Open hatch nearly sinks Indian submarine

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Why did the Indian Navy put a glass bottom on its new nuclear sub?
Better to see their old nuclear sub!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I remember the USS Tulibee at New London, CT. It had been stuck pierside for several years. It was a unique hybrid that was used as a test platform for new technology. They had run permanent shore power cables in the after, engine room batch. Sailors entered through the forward hatch. One day it was necessary to do some work on the forward free flood. To raise the bow up the OOD ordered the rear ballast tanks to be flooded. The stern slowly went down as the bow came up...until water started going down the rear hatch into the engine room. It was only a few tons of water but it added to the ballast. The shore power cables shorted and power was lost. Power for the ballast pumps! Someone disconnected the shore power cables and tossed them aside (they weigh 16 lbs a foot). Then they managed to close the hatch while standing in river water up to their knees. We almost lost the Tulibee that day.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Screen door ?????????????????????
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
It was an old Soviet Akula-class sub, that they had modified a great deal, so it would not have been much of a loss.