personal assistant

curious about providers thoughts whether they would really benefit from having a personal assistant.

i don't mean a pimp you give your money to. nor someone who takes appointments for you.

i mean someone to pick up your kids.
take your car for a wash, inspection, etc
grocery shopping, christmas shopping, any holiday shopping
house/apartment cleaning
laundry, taking...picking up dry cleaning
child care

basically non-hobby errands you just don't have time for because you are busy with the hobby.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-19-2012, 11:45 AM
Any gal that recruited such a "personal assistant" from here would have rocks in her head. A random hobbyist that was hired and knew where they lived, had keys to the home and car, got to go through your home and trash while cleaning, knew what their kids looked like, their names, where they went to school ...

So many ways for the situation to go sideways, so many ways for a life to be violated.
I dont think she meant hiring a hobbiest, I think shes talking about an everyday jane, knows nothing about her business but just to take care of things that maybe she cant get done and doesnt want it to slack. I say if you can do it and it will help you then I dont see why not, just I would keep the profession on hush so nothing gets leaked out, you know people and how they can talk. Hope that helps
I am single ....but if I had a small family I would need a personal assistant.(but I would not tell what I did for living).....for sure
I'm sure she'll find that very helpful , good luck with that young lady !
Bryan must be the cute writing !

MARTlAN's Avatar
FYI - The OP Is A MAN - NOT A WOMAN!!!! Originally Posted by Austintatious Lilly
What?!?! I was looking for her showcase, i love it when ladies use capital and lower case letters in their name, so cute
ooooppppppssssss lol sorry I read the comment before me and assumed he was a she lol sorry
Any gal that recruited such a "personal assistant" from here would have rocks in her head. A random hobbyist that was hired and knew where they lived, had keys to the home and car, got to go through your home and trash while cleaning, knew what their kids looked like, their names, where they went to school ...

So many ways for the situation to go sideways, so many ways for a life to be violated. Originally Posted by Carl
  • Joan
  • 12-19-2012, 06:46 PM
Actually, an assistant is not a bad idea. pm me.
Hahaha , that's super funny Joan you crack me up !
  • Joan
  • 12-19-2012, 07:04 PM
I prefer the "one-on-one" interaction, however; for a better word, it's time consuming and I could use the help.

Please e-mail me.....And I have no quams about using the "Delete" button. So, be informed.
  • Joan
  • 12-19-2012, 07:08 PM
Rod, if you want a "Crack up", I am in NO mood tonight.
joan for starters I like what you said in the other thread, and to me my thing with people correcting you " If you can correct me you can understand me" I am starting to see that some people just like to put others down or talk down to them and all to make them selves feel better. I am new and already had a bunch of people being rude for no reason, its just a lack of maturity. I am to old and have kids to act like a kid so.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 12-19-2012, 10:35 PM
Luckily, being in the Hobby I have never been so busy I needed someone to do my errands for me.

I'd want an assistant purely because I'm a lazy ass.