Question: Jessica from KFest

Is Jessica from KFest is sameone from pinkclubs? She had great reviews
Didn’t know she was at pink… but if this is same Jessica from AMP days then K-fest, she is one of the best… older but you can’t tell… she can get by as 30’s easily… one of hottest looking and performing… will be disappointed if she is not… where are pimps when we need info?
Lonelyd140's Avatar
Not a pimp but it is the same Jessica at pink clubs as is at K-fest. She’s one of my favorites when she’s in town.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Not the Same Jessica from the old AMPs. This is a new gal from KFestival.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Didn’t know she was at pink… but if this is same Jessica from AMP days then K-fest, she is one of the best… older but you can’t tell… she can get by as 30’s easily… one of hottest looking and performing… will be disappointed if she is not… where are pimps when we need info? Originally Posted by AsianP
If you knew half of the BS that your spilling behind the keyboard. You would have known. But here is big proof that you know nothing of what you speak.
Not the Same Jessica from the old AMPs. This is a new gal from KFestival. Originally Posted by Ghostrider
That sucks. What a disappointment
If you knew half of the BS that your spilling behind the keyboard. You would have known. But here is big proof that you know nothing of what you speak. Originally Posted by Ghostrider
Congratulations on finding proof.

I tell you a little secret that what I/we know for sure.

You and your buddy at LA have multiple handles. You and your buddy are pimp and promoter. You and your buddy are threatened, extort, beating up these poor girls. Of course we have proofs and witnesses.
If you and your buddy know for sure that I am way off or I don’t know anything, you and your buddy wouldn’t get so angry about what I say here.
I bet whenever I post something, you and Chung goes “WTF, how does he know”. But it’s all online chit-chat for now.

Too bad this not old Jessica… she knows a thing or two about what Chung did to girls and she heard what you did to girls. With great English (thanks to her old hobby bf), she can be a great witness against losers.
Finman22's Avatar
Geez, when is somebody gonna ban this guy above my post? If he couldn’t say the word pimp or promoter in his post, he’d only avg 1 post a day instead of 11.5.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-04-2022, 06:08 AM
Congratulations on finding proof.

I tell you a little secret that what I/we know for sure.

You and your buddy at LA have multiple handles. You and your buddy are pimp and promoter. You and your buddy are threatened, extort, beating up these poor girls. Of course we have proofs and witnesses.
If you and your buddy know for sure that I am way off or I don’t know anything, you and your buddy wouldn’t get so angry about what I say here.
I bet whenever I post something, you and Chung goes “WTF, how does he know”. But it’s all online chit-chat for now.

Too bad this not old Jessica… she knows a thing or two about what Chung did to girls and she heard what you did to girls. With great English (thanks to her old hobby bf), she can be a great witness against losers. Originally Posted by AsianP
You’re the saltiest person on this forum.

Nobody in the community likes you. You think you’re doing a service for the girls and the hobbiests here but all you’re doing is making an ass of yourself. You think you’re going to draw traction doing what you’re doing, but in reality, everyone thinks you’re a moldy fungus.

Even the people you purport to liking you, can’t stand you.

The fact that you think they still like you is why you’re the biggest dunce in the community.
You’re the saltiest person on this forum.

Nobody in the community likes you. You think you’re doing a service for the girls and the hobbiests here but all you’re doing is making an ass of yourself. You think you’re going to draw traction doing what you’re doing, but in reality, everyone thinks you’re a moldy fungus.

Even the people you purport to liking you, can’t stand you.

The fact that you think they still like you is why you’re the biggest dunce in the community. Originally Posted by Aoi
Thank you???
But don’t really care???
I am happy with being truthful… and stick to facts..
I know you’re not Ghostrider or Chung (birdy told me so)… so how many handles do they have now?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-04-2022, 06:49 AM
Thank you???
But don’t really care???
I am happy with being truthful… and stick to facts..
I know you’re not Ghostrider or Chung (birdy told me so)… so how many handles do they have now? Originally Posted by AsianP
You say you don’t care but you’ve made how many accounts just to regurgitate the same conspiracies for how many years now?

Oh you do care. But know this. You aren’t helping anyone. You think you’re helping the ladies but you’re actually making it worse by adding unneeded drama. That’s why they all hate you.

You think you’re helping the community but all you do is drum up toxicity here. You’re the most hated person on both ends. Either straighten your shit up or face the music in that everyone is pointing and judging you.
Can’t we just all go out for a beer and talk about these sexy willing Koreans ?
You say you don’t care but you’ve made how many accounts just to regurgitate the same conspiracies for how many years now?

Oh you do care. But know this. You aren’t helping anyone. You think you’re helping the ladies but you’re actually making it worse by adding unneeded drama. That’s why they all hate you.

You think you’re helping the community but all you do is drum up toxicity here. You’re the most hated person on both ends. Either straighten your shit up or face the music in that everyone is pointing and judging you. Originally Posted by Aoi
Sorry, I should’ve made it clear.
I don’t care what you call me or thinks.

People will make their own decisions. I don’t force them who to believe. If they point and judging, oh well… however most attacks have been by Ghostrider, Chung and their many handles. So, still don’t care.
Finman22's Avatar
Ghostrider's Avatar
Geez, when is somebody gonna ban this guy above my post? If he couldn’t say the word pimp or promoter in his post, he’d only avg 1 post a day instead of 11.5. Originally Posted by Finman22
or Ghostrider. This is the bigest stalker on this board and from his multiple past banned handles. It should not be long before the eject button is hit.