FBI just comfirmed that information on cunters laptop is NOT Russian Disinformation.

The left tries to pass off the cunter bitten laptop as Russian disinformation...well the FBI just deep-sixed that narrative. The biten gang are the corrupted ones and the LSM tries to pin coruption on Trump. This revelation couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time for ol' senile joe and this criminal enterprise. His hopes for a win next month keep fading. Sounds similar to hellary and her laptop in 2016...

The FBI Just Comey-ed Biden’s Hope For The White House
By Scott Hounsell | Oct 21, 2020 12:45 PM ET

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced this evening that the information contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop is NOT a Russian Disinformation campaign and that they are in possession of the material and are conducting a further investigation.

This is reminiscent of Comey’s announcement after the discovery of additional emails on a discovered laptop of Anthony Weiner, in late October 2016. While Clinton’s slide in the polls began before that release, with her losing 5 points in the week previous, many attribute her 2016 loss to Comey’s last-minute revelation.

It is important to note that Twitter is still blocking the New York Post Twitter account for allegedly releasing damaging and illegally obtained materials, an alleged violation of Twitter’s policy, which has gone unenforced during the numerous illegal releases against the Trump administration throughout the last 4 years. The block has led to additional traffic for the piece as it has brought a good deal of attention to the story as readers sought out the story at the news of it being censored. Despite ever-flowing facts that have emerged in this case, Twitter still is running defense for the Biden Campaign by continuing to block the original story that gave rise to this.Whether the media likes it or not, this story isn’t going anywhere and you can expect it to continue to grow as more people question why they are ignoring, what is the exposure of potentially biggest corruption case in the history of the United States.
winn dixie's Avatar
The bidens better have soap on a rope

TryWeakly's Avatar
Imagine how much dirt Twizzler and Bookface have on each and every one of those Dems..

CK, it it OK to use "DemoTurds" or do we have to shorten it to "Dems" so as not to offend anyone ? Asking for a friend.
Lapdog's Avatar
Sounds like TW got a note from CK.
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 04:18 PM
Imagine how much dirt Twizzler and Bookface have on each and every one of those Dems..

CK, it it OK to use "DemoTurds" or do we have to shorten it to "Dems" so as not to offend anyone ? Asking for a friend. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

if biden wins , and DPST's get the Senate - Count on 'Hate speech" laws immediately to prohibit saying, writing, or communicating anything that might possibly cause any DPST elitist, arrogant self-centered idiot to be 'Offended"!
if biden wins , and DPST's get the Senate - Count on 'Hate speech" laws immediately to prohibit saying, writing, or communicating anything that might possibly cause any DPST elitist, arrogant self-centered idiot to be 'Offended"! Originally Posted by oeb11
I think if Biden wins it won't be long before the idea of tossing him out of office surfaces because of his mental capacity. Everyone thinks he's in the early stages of Dementia anyway. Harris will become president and there's no doubt she'll dismantle this country. It's like Vultures waiting for the kill.
Lapdog's Avatar
Horseshit, Chicken Little. Even YOU know that's not true.
Lapdog's Avatar
You too, Levi.
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 04:30 PM
L-17 - u are correct - Biden was DNC selected as a senile placeholder for harris - who is a radical marxist.
Biden - if elected - will be 25th amendment removed pronto to enable the radical harris marxist agenda.

Thanks for the yips - LD!
Lapdog's Avatar
I'll bet they don't. If they didn't use the amendment on Trump, they probably never will use it on anybody. I cannot imagine a worse president than Donald J. Trump.
Lapdog's Avatar
He has shit every bed, screwed every pooch. Nothing but a combination train wreck/dumpster fire/shitshow since day one.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Sounds like TW got a note from CK. Originally Posted by Lapdog
he and I go waaaaay back.... nunya
Lapdog's Avatar
Yeah, he's got me on speed dial too.
TryWeakly's Avatar
I'll bet they don't. If they didn't use the amendment on Trump, they probably never will use it on anybody. I cannot imagine a worse president than Donald J. Trump. Originally Posted by Lapdog

That right thar allows your ignorance on the matter to shine.

She will use it on Biden..... duh

You know, the guy that had an aneurism on camera the other day and caint remember shit?

Chit, I thought I had CRS syndrome... BidenPoo has it waaaaay worse..
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 04:40 PM
is LD applying to be a MOD????
In its' dreams!