Agree. I see this playing over and over this Fall, along with all of the other equally stupid, uninformed, contradictory comments he has made in the last three week. This clown is not only a menace to American society, he is a menace to the world. I view him as a human pandemic.
Originally Posted by Expresso Jim
Your problem is that his stupid, uninformed, contradictory comments, will play against the stupid, uninformed, contradictory comments Joe Biden has made in the last 30 years and man, is that a long list. Biden is the champion on the Democrat side of stupid comments and I have no doubt you are going to see many in the coming debates.
Me, I'm going to look at policy goals like the Progressive wing of the Democratic party pushing for open borders and free health care for illegals after going through what we have just gone through. How do you think that's going to play? It's beginning to look like border control could be the defining issue of the 2020 election and there you'll have one party in favor of those controls with the other party against such controls and a desire to offer free health care to anybody that can manager to cross our border illegally.
Wait, with the Democrats in control, it won't be illegal any more. You step foot on American soil illegally and you will remain here for years until your hearing for a court date comes and in that time, you will be feed, clothed, housed, educated, give birth to American citizens and quite possibly if some in the Democratic party get their way, a universal basic income without doing a days work.
"If" and I'll admit it's a big if, but if we end up with about the same or fewer deaths than what happened in the Obama administration, this won't be a story at all because no matter what kind of problems there were in the beginning, it is only the ending that matters and we don't know the ending yet.
If the ending is good, "I don't take responsibility at all" will be forgotten and replaced with "I take full responsibility for having fewer deaths than the previous administration had". And you and yours will be praying that more numbers die from this for political gain. How's that for stupidity?
Now while none of this makes any sense to reasonable people who understand that a President wasn't making decisions at the CDC which gets all the blame if there is blame to be had and like I said, that will depend on the ending of this story.