another factor would be how long would you continue booking with prov's until you gained their confidence THEN you start making appts. while on duty and making arrests...something to think about ladies. To protect & serve? Of course, THEMSELVES! Originally Posted by fejac_lovr
I used to be a public defender in St. Louis, Missouri. Back then I represented (in the time I was a PD) about 200 or so women accused of prostitution (pretty much all streetwalkers). A substantial percentage of my clients (rough estimate, 35-45%) claimed that they were busted by a vice cop who'd seen them as a client 1 to 3 times before making the bust.

Honestly, I never had any evidence of this other than their word, but I was inclined to believe them: their stories were too consistent and they really weren't creative enough to come up with such stories on their own.

