Create a PFF file ????

mrsack's Avatar
For free??? Any sites. Ugh. Thanks

CG2014's Avatar
Do you want a PFF or PDF? They are 2 different things.

For PDF:

if you want to open a PDF file, edit it or create a new one for free or even just to view a PDF document without buying Adobe Acrobat and Adobe PDF, here it is

For PFF:

if you just want to view the content of a PFF file, this should work
If you have a doc in MS Word format, you can save it as a .pdf.
pmdelites's Avatar
create it from an existing file? or from scratch?

there a lots of websites where u can create a PDF file from one of many formats. and there are quite a few desktops applications that will do the same, even combine, extract, merge PDF pages & files.

just websearch "create PDF online free" - i bet you'll find one.