movie about hobbying

kzp0003's Avatar
I'm currently writing a screenplay about the hobby and i'm trying to make it as authentic as possible if anyone wants to share their hobby experiences with me hobbyist/ provider please pm me
TexRich's Avatar
The Girlfriend Experience which is on cable this month, is an decent movie about the hobby. I would suggest watching that. There are situations we can relate to or have heard about. Like an owner of a message board telling the female lead(escort) if she sleeps with him and he writes a review of her it can boost her business. Naivety she is, does and regrets it.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Ideas: ..

Horny man gets escort to tame massive boner, to only get caught in a battle with her pimp. The pimp thinks the guy is trying to save her from her lifestyle. Pimp tries to kill dude and woman, now dude and woman are on the run from pimp and goons. Pimp kills the guy after a long chase, but the lady gets away. Now she heartbroken and mad, he cared about her so much and she put him in a deadly mess. She turns into a ninja (or assassin) and kills pimp and his assistants. Blood everywhere .. the end, win awards for best screenplay ever. .. When is the money coming?

Ok, another? ...

A horny man sexually bored finds out about a local provider. He taps the ass and enjoys services. He enjoys his time with her so much he wants more. He ask his friends about this certain lady. Nobody knows of her, so he searches the internet for info. Nothing. He gets worried .. Who or what did he fuck? Was it a woman or an alien? What's that crotch burning feeling he's having? Why are his balls glowing? Did he use a condom? .. He need answers and the blood (or ass) from these alien escorts. For the rest of the story I need my money from my first movie idea! Thanks.

Just add filler talk, sex, laughs, gun battles and you got two award winning movies.
Why the hell would we want to shed light on something we go to great lengths to keep secret from our SO, bosses, friends, family?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Check with the escorts on here who have written books on the subject.
kzp0003's Avatar
@sawyer it's not a documentary so some things like this site will remain in the dark
Ideas: ..

Horny man gets escort to tame massive boner, to only get caught in a battle with her pimp. The pimp thinks the guy is trying to save her from her lifestyle. Pimp tries to kill dude and woman, now dude and woman are on the run from pimp and goons. Pimp kills the guy after a long chase, but the lady gets away. Now she heartbroken and mad, he cared about her so much and she put him in a deadly mess. She turns into a ninja (or assassin) and kills pimp and his assistants. Blood everywhere .. the end, win awards for best screenplay ever. .. When is the money coming? Originally Posted by Mr No Confidence

LMAO - isn't that called - "Kill Bill"?? LOL
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
LMAO - isn't that called - "Kill Bill"?? LOL Originally Posted by v8hunter
That's just the skeleton of my story. My movie has shootouts like The Matrix and comedy like Pineapple Express w/ more smoke. Did Kill Bill have a shootout scene with a naked woman in a tank or a man having sex with 10 women at once? Hell, I even have the ghost of Morgan Freeman to play the pimp role.

Oh yea, my pimp has magical powers. His pimp hand will "hulk smash" anyone head in.

ergo. .. Kill Bill is just a copy from another time and space of my classic family film.