
clubhead's Avatar
Alcar0314's Avatar
Vaginas are too complicated.

Besides, it's my understanding that women can only orgasm by deep throating.
AtxAngela's Avatar Originally Posted by clubhead
Thanks for sharing! I'm pretty well informed on all that stuff,but #6 was a good one men really need to realize.
Alcar0314's Avatar
OMGoodness're avatar!

Not sure if you know this, but we can all see your boobies!
Alcar0314's Avatar

Dammit. I can't believe I used the wrong your/you're. I'm going to hide under a bridge for a while
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 08-06-2017, 10:40 PM
Thanks for posting this. That #4...
RICKDOG8's Avatar
Angela's boobies are awesome.
nuglet's Avatar
how could ANYONE not have already know this, and I'm not just talking about how nice Angela's Boobies are!!!
sue_nami's Avatar
nuglet,, you'd be amazed, tons of men do not have the slightest clue. the whole gspot thing is a big mystery to most guys and some women. I love to teach folks about gspot stimulation. I have taught women older than me how to have a gspot orgasm for the first time. they just do not teach this stuff in health class. As we women well know, men who take the time to figure this out are the good lovers and those who are clueless about it are in the majority. And on ECCIE, those who do not get it at all, ridicule those of us who do understand the true depth of female orgasmic possibilities. A well trained fella can make a woman come squirting and hollering from gspot stimulation over and over and over. mmmmm I love to teach a woman how to do this and then be the first couple to bring her to 20-30 orgasms together. You guys bring your girlfriends or wives over to me and we can teach her how to enjoy gspot stimulation and squirting as team. the sky is the limit once a woman knows how to keep coming and coming.
AtxAngela's Avatar
OMGoodness're avatar!

Not sure if you know this, but we can all see your boobies! Originally Posted by Alcar0314
Thanks guys! Been getting many requests for new pics.Thought I might spice it up and show some (.)(.)
Alcar0314's Avatar
Dammit. I've got to see those things in person some day