Conspiracy theories

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The other day some fool accused me of pushing conspiracy theories. Obviously, one person's conspiracy theory (Russian collusion, Ukrainian collusion, etc.) is someone's idea of being foolish. Did I say foolish? I think stupid is more like it. I like the idea that we can connect the dots, imagine the missing dots, and craft a workable theory based on the facts, real or apparent.

Chew on this one; the Chinese are not our friends. Are they are enemies? I think so. Now the democrats have a problem here. Obama shipped so many jobs to China it's not funny. Clinton gave the CCP technology to make their missiles work and their bombs work better. Both Clintons took money from the Chinese. We have Chinese in our universities spying on our people. Even Feingold had a Chinese agent working as her driver for years. No, the democrats have a real problem with the Chinese. They can't condemn them without giving themselves away.
So how far would the Chinese be willing to go? They did starve to death 60 million of their own people in the early 60s. They did kill thousands of intellectuals and learned people to make their "great leap" forward. I don't think that there is anything that their government would not do to attack their enemy and that would be us.
For years, the Chinese have been selling food additives and generic drugs to the people of the United States. A decade ago those additives killed thousands of pets by shutting down their kidneys. Someone in the government of China over did the concentration. That person was executed by China. For killing animals? Probably for exposing their plans to the world. So people in this country get sick with various ailments. Ever wonder why diabetes is becoming an epidemic? Sedentary lifestyle? Really? So, an obscure dot is substance caused diabetes.
We come to the third of the Chinese viruses, Covid 19. Who is most likely to die from it? People who are diabetic, overweight, and over the age of 60. In other words, the people who still run the world. The people who control the money, the industry, the families, and the politics of this country. I mentioned that the democrats have been cooperating with the Chinese for years. Why would they go along with it now? If the elderly die who gets their social security contributions? Why the government of course.
The left has always had a hard on for the elderly. Ever hear of the Fabian Society? They are socialists who have been around for a century. Back in the 1930s, a Fabian named George Bernard Shaw (yes, that GBS of My Fair Lady fame) made a video where he laid out the Fabian goal. Have people justify their existence to a government tribunal. If they can't, then they get culled...painlessly. Covid takes care of that.
Am I saying that the democrats are working with the Chinese? No, I am not saying that. I am saying that I can see the Chinese releasing this in a series of viruses on purpose. The democrats see an opportunity to reduce the elderly population in this country. Do you think that Cuomo is that stupid? Why would he order Covid patients to be put into nursing and elder care homes? The same thing was ordered in Louisiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts. Over half the deaths in this United States were the elderly in confined quarters.
Now you have the whole theory.
People who don't critically think either are too lazy or too scared of the truth
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Now you have the whole theory. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I'll toss in my 2 cents. But first, yeah Cuomo is pretty darned stupid. I feel he is being groomed to ascend, but he's still pretty stupid.

You are echoing a voice that's been rattling around my noggin for a bit now. I've backed into it by trying to reverse engineer the strategy. In short, if you intellectually assume (sniff test) this was intentional, what steps would you take to enact a plan. The steps taken thus far would be about right. Here it starts to smell bad.

On top of that, we have the media lapdogs following orders, including social media and Googley, leveraging the laziness and stupidity of the dumbed-down masses. Ghee thanks common core and our education system all the way up. However, there is also our own generalized flaw of quarterly profits over long term strategy. Another area that starts to smell bad. In short; is Trump an existential threat to a plan that has been cooking for a long time?

So we consider Scamdemic, i..e. the bad actors leveraging a freakish accident for profit versus a Plandemic where bad actors created it intentionally. My problem with all of that is the notion of "Releasing the Genie from the bottle". If we loose the Genie, we can't get it back in completely. Curing a Scamdemic can be done with exposure, clarity, determination and hard work to remove key bad actors and correct our course. To cure a Plandemic is a horrific prospect that requires the previous plus Medieval ** cough, cough ** determination to not just remove or neutralize the bad actors, but to eliminate and eradicate them.

Either way, we need to straighten up and fly right via exposure, clarity, determination and hard work to remove key bad actors and correct our course. And pray that moves the ball down the court, while we also consider what it tactically takes to go Medieval.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Off subject a bit, but an explanation is due to you.

I believe that was me who mentioned a conspirac theory in a response to you. I was referring to a single incident a few years ago, and you can correct me if I'm wrong and I apologize if I'm wrong. I said it tongue-in-cheek as we had several friendly "battles" back in the day.

Did you not support the possibility that Malaysia Air flight 370 was hijacked and taken to a remote island in the Pacific region?

The following are not statements made by you but similar conspiracy theories made on the subject.

"Russian Special Ops Took It: An article in New York magazine hypothesizes that nefarious actors could have broken into the electronics-and-equipment bay on the 777, accessed through the first-class cabin. A well-trained hijacker could theoretically have started pulling the plane's electronics apart and faked some of the satellite data that researchers have used to try to pinpoint the path of the flight.

Jeff Wise claims the plane must then have gone north, into Asia, rather than south over the Indian Ocean, and into Kazakhstan where there are runways and buildings large enough to hide a Boeing 777. It's a well-researched piece that doesn't prove anything."


The possibility of a simple hijacking has been brought up by various news outlets, including ABC News and the Los Angeles Times. Speculation has mounted about the possibility that hijackers took the plane to a remote island, although no group has claimed responsibility; however, unofficial researchers have identified more than 600 possible runways at which the plane was capable of landing. No confirmation has been received from Malaysian officials. The credibility of several hijacking theories have become further marginalized following the discovery of the first definitive fragments of MH370 wreckage in July 2015.

French air traffic specialists Jean-Marc Garot, Michel Delarche and Jean-Luc Marchand launched a website with their hypothesis concerning a possible hijacking, with a subsequent location of the aircraft (following an emergency ditching due to fuel exhaustion) estimated at around 12°2′32″S 107°22′48″E, in the Indian Ocean near Christmas Island. However, the final report from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), released in 2017, examined the possibility of controlled glide/ditching and found it very unlikely.[24] Also their hypothesis concerning a location of the crashed plane different from the searched locations is not the only one that exists."
  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2020, 07:00 AM
Back on topic - China is not our Friend - and let us focus not on "conspiracy" theories and "deflection" responses.

The Chinese government and CCP is definitely not our friend - they are building up a military to take control of the s China Sea and control the commerce and shipping.

They have undercut american manufacturing with slave labor wages and labor camps of the Uighurs. They have made it clear they have declared economic war on America - with the intent to dominate the world of the 21st century.

This is a long term play - the Chinese are better at looking long-trm than America with only the quarterly goals to be met. The CCP is our enemy - not the people who are controlled - but the CCP. Tom clancy called them "Klingons" - and there is reason to accept tht. The CCP and Politburo are dedicated to authoritarian control - and the fashionista Obama regime along with the liberal Hollywood cult play into their hands.

Time to recognize them for what they are - an economic enemy - and pull our manufacturing back to the America. Let China keep its plastic garbage.

Boycott China!!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Off subject a bit, but an explanation is due to you.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

It is totally off-topic. Focus, focus, focus.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It is totally off-topic. Focus, focus, focus. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I was referred to by the OP as a "fool". Sorry, but I thought an explanation was due.
bambino's Avatar
I was referred to by the OP as a "fool". Sorry, but I thought an explanation was due. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I believe McConnell was using the so called Biden Rule:
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I believe McConnell was using the so called Biden Rule: Originally Posted by bambino
Wrong thread.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, I did refer to you as a fool so you are justified in a response. As for the airline, nothing reported so far invalidates my theory. My theory was quite reasonable considering the geographic location. No flying over large stretches of air space and no black holes like CNN anchor Don Lemmon theorized.
Back to China; we as Americans can do our part by trying not to buy Chinese manufactured goods. Yes, it would be difficult because they have us by the proverbial nutsack. This pandemic offers us a chance though. It gives us the moral authority to cancel Chinese held debt and oppose their moves in the world. We need to bring pressure on the politicians to change tax law making it easier for companies to come home. We need to get into the world and tie up resources that China has been buying up for decades. Things like rare earth minerals for the production of solid state electronics. We need to reduce the number of Chinese students in our universities just as we did students from Islamic countries after 9/11. We need to get rid of the China serving politicians. We need to put the fear into movie makers and sports teams who kowtow to Chinese sensitivities.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...We need to bring pressure on the politicians to change tax law making it easier for companies to come home.... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Or make it harder for them not to come home. Do we really want to pay less for a cheap Chinese toy that uses slave labor to produce it. Read the translation of the below advertisement for "labor groups" carefully. This is what is building those toys. Maybe read it two times.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Cross posting

They often say; Don't start out with an apology. Whelp, screw 'em, Imma going to anyway. So my apologies, but I'm going to cross post this between the Fake News and Conspiracy threads, as it really does apply to both for different reasons.

Conspiracy theory(ies)
This covers a current one as well as a few past ones. Seems worth reading to gain some insights in to a couple historical events. However, your mileage will vary based upon how much cross referencing you can perform, on your own accord, being the thinking adult you may well be.

Fake News discernment
We get barraged by cooked-up outrage, labeled as news, which is really propaganda. As adults, we should be able to digest wide ranging view points that have merit and are backed up with good data - on our own accord. The below is an excellent example of what appears believable and seems to be backed up with lots and lots of sources.

Pro Tips: I nullified the hyper-links in the snippet I included (underlined words or phrases) so you can see the "theory" with minimal distraction. The actual article (via URL link) has the links active. BTW: You have to scroll down a little in the article before you get to the headline even. Be aware, there are many links to many sources. Final apology; being a thinking adult can be hard work. So suck it up buttercup.

I like a good article that comes with lots of links to related material. It's like reading the comments sections on your favorite news sites...

Trump Retreats To Bunker With Military Leaders After “Assassination By Disease” Plot To Make Pelosi President Discovered

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the most terrifying event yet to occur in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that during yesterday’s telephonic conference held between President Putin and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a “frank” discussion was held between these two leaders involving Prime Minister Johnson’s dire health battle against the coronavirus that was so severe it had his doctors preparing to announce his death—a discussion wherein Prime Minister Johnson revealed that the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS-MI6) could not give him a positive assurance that he wasn’t deliberately infected with the coronavirus as a means to assassinate him, but which he said under British law would have meant his Conservative Party would still remain in power if he had died, as they would have just chosen a new leader—but thereafter saw Prime Minister Johnson expressing his fears to President Putin that this same type of leadership didn’t apply in the United States—fears based on the US having what is known as the 25th Amendment that the sets forth the succession of leadership if President Donald Trump was struck down by death or disease—which would then see Vice President Mike Pence taking power—though if both Trump and Pence were struck down at the same time, all power would go to radical socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Fears both President Putin and Prime Minister Johnson further discussed in the grave light of President Trump having announced he was retreating to his nuclear bunker complex at Camp David to meet with his top Joint Chiefs military commanders—and came after it was shockingly revealed that one of President Trump’s personal military aides was infected with the coronavirus—as well as its being discovered that the press secretary to Vice President Pence was infected with the coronavirus, too—a press secretary whose husband is a top aide to President Trump and meets with him daily—but that pale in comparison when noticing that the entire White House is now on “High Alert” because the coronavirus is raging through the ranks of the Secret Service protectors of both President Trump and Vice President Pence—and at this moment sees the Secret Service having 11 active cases, 23 of whom are said to have recovered from the coronavirus, and an additional 60 of them who are said to be self-quarantining...

Freaky stuff. Not sure what to make of it just yet, but it passes the first "smell test" for me. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
LexusLover's Avatar
There are a number of layers to this Covid-19 issue with respect to where "we" got to where "we" are ... "we" meaning the World community ... not all layers need to be conspiratorially festered or instigated ...

... historically world powers and/or want-a-be world powers have decided it's in their best interest to conceal and/or misrepresent events in which they had initial control, but which got out of hand and impacted parts, if not all, the rest of the world ... friends and foe.

It's more difficult to do it today than say 50-60 years ago, but it is understandable (not acceptable) why they make the attempt to conceal and/or misrepresent the size and/or seriousness of the event.

The Soviet's did it for awhile. Now it's the Chinese.

Not to minimize the seriousness of the current events in the least, but perhaps we shouldn't get too indignant until we have exhausted the possibilities that our (the U.S.) government has done the same on occasion and will do so in the future.

How about a sitting President presiding over an administration conspiring to oust an incoming President-elect before AND standing by while members of his administration orchestrate as inside OPERATIVES a continuing policy AND effort to overthrow the newly and duly elected President once sworn.

Please DON'T try to convince anyone that there were no international implications and effects by those activities during the past four years! It has clearly affected this country and a lesser person would have presided over a political and economic disaster. Whether you admit it or not Trump has weathered that storm so far and the chickens are coming home to roost on the heads of the crooks and loons failing in their attempt. Their only savior is the gift of the Chinese to provide the lamestream media and loony Anti-Trumpers another unfortunate tragedy to hang around Trump's neck in their continuation of that conspiracy to remove him from office.
matchingmole's Avatar
The grand scheme by the Chinese to kill off so many worldwide consumers of their products makes perfect sense in the wacky skewed world of Trumptardlandia.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The grand scheme by the Chinese to kill off so many worldwide consumers of their products makes perfect sense in the wacky skewed world of Trumptardlandia. Originally Posted by matchingmole

No. but speaking of grand schemes by the Chinese do you think they wouldn't allow 100,000 virus deaths to stop those pesky Hong Kong riots? of course they would. and did. not intentionally that we know, yet, but even by accident alone this virus did originate in China and they allowed it to spread out of China wile trying to contain it domestically.

add to the fact it's an election cycle in the US and it seems like a very "lucky" accident for the CCP