Web links on provider ads


May I suggest that, when posting an ad, you go back and test your Web links just to make sure they work or are current?

Some common items I've noticed recently include:

1. Spelling errors on URLs.
2. Incomplete URLs where a letter has been left out, punctuation has not been included, or some other essential item is missing or incorrect.
3. Web links that are no longer active.
4. Provider has launched a new personal Web page/site but has not updated profile information to reflect the change.

I know there are probably some other items I've not mentioned. I also expect some of this may happen when information is being copied or cut and pasted from other sources like previous ads or stored Word documents.

A lot of times, we can figure things out or do a copy and paste into a browser to get where we need to go. However, anything you can do to make reading your ad and accessing your information easier for us will be a help to us and to you.

