Four hands recommendations Colony/Plano/Frisco/Carrollton

Hi friends, interested in a good L1 four handed FBSM in the Colony, Frisco, Plano, Carrollton area. Anyone point me in the right direction ?
ThankUChyna's Avatar
Yeah Uranus is a good place to start, four hands is a LE tactic to get the employees at the massage establishment jammed up for prostitution, to later get the shop shut down and the owner arrested. Good try tho.
Good grief, ok March 19, 2024
TheReferee's Avatar
I’ve had luck at King in Allen, Swan in McKinney and Golden (Lake Forest near Shirley’s Donuts) but it’s been a bit since I’ve done 4-hands at any of them.
BobbyC50's Avatar
All my masseuses tell me they don’t enjoy participating in a 4 hand
4 hands is not all that unless both ladies are into it, not just for the cash, but into it!
Recently had a session with two sisters and it was definitely fun. One of the sisters was being trained by the other to earn more tips.
Recently had a session with two sisters and it was definitely fun. One of the sisters was being trained by the other to earn more tips. Originally Posted by bashar
vigilant17's Avatar
When you want a 4 hands, think about what you really want: consider paying double the rate and not having your real expectations met. This is a money maker for the shop: the ladies are not able to perform for you because of the interruptions, the context is lost, and basically they want it to end quickly with your happiness.