China is threatening to tamper with meds

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The latest on the tariff wars, China is saying that they could reduce the effectiveness of generic meds or replace them with something inert or poison. According to the news, 80% of generics come from China and all of the meds in the VA system are from China. How do we know that they haven't already done that? Remember a few years ago a number of pets were poisoned by a Chinese protein mix that was added to pet foods. They put in a material that is used to make circuit boards but tests as a protein.
It also seems Obama was busy requiring companies to list every little ingredient on the package, the drug companies were never required to list the origin of their drugs. That might explain their support for Obama care.
I say that if they did that we sink every ship flying a Chinese ensign and drop every plane.
There's no telling how long China has been tampering with their exported products to America. You might remember back in the early 2000's China was exporting Sheet Rock tainted with high amounts of Sulfur compounds which adversely affected plumping and electrical systems. Inhabitants of homes built with Chinese Sheetrock also experienced various health issues such as headaches, eye irritation and respiratory problems. I am sure the Chinese were aware these problems would occur with their Sheetrock.
  • oeb11
  • 06-01-2019, 05:50 PM
I have no trust in anything the Chinese make- it is economic war to them, and Totalitrian government controlled. They are responsible for a great deal of the opioid epidemic- shipped from China.

It is done to undermine the US - they play a longterm game.

Boycott everything Chinese you can.
Their economy is not as resilient - despite more people- but also more mouths to feed. and unfed mouths mean revolution - something the Communists are well aware of.
The medicine the Chinese send already is questionable - but the companies importing it need to test it for impurities.
  • oeb11
  • 06-01-2019, 06:32 PM
I hope the stupid Chinks do just that - send deliberately doctored medications supposedly in compliance with FDA regulations - and publicly admit it.

It will united the American people in a needed boycott of all things Chinese.

Unfortunately - they are likely too bright to take credit for their acts publicly.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
counterfeit rx drugs.
Cell phones are part of a Chinese plot to undermine American productivity.
Lapdog's Avatar
Check right here, Bubba! Rat cheer behind this here tree! Ah think there might be one a them commonists hidin' there, or at least one a them Obama supporters! Hurry up, Bubba! We gonna be late at the Klan meeting! Hurry up!
LexusLover's Avatar
There's no telling how long China has been tampering with their exported products to America. Originally Posted by Levianon17


drug tampering
The inappropriate or illegal alteration of a drug formulated under specified conditions. Drug tampering may occur either during manufacture or at the pharmacy before its distribution to the consumer.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
18 U.S. Code § 1365. Tampering with consumer products
U.S. Code
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(a) Whoever, with reckless disregard for the risk that another person will be placed in danger of death or bodily injury and under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to such risk, tampers with any consumer product that affects interstate or foreign commerce, or the labeling of, or container for, any such product, or attempts to do so, shall—
(1) in the case of an attempt, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;
(2) if death of an individual results, be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both;
(3) if serious bodily injury to any individual results, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both; and
(4) in any other case, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(b) Whoever, with intent to cause serious injury to the business of any person, taints any consumer product or renders materially false or misleading the labeling of, or container for, a consumer product, if such consumer product affects interstate or foreign commerce, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(1) Whoever knowingly communicates false information that a consumer product has been tainted, if such product or the results of such communication affect interstate or foreign commerce, and if such tainting, had it occurred, would create a risk of death or bodily injury to another person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(2) As used in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the term “communicates false information” means communicates information that is false and that the communicator knows is false, under circumstances in which the information may reasonably be expected to be believed.
(d) Whoever knowingly threatens, under circumstances in which the threat may reasonably be expected to be believed, that conduct that, if it occurred, would violate subsection (a) of this section will occur, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(e) Whoever is a party to a conspiracy of two or more persons to commit an offense under subsection (a) of this section, if any of the parties intentionally engages in any conduct in furtherance of such offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(1) Whoever, without the consent of the manufacturer, retailer, or distributor, intentionally tampers with a consumer product that is sold in interstate or foreign commerce by knowingly placing or inserting any writing in the consumer product, or in the container for the consumer product, before the sale of the consumer product to any consumer shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if any person commits a violation of this subsection after a prior conviction under this section becomes final, such person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 3 years, or both.
(3) In this subsection, the term “writing” means any form of representation or communication, including hand-bills, notices, or advertising, that contain letters, words, or pictorial representations.
(g) In addition to any other agency which has authority to investigate violations of this section, the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture, respectively, have authority to investigate violations of this section involving a consumer product that is regulated by a provision of law such Administration or Department, as the case may be, administers.
(h) As used in this section—
(1) the term “consumer product” means—
(A) any “food”, “drug”, “device”, or “cosmetic”, as those terms are respectively defined in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321); or
(B) any article, product, or commodity which is customarily produced or distributed for consumption by individuals, or use by individuals for purposes of personal care or in the performance of services ordinarily rendered within the household, and which is designed to be consumed or expended in the course of such consumption or use;
(2) the term “labeling” has the meaning given such term in section 201(m) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(m));
(3) the term “serious bodily injury” means bodily injury which involves—
(A) a substantial risk of death;
(B) extreme physical pain;
(C) protracted and obvious disfigurement; or
(D) protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; and
(4) the term “bodily injury” means—
(A) a cut, abrasion, bruise, burn, or disfigurement;
(B) physical pain;
(C) illness;
(D) impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; or
(E) any other injury to the body, no matter how temporary.

(Added Pub. L. 98–127, § 2, Oct. 13, 1983, 97 Stat. 831; amended Pub. L. 101–647, title XXXV, § 3544, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4926; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), (O), (Q), (S), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147, 2148; Pub. L. 107–307, § 2, Dec. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 2445.)
China has been manufacturing fake/counterfeit products to sell to U.S. for decades.....when the likes of Walmart have to go U.S.A. .... the stores will close. The FBI agents who shop there will have to "smell" somewhere else.


China has been manufacturing fake/counterfeit products to sell to U.S. for decades.....when the likes of Walmart have to go U.S.A. .... the stores will close. The FBI agents who shop there will have to "smell" somewhere else. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Walmart will be offended when they cannot buy cheap products from underpaid workers.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Check right here, Bubba! Rat cheer behind this here tree! Ah think there might be one a them commonists hidin' there, or at least one a them Obama supporters! Hurry up, Bubba! We gonna be late at the Klan meeting! Hurry up! Originally Posted by Lapdog
Good job on the verbal inflection but back in the day you didn't have to be a klansman to be worried about communism, you could also be a republican. Hell, even democrats like JKF worried about communism. What does it say about you and the modern democrats that you just dismiss any concerns?
Lapdog's Avatar
Good job on the verbal inflection but back in the day you didn't have to be a klansman to be worried about communism, you could also be a republican. Hell, even democrats like JKF worried about communism. What does it say about you and the modern democrats that you just dismiss any concerns? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
There's a big difference between concerns imagined and concerns real. I do dismiss the former. I don't dismiss the latter. An unrealistic paranoid will confuse the two. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Good job on the verbal inflection but back in the day you didn't have to be a klansman to be worried about communism, you could also be a republican. Hell, even democrats like JKF worried about communism. What does it say about you and the modern democrats that you just dismiss any concerns? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This is what it says about him
Lapdog's Avatar
This is what it says about him
Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Carroll O'Connor was a fine actor. The over the top ignorance that he displayed as Archie Bunker was exactly that....acting. What's your excuse?
LexusLover's Avatar
What's your excuse? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Just because YOU "think" someone is ignorant doesn't mean the "someone" IS THE IGNORANT ONE. But do not fret .... IGNORANCE is curable ... what you have is INCURABLE.... YOUR STUPIDITY.