Women smarter than men .

carkido45's Avatar
What does everybody think ?

Do IQ Tests Prove Women Smarter Than Men Because of Multi-Tasking?
pyramider's Avatar
That just means more tasks get started and fewer get finished.
Obviously untrue. I get women to sleep with me thus proving they ain't that bright.
That just means more tasks get started and fewer get finished. Originally Posted by pyramider
Right, right
multitasking is actually a bad thing. I know that is what the modern world requires but when you multitask you cannot actually complete something in depth or at a high/expert level.
boxcardummie's Avatar
Lol this is a dangerous thread. I would say its a lot of guff. I think it depends on how you are raised and most sociologist would agree I believe.
pyramider's Avatar
Oh come on newbie give a honest opinion.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Obviously untrue. I Pay women to sleep with me thus proving they ain't that bright. Originally Posted by SkirtChaser
There. Fixed that for you.... Yup. Your the smarter species....

Insert humor here.....
Oh my God I am holding my side laughing, hell yes they are...
boxcardummie's Avatar
Oh come on newbie give a honest opinion. Originally Posted by pyramider
Honestly round for round men would win as far as inventions created and all. I do believe Dr. Jarvick or whatever.. the guy who made the artificial heart had the highest iq ever recorded followed by his wife.

Of course AL Bundy as my Avatar says im going to lean twords men being smarter. LOL
boxcardummie's Avatar
There I have Fixed that for you.... Yep, you are the smarter gender....

"Insert humor here"..... Originally Posted by Abigail (Source of JOY)
LOL, sorry I had to.
LOL, sorry I had to. Originally Posted by boxcardummie
Just wrong, but funny, proper grammar means little. Also I don't think the whole number of inventions means anything as well. Historically women were not in a position to make inventions.

I thinks it's a safe bet that women are smarter then men (book smarts or IQ). That being said they tend to do a lot of stupid shit and just don't get it, and it seems as though they never will.

BTW I love the Al Bundy avatar and feel free to comment on my shitty grammar.
They may or may not be smarter...but as the saying goes: they have all the pussy.
They're smarter than some men, carkido.
Sarunga's Avatar
They're smarter than some men. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
.....and vice versa.