Question for the guys about manipulation?

I'm not asking about massage here either.

Many years ago I worked with some young girls who had various clients that showered them with lavish gifts, bought them cars, boob jobs, etc, etc. If there were something (ANYTHING) that they needed or wanted, they would sweet talk these guys into providing said items for them (no pun intended).

My question is this, have you gentlemen ever been in a position where you either FELT like you were being manipulated or that you KNEW you were being manipulated? Either way, do you stay in the "relationship" or do you move on down the road? How would you handle it?
Peanut's Avatar
I had one female (non provider) that I saw twice then she started asking for items. I stopped talking to her and never looked back.

Wow I am under vnurse
Let me see now....hmmmm....I was Married once, does that count?
geezerdude2's Avatar
Let me see now....hmmmm....I was Married once, does that count? Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
The ultimate manipulation!!!
ANONONE's Avatar
Been there done that. . .now if I get even a sniff of that scene, sorry, but it is time to. . .

Donnie Brasco's Avatar
I have a friend that frequents a favorite restaurant of mine. He tips the girls heavily, takes them out shopping and drinking (no BCD activities involved) and lends them money (no expectations of payback). I have pretty much cut down my visits to none. Guess there is a fool born every minute. I'd rather save my hard earned $$$$$ for eccie ladies.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, vic, in answer to your question: "Am I breathing?" LOL ;-) I guess that a guy who is fortunate enough to be at least average in some areas has had his encounter(s) with someone, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a female, who works him for some donations to the cause.
Bestman200600's Avatar
A nice DT NQNS and I can be manipulated every time.
Hmmm...I'll remember that Bestman! LOL!

I, being a fairly kind-hearted soul, have done my fair share of "helping people out". The problem lies when it becomes enabling. It's a tough deal sometimes to know the difference!

Now geezerdude, you KNOW that I can get you to do whatever I want you to without any manipulation at all!
only by women that I met in my younger days.I'm older and hopefully wiser now.
Sisyphus's Avatar
I, being a fairly kind-hearted soul, have done my fair share of "helping people out". The problem lies when it becomes enabling. It's a tough deal sometimes to know the difference! Originally Posted by vnurse
Therein lies the rub!!! Never had this problem with a female but a sibling had me on this treadmill for decades. It was ALWAYS something. The straw that broke my back was when I caught him stealing from our mother while she was in the hospital a couple of years ago.

The light bulb finally went on. This was just who he was & he was never going to change so long as somebody was willing to keep bailing him out. He may not change anyway. If not, sooner or later he'll wind up dead or in jail. Either way, problem solved.

That was it for me & I've never looked back. He asked to "borrow" $2 last Friday. Told him no.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me for 30 years, shame on me.
warlock's Avatar
Manipulated? Yes
Knew it? Yes
Moved on? Yes

Knew she was manipulating me, even told her I knew. Didn't matter until things got out of hand, when she "crossed the line". The line being when the lies were getting out of hand, her addiction began ruling her life, and a major betrayal of our friendship on her part.
In other words, you can only be manipulated if you allow it to happen.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I think most of guys are manipulated by some providers .....They tell us what great guys we are ,or how well we perform and no one is as good as we are .LOL and we return time after time ....they keep us coming back time and time again .......when its only the money they are interested in ......Repeat business is good for them (and I dont blame them one bit).....and we believe it ..Our egos get in the way and our brain disconnects ...all of our thinking is done between our legs then ....and we leave with a big smile and a promise to return .....that is Good service ......and a form of manipulation ......I think most will agree .......
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Several years ago, I spent a lot of time with a provider who appeared to be interested in me and actively encouraged my attentions. After a couple of very entertaining initial meetings, we had several dates over a few months. These meetings, much as I wanted them to, never seemed to make it to the BCD stage, even while she routinely provided BCD services to an extensive list of clients. It took me a few months for my frustration to build to the point where my head cleared. I decided that the enjoyment of our time together coupled with the decreasing hope that I would again be able to enjoy the pleasures of her flesh weren't worth the emotional turmoil I was experiencing, so I cut off the relationship.

I learned quite a bit from that.
Travelmind's Avatar
yes...happen to me several times... Once I catch on then I just use the manipulation to my advantage. I did have a lady just tell me if you take care of me I'll take care of you. I'm ok with that type of arrangement being single. However as I still seek my next SO those type of ladies don't every qualify for long term SO.