Which one is favorite and why? CNN or FOX

waverunner234's Avatar
Wondering how you guys think of news representation as it comes from CNN or FOX
I mean things like:

Trust worthiness
And whatever you come up with

Ready to start throwing mud?
As it relates to political coverage, FOX is extremely biased and CNN is much less so but not to the point they are blameless. From my perspective, the best and most unbiased national political coverage is found at Politico.com!

FOX is all about entertaining as opposed to accurate political coverage. CNN seems to be an equal mixture of the two!
CPT Savajo's Avatar
None of them! CNN and Fox are equally worthless, especially for election coverage, their all corporate controlled mainstream media. They're not a very reliable source and anyone who says the game isn't rigged, is full of shit! It's already proven that they twist and brainwash the publics minds and "sale" the public the candidate that the "elites" would like to get elected.

The only thing that a person can believe from CNN and Fox are; sports scores, who won Dancing with the Stars, and who won American Idol. Thats basically it. Why do you think Headline News has Robin Meade on every morning? It's because they want every Cock out in the land watching their show at 5AM getting a morning woody, using the idea of "sex sells." Besides, their not going to put an ugly face on national TV.

I would reccommend BBC, the Alex Jones shows/interviews, or Russia Today, maybe even Der Spiegel to see the other side of the story that "they" don't want to tell you. Most people know that our news is censored. There's always two sides to a story. The best way to control the sheep are to keep them dumbed down and don't report the truth.

This is the information age, not the industrial age although our country is being deindustrialized for the emerging markets.
Bill Oreilly is my favorite on Fox, Pierce Morgan is pretty good on CNN.

Anything on MSNBC is worthless, they are simply a "news" outlet and shill for The DNC.

I cannot stand Shawn Hannity, he is as bad on his end of the argument as Chris Mathews is on his.

I think for overall balance, Fox leads the way. They have a wide spectrum of guest, covering the right, left, and middle. And, their hard news coverage is the most comprehensive.
  • Laz
  • 09-01-2011, 06:23 AM
For news programs I prefer FOX. However, the evening shows are clearly conservative and I do not consider them news programming. I agree with a lot of what they say but there is a conservative bias that sometimes makes a big deal out of trivial items.
I prefer CNBC over Fox Business; but Fox News over CNN..that said, when I want to follow international affairs/happenings, CNN is the best single TV source (that I have).......but on domestic stuff I find Fox more balanced...

I wished Direct TV offered more international programming that would provide me with wider access to overseas coverage (english channels).

But TV isn't the best single source for any information.

I am curious why you didn't incude MSNBC in this mix?

IMO MSNBC has become so blantently biased to the far left that it has become a joke.
waverunner234's Avatar

I am curious why you didn't incude MSNBC in this mix? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
To be honest, just forgot!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2011, 09:10 AM
Anything on MSNBC is worthless, they are simply a "news" outlet and shill for The DNC.

. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not true...Morning Joe is the best morning show among the majors bar none.

Joe S. is a former Rep congressman from Florida that gets it right way more than wrong.
akito237's Avatar
To be honest, I get my news from the BBC.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-01-2011, 09:50 AM
I try to flip around as much as possible.... it's amusing to see & hear the obvious differences in bias between not only the networks, and Cable News Orgs.... but between the different "so-called anchors" on all of them.

I am basically, fiscally conservative and socially liberal.... probably a little bit right of center when the two mesh.

Hannity is hands down , the worst on any of the outlets.... he doesn't have an original thought within himself.... complete idiot... a total embarrassment to Fox! Beck was pretty much, just a Joker Clown.

I like the way Anderson Cooper structures the coverage of most of the topics he covers on his CNN show.... I think he tends to try to present multiple angles.

With MSNBC on the far left and FOX on the right.... CNN usually winds up left of center for Cable News Outlets....

I probably fallout around 40-50% FOX , 30% CNN , 10-15% MSNBC. . . and the rest spread out between ABC/CBS/NBC.

FOX definitely has the best Babe Quotient.... probably the main reason I watch it more than the others.
U are correct, Morning Joe is pretty darned good, I was focussing in on the evening Prime Time Slots.

Morning Joe probably has the best cross section in political views, although I think the blond, (can't remember her name),would give the Prez a BJ at the drop of a hat. If it was on at night, I would probably get to watch it more often.

Anybody watching Al Sharpton. I watched the other night, and if you can get by the fact that it IS Al Sharpton, it ain't half bad. But that is hard to get by.

I bet Jesse Jackson is having a tizzy fit.
Morning Joe is very small does; mainly because of dumbo Brezinski and their predictible left of center line up............Robinson, Evans, Barnacle, Deutch, et al.
burkalini's Avatar
Fox is alot of fluff. Its news is a joke. Its a Democrats adverstising channel
bearden-M's Avatar
cnn = clinton news network,
the good thing about fox..and it is a very good thing..it broke the liberal strangle hold on news..and the liberal's opinions that have been forever imbedded in the news.

it has served the country extremely well even if you think that has been the only thing it has done.

actually where would we be without fox? better off or worse? much worse i say.

giving an outlet to a large part of the american people is huge. it made the other news organizations come up abrupt and made them think about what they actually do and even change their methods and even made some "journalists" finally admit there was a bias

a large element of what makes news and how it is slanted is what is covered. fox broke their grip, thats why they hate it so