MSN Polls on Mueller Investigation

  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2019, 02:31 PM
Should the full findings of the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller be made public?

  • 71%
  • 20%
  • 9%
    No opinion
Total responses: 688,666 votes
Are you satisfied with the finding that the Trump campaign had not 'conspired or knowingly coordinated' with Russia?

  • 61%
  • 32%
  • 7%
    No opinion
Total responses: 469,153 votes
Do you believe or not believe that President Trump obstructed justice?

  • 53%
    He did not obstruct justice
  • 41%
    He obstructed justice
  • 6%
    No opinion
Total responses: 401,743 votes
Do you agree with President Trump's statement that he has been exonerated?

  • 52%
  • 44%
  • 4%
    No opinion
Total responses: 368,856 votes
Should the House continue investigations into President Trump’s campaign and business?

  • 39%
  • 59%
  • 2%
    No opinion
Total responses: 351,340 votes

Interesting the low number of no opinion votes.

Take it for what it is - an unscientific , uncontrolled poll.
With a small number of voters compared to the number of registered voters in the country - except for the State of Kalifornia and all the dead/illegal voters.
winn dixie's Avatar
Just my opinion. But I consider those msn polls pretty accurate.
Grand jury testimony can't be made public!!
That question is a non sequitur.
So much for what these airheads know.
71% of respondents are IDIOTS!!
It would have to be so heavily redacted you
couldn't make heads or tail of it.
Grand jury testimony can't be made public!!
That question is a non sequitur.
So much for what these airheads know.
71% of respondents are IDIOTS!!
It would have to be so heavily redacted you
couldn't make heads or tail of it. Originally Posted by bb1961
I agree. The ignorance of the “average” American is appalling.

I say ignorance because they have been fed a steady diet of lies from the Democrats and their willing Lackeys in the Main Stream Media for over two years. Not only lies, but behavior that borders on sedition.

The truth needs to get out. After the “average” American learns the truth about the despicable activities of the Left, but still insist on answering poll questions in such an assinine manner, then they are just fukin’ stupid.
winn dixie's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2019, 11:03 AM
Perhaps the call for "Complete disclosure" of the Mueller report has it's origins in DPST politicians who are desperate for any "evidence" against Trump to back up their reckless pronouncements of "Evidence of obstruction of justice and collusion with Russians (to influence the election).

Those politicians know well the legal restraints Barr operates under - and were reminded of the statutes specifically in his letter to leaders of Congress.

They have no excuse - but still pressure Barr to violate the law and DOJ regulations to bails themselves out of their self-induced problem.

They have lost all credibility.

Typical DPST and MSM behavior.

The Constitution and Rule of Law applies only when it is convenient for them.

The DPST Axis of Leftism/Socialism has disparaged that Rule of Law and the Constitution of this country many times in this forum.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Grand jury testimony can't be made public!!
That question is a non sequitur.
So much for what these airheads know.
71% of respondents are IDIOTS!!
It would have to be so heavily redacted you
couldn't make heads or tail of it. Originally Posted by bb1961
Hey! The democrats depend on those idiots to win elections.