Stevie Ray Vaughn statue desecrated for being"racist"

Hugh Shcrapps's Avatar
The liberals won't stop at just tearing down Confederate statues. They won't stop until all of western civilization, white culture is destroyed. Sickening.
God damn you're getting fast.

Stick to the barebacking and shitting stories. You lose support when your racist Trumpet side comes out.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Interesting that the OP immediately decided that it was "liberals" who defaced Stevie Ray Vaughn's statue. Austin is a liberal oasis in a very conservative state. Singers are among the most liberal of the city's population and the people who follow singers, especially singers like Stevie, probably tend to be liberal. Taggers defaced the statue. I doubt that they have serious political convictions.
Hugh Shcrapps's Avatar
Anti Trump wackos don't need " serious political convictions". The brainwashed fools just follow what the actors, rappers and cnn tell them, and they believe it.
And then there are people like me that think both sides are fucking whacko. However, from my perspective, the American Taliban (Trumptards) is a far greater danger to humanity than the liberals.
Also, Trumptards believe whatever the Con Artist in Chief tells them, so how's that any better than 'liberals'?
Hugh Shcrapps's Avatar
What terrible things do trump supporters do besides work, pay taxes and turn shitholes into nice neighborhoods?
Climate change denial, support big oil, support the prison industrial complex, support the military industrial complex, support cop's, deny science, keep the rich rich and the poor poor, deny the need for healthcare and education, support religion in government, support xenophobia and protectionism.

Should I keep going?
Hugh Shcrapps's Avatar
If the west wants to survive and not turn into a shithole, it better be "xenophobic". Being conquered and having your country turn into a wasteland is a scary thing.

I would like to see more renewable energy, I'll agree with you there. But that's the only real problem I have with trump. Rather than supporting foosil fuels, those people should be trained to work and develop clean energy. All your other complaints are kinda baseless.
Religion and money are the root causes of the problems you see in the world, not immigrants trying to find a better life. Reevaluate your views and go deeper. There is no other logical conclusion. If you think there is, I'm happy to debate you after your next reincarnation.

I could provide ample evidence for every single one of my original points. The question is if evidence will sway you or if you're not interested in seeing the world as it is.
tinypenis's Avatar
Just kids tagging the statue